What is Bill Gates doing?

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Getting test after test, reviewing his 2019 social calendar, and sweating.

Watching the end results of his 20 years of planned genocide.

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enjoying trump's tax cuts

Orchestrating our new timeline.

laughing at us from his Arctic secret lair

playing Minecraft and hunting Moby Dick in the Pacific

I am convinced he is very much shitting a convincingly thick turd of elephantous proportions into his secret golden toilet seat as we speak.
He is kind of getting close to potentially worried about that one wrinkly spot left to his eyes but not all as much as long as he still has his African-farmed stem cells supply.

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You can't attend board meetings from an underground bunker. He knows if he has zero human contact for 18 months he will live. Just needs to wait it out until there is a vaccine.

getting ready to hide under his secret bunker

Sitting comfy in his bunker in the Kerguelen Islands while his robot doppelganger covers for him.

hoarding toilet paper

in hiding from the Bogdanoffs

Spit roasting (first figuratively then literally) a newborn in a bunker somewhere with Jacob Rothschild.

>What is Bill Gates doing?
Ignoring all the e-mails with basic info about CO2.

Preparing to lead the New World Order

Storing jars of poop

i know alot of you conspiracists think Gates spread the Virus but he actually is the guy that tried to lower infant mortality in Africa and give them condoms. this is literally the only thing he does now. the reason africa has such a high fertility rate is because they die at an alarmingly high rate.

trying to step out of spotlight so people forget about his constant masturbatory rants where he salivates at the mouth over every mention of wiping out massive sectors of the population though varying forms of legalized and virulent hard and soft genocide.

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Why did this guy get so into viruses/diseases instead of continuing down the computer systems path?

Oh yes he has also recently opened the philantropist African buffets to help and solve the obvious issues of starving African infants.
I am so proud and happy that we have the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation to stick up for us struggeling peoples of color.

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because viruses are not that different to their digital counterparts.

He moved to italy since pornhub premium become free for a month

anything is a lubricant if you're brave enough

If you cant beat em join em

> feeding africans

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Seeing his "forced evolution" experiment go exactly as planned

i love the fact that Germany is being more vibrant today and has one of the lowest birth rates in the world.you are a leader in the struggle for racial equality. we spit on hitlers grave

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why the hell does this faggot love niggers so much? is it because he can test out his experiments without oversight?

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I don't know.
He seems pretty based about overpopulation though.
He also seems to be a convenient scapegoat for a lot of things.

I can't say to what extent he deserves to be hated. Maybe a lot, maybe just a little.
I don't think any of us really know the answer to that.

that's a dude, right?

precisely. Africa does not have the oversight that many other countries do. Alot of the NGOs there are half baked criminals that do whatever they want to. they are less countries and more confederations of different tribes.

He just tired of making new updates for Windows 10. No he can rest.

yes, and bill gates is a female to male transgender.

Like I care about Hitler you retarded dip shit
Spitting on your Anglo-Agents grave won't help the fact that you'll end up getting raped by niggers just like everyone else

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You just know his house has a 1000ft deep 15000 sq ft nuclear bunker under it



That's what $100 billion gets ya.

maybe he's decided to finally fuck off and spend billions of dollars doing silly shit for a few years until he dies, that's what I would've done by now.

also fuck leaving the kids only a few million each, that's peak boomerism he should leave his kids everything and stop trying to give it all to charities for africans who will just eat it and make more africans

Nice damage control “leaf”

Bitch looks like Buddy Hackett

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That thing looks like a tranny

Honk honk

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Perhaps he got tired of dumb people sending money to keep even dumber people alive instead of buying his systems so he decided to "help" africans by preventing more starving mouths i. the future.

He just finished leaving the Microsoft board. Just like Iger just finished being CEO of Disney. Resignations are getting more and more voluminous.

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he is salty to this day about people creating viruses to fuck up his windows so he is getting the last laugh creating a bio virus to fuck us up

browsing Yas Forums unironically

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CFS Alert doubled in the last couple days; we have a lot of full birds around. US guys.

I forgot about his wife lul..

cashing out before everyone goes to shit

in his underground bunker in NZ

All the 1%ers jumped in their private jets and bolted to their bolt holes. They're now in bunkers packed with 10 years worth of supplies you are desperately scrambling to get a weeks worth of.

>coronavirus funding
Did I do thaaat?

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>conservative estimate of 122 million niggers saved

This guy is the biggest race traitor in human history

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Looking for more bioweapons to fund.

He literally bought the most expensive self sustaining super yatch a few months ago.
He's gonna wait it out in the middle of the ocean where no one can even reach him.