James Mason announced that the group is disbanded for being idiots and allowing feds in the group along with doing illegal shit.
James Mason announced that the group is disbanded for being idiots and allowing feds in the group along with doing illegal shit.
that necklace makes me chuckle.
what a loser.
Never saw a photo of him ngl. But I'm not surprised, AtomWaffen, with its violence and satanism was fucked from the start.
You do realize Atomwaffen was just a troll group right?
literally who
What else did you expect from siegetards?
>Satanist Charles Manson apologist is a completely ineffectual leader and nobody cares about him
It has a Sonichu look to it.
Yeah its a picture from the 70s. They didnt have chink factories that can make professional shit so you kinda had to make everything yourself.
t. Movement Boomer
He can't even pronounce waffen correctly.
All WN1.0 "heroes" are overrated as fuck.
Well it doesnt help he has an Appalachia Accent due to him being from Southern Ohio along with him being a boomer.
>getting this defensive over some autistic plasticine pendant
Hello CWC.
To be fair stormfag boomers are autistic and CWC tier.
It's got nothing to do with that, it's German and the w is pronounced like it's a v.
He probably doesn't even know what the word means in English.
Dude quit being austistic over a name pronunciation.
Nice try feds. Not buying it.
I think it sums him up pretty well.
He did more harm than good for WN honestly.
>it's a fed conspracy that they're disbanding due to the feds raping them at the moment
I don't know. Disbanding Atomwaffen Division is a positive Id say.
>They didnt have chink factories that can make professional shit
Somehow Stefano Delle Chiae could have decent bells and whistles, and this dood couldtn't.
It wouldn't have existed if not for his book in the first place.
Everyone who takes Siege as gospel ends up becoming a deranged schizo, a degenerate, a tranny, or all three.
That's just because of Atomwaffen being fuck ups and most "siegefags" not even reading the book. SIEGE is pretty good in my opinion. It's just a shame about the community around it. Though like the reforms against the stormfront tier boomer shit of the early 2000s that were successful. I'm hoping the same here now that AWD is dead. I think your just listening to Anglin too much man. He's been bullshitting about SIEGE due to that Denton guy making fun of him on Gab because Anglin is a petty bitch.
Yes it's a conspiracy just as FEDs supposedly "raping them at the moment" is a conspiracy. You are a liar, plain and simple.
wew lad take your fucking meds dude.
Yeah but most people suck at arts and crafts.
Siege just packages basic, really obvious ideas with cringe garbage like worship of Charles Manson, it's pointless even intellectually. Overrated like Mason is in general.
I wouldn't touch that gook chaser's site with a ten foot pool, I don't even know how you came to that conclusion out of nowhere.
Same here too, glad that it's over.
Okay sorry. Most of the Anti-Siege posters cite Anglin's articles which is just him crying about some Atomwaffen guy calling him a gook fucker on gab which is funny. Regardless yeah SIEGE is overrated but I still like it. As for Manson. I've read his actual writings and I think he's good guy and there is a reason Media Jews hate him so much along with putting him on the same claims as they say against Hitler. I'll look for his writings if you want to read them and make your own judgements.
Im on a mobile IP hence the changing IDs for sone reason so sorry for any confusion.
Yeah honestly I hope we can finally all move forward now that they're done and no more federal justifications to fuck NS guys. Like Atomwaffen was giving them.
I have a paperback copy of Siege, stop shilling.
I know he's written more books but I never hear them discussed ever so they're probably even worse.
His other books are just him talking about his belief in Christian Identity. I didn't care for them.
TL;DR on the CI books. He thinks Me in Kampf is the 3rd Testament and Hitler was the 2nd coming or whatever. At least he's not an atheist anymore.
Ugh, Christcuckery... so fucking lame. If the Pope kissing the feet of Africans doesn't get the point across that Christianity is a dead religion I don't know what will. Nobody wants that shit, even if you package Hitler himself as the 2nd coming of Jesus it is still just some Black Israelite garbage religion. Just give that shit a rest man, it is over.
Yeah hence why I didnt care for his book series on the matter.
> promote a guerrilla
> disband it when a real boogaloo is starting
sounds like he was the fed all alone
CIA hardest hit
Jeez, he couldn't even bother to do some neck curls? This little cunt is just there to make the far right look bad.
Atomwaffen was fucking retarded anyway
Had some of the right ideas, but the members were ultimately retarded unstable anti-social mongoloids
>one of them converts to islam
>shoots his room mates for shitting on it
>sympathizes with ISIS
>sympathizes with the idea of matyrdom that sandniggers carry
>funded themselves with clandestine chemistry and drug dealing
this says all that is needed to say about atomwaffen, fucking degenerates who should all be strung by the lamp posts
Cameron Denton and the rest of the leaders got busted
Yeah that's him in the fucking 1970s my guy
Yeah hence why Mason said they were fucking idiots and fuckups in the last minute of that announcement. Looks like he found out what was going on.
No shit faggot. Mason said so himself and said theyre idiots for what they did.
Good. I'm going to listen to Harpsicord music by Bach and read On the Sublime. There are enough quality things to do without needing to give meaning to one's existance by the worship of false gods.
can you burgers do anything right
James Mason after finding out what Atomwaffen has been up to all these years.
Someone explain the edit on his head
newfags gtfo
newfag. It's the "just fuck my shit up" meme.
Newfag scum
feds arrested a bunch of them.
AWD had fun graphics for their LARP, but they were just a bunch of edgelords and were labeled terrorists without doing anything actually related to terrorism.
I love James, people give him a bad wrap b/c of third person reporting.
Denton and that other faggot who were pretending AWD didn't die in 2018 aren't even nazis. Not sure why Mason tried to help them keep the corpse "alive" looking.
What's a newfag? Some brand of candy or something?
>At Uhm Woafn ....
Yeah honestly listening to the last minute is just sad. He basically calls them idiots and AWD as fuck ups. Looks like he found out what's been going on.
Those are the kind of people attracted to extremism in general. You have no other choice among your "revolutionaries". Also, reminder that feds are on Yas Forums.
National Action was very good, shame it got banned even though they did nothing illegal
AWD was originally fucking awesome but Brandon the retard failed to commit to leaderless resistance or organization. His failure to actually be a leader, which honestly isn't really his fault he was a young idiot led to a lot of bad shit in his life and for the group occurring such as him not booting that little faggot flipflopper who snapped and murdered two good men of ours.
It was basically dead after that incident really. All the meaty cells broke off a year later b/c Denton wasn't even good at pretending to be a leader himself and kept pissing cell leaders off with his retarded executive decisions.
AWD is a good opportunity to learn from. It could have worked and we know exactly where it failed.
Wish I wasn't tied up, I'd get started on a new project myself but uh... LOL.
I'll fall in with any true madlad shit if it gets going. Now's the time boys.
>All WN1.0 "heroes" are overrated as fuck.
They're more based than any of you aut right tranny loving kike faggots
Oh Noes The FBI Plant Admitted To Being A FBI NIGGER
Founding fathers of Murrica were extremists. You going to diss them?
Every successful revolutionary in history has been an 'extremist'. You going to diss your own ancestors for their extreme measures taken to survive in the face of adversity?
You have to start a political party, not some stupid boys club. Have you people forgotten how things work?