WHY, Yas Forums?
WHY, Yas Forums?
>free healthcare
It could be a special strategy of government
They could be making out any more effective decision
You think panic is bad now
>someone said something on twitter!
>it must be the truth!
>1 post by this ID
really makes me think....that you're a shill.
I'll vote for free healthcare when the country is >99.5% white
Tests are refused because there’s a major shortage of them and we don’t want to waste tests on what end up being panicky lemmings with a cold or flu.
The election isn't until october, isn't it?
>Tests are refused because there’s a major shortage of them and we don’t want to waste tests on what end up being panicky lemmings with a cold or flu.
Not to mention:
>1 day old tweet in a situation that is evolving by the hour and where the situation is different state by state.
OP and the tweeter are both faggots.
why did you screen-snapped some thot's twitter post? are you a simp?
Trump said 1 billion tests by end of this week
i'm pretty sure you are jewish, by the way you post
>Black woman
>Asking why we are stupid
America can't have free things because 13% of the population ruins everything
>i'm pretty sure you are jewish, by the way you post
Why are you defending the OP?
>1 post by this ID
Oh I see...you're both shills.
Ayy never got tripdigits before neat
Is it really a waste to track the spread of the virus through healthy populations?
why would the government spend money on testing for something they created and can cure...then give credit to israel LOL
it's already spread everywhere. It's too late.
symptoms take up to 2 weeks to manifest themselves
if you think you have it you have it
if you've noticed some people coughing and you're afraid you might get it you've probably already got it
virus has a 70% fatality rate
testing would only induce a mass panic
hole up, eat your ramen, and keep watching the chans for updates of real news
nice deflect kike, how's the weather in tel aviv?
It would be a waste because every panicky fuck would demand a test and return negative. Then when ppl actually infected show up we couldn’t test them.
Furthermore, the efficacy of the tests is questionable. There’s talk of infected testing negative twice, then positive.
>nice deflect kike, how's the weather in tel aviv?
Not an argument, shill. Why are you defending fearmongering hit and run posters than can't even bother to back up their claims before they run away to feamonger in another thread?
caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow
>free things
Nothing in life is free.
why do you immediately disrupt discussion instead of contributing? oh that's right rabbi, we all know your ethnic group does that all the time.
These are the people who this plague needs to cull.
>missing the point this hard
Burgers deserve what they get
why do the goyim allow everything to shut down when less than 2 thousand out of 300 million are sick?
why didn't government order scientists to create cure in span of days? drumpf
This question answers itself.
So how do you know who has it before you do the test?
Yes pay for my free healthcare goy!
Because it’s fake
because of limited availability of test kits rather then let joe public burn through all the test kits during tp panic they actually put the test kits in the hands of doctors. meanwhile every fucking day for the last week you have been told over and over that more test kits are on the way, many millions being produced, but you aren't listening.
stop watching tv news
>WHY, Yas Forums?
Because fuck you, that's why.
>Free Health Care for everyone.
>Yes, everyone regardless of citizenship status.
>Literally abolish the borders, inviting in THE REST OF THE WORLD.
>Why won't you support this, Yas Forums?
You're a fucking idiot.
Which brings us back to FUCK YOU.
Oh, and just on the way out, before the door hits you in the ass can you point to the part of the Constitution that gives our government the power to get involved in Health Care?
I got a copy of the Constitution right here for reference, so get crackin' nigger...
I’m an idiot with a Twitter account.
I have no idea what scarcity is or how it works or what it means for accountable, responsible decision making.
I do know however how to be angry petulant brat.
nothing is free,
If you want a test go buy one
We are beyond the point where testing actually matters. We're in the treatment stage where we need to grab everyone displaying Coronavirus symptoms and start treating them. The test is a luxury that can be used at our leisure... It doesn't really tell you anything that can't be diagnosed clinically. The tests are only really useful for identifying people exposed to the virus as asymptomatic carriers.
Don't place too much emphasis on the damn tests, it's a waste of time. Just find the sick people and triage them.
KYS you fucking nigger.
Never listen to smelly holes
Yes, you can do that by monitoring symptoms and selectively using tests to prove or disprove suspicions.
I'm all for publicly funded healthcare, but its not fucking free healthcare.
How do we know how many people have mild but infectious cases of coronavirus?
Because "free healthcare" means waiting up to 6 months for it.
Even when you're vast majority white.
A woman who's profile picture is her bending over to show the whole world her breasts thinks she can talk about economics and public policy.
Again. The whore can't even capitalize her sentences. And she thinks her opinion matters.
Symptoms or contact with people displaying symptoms. If a person shows up at the hospital and you have to place them on a ventilator... Test everyone they have been in contact with recently.
what a stupid whore
>people are rushing to buy toiletpaper
>assuming people wouldn't rush for tests
They call ahead to their general practitioner, the public health line or the hospital and tell them their symptoms. The doctors in charge will then advise them based on policy what to do next. If the symptoms are mild, they'll be told to self isolate based on what has happened in the past. They could test these people whenever they want.
But if you aren't dying or under threat of dying, you shouldn't go to the hospital. That place is for emergency treatment of patients. If your case is mild, fucking stay home and call your doctor, public health line or nearby hospital to update them on your condition. They may decided to send someone to test you if they feel it is necessary. However, calling the authorities and updating them on your condition allows them to update their data on suspected cases.
Suspected cases are as good as confirmed cases. Symptoms are symptoms and need to be monitored and treated. The test is a luxury used for strategic recordkeeping and they don't need to test everyone to get an idea of things if people report mild cases. The test kind of identifies clusters where the virus is active, since we already know there is community spread.
We aren't quarantining foreigners anymore since this is spreading in the community. It's about triage now.
t. EMT
>why are we stupider than everyone else????
>garlic thot
I want to live in a nigger's brain for a day. I'd like to know what goes on in there.
Leftists still don't understand scarcity or supply and demand. Women still brainlets more news at eleven.
Because she’s a nigger
I bet shes never actually sat down for a second to think in depth about any of these things.Least shes kind enough to put thot in her name
>WHY, Yas Forums?
Because most people are brainwashed by corporate TV which is owned by rich people.
How are idiots so popular on Twitter?
>ummm actually giving the rich a small loan of 1.5 trillion dollars is not socialism
Based bootlicker
We stupid because most of our populace get their information from echo chambers and Twitter before posing stupid questions that will be answered by those same parrots who gave them the perspective of their stupid fucking question based on bullshit assumptions and falsehoods.
Why is the left so easily triggered?
>supply and demand
Why is there a shortage in the wealthiest nation on earth of something that there is no shortage of in places in Asia that is used to track an illness that is detroying the world economy?
>is better to go through a worldwide plague blindfold with no data at all than having necessary information to take strategic decisions
Yeah, fuck data, fuck information, fuck predictions. It's the American way¡
its not free fucking retard, taxes for everyone will go up.
>our country
Not yours you fucking mongoloid mutt
> 70% fatality rate
Nigga pls.
So you get tested with results negative right Bundy? But you get change on your way out the 7 eleven after paying for gas. You took the cash from a corona infected paki. You are now infected so go home and die moron. A test does not do jack, prevention you cuck, don't go outside
>this person thinks they are smart
This, normal people still can't grasp the concept that outsourcing everything to China was a utterly bad idea in the long run
god people like this should be banned from the internet and general populus. "Garlic Thot". Holy fuck such a headache.
Oh no! How are we going to give our money to private health companies when tax goes up
Honestly fuck off America
Honestly it’s meaningless, but when I see dumbass fucks like this with hundreds of thousands of likes I swear I want to go on a rampage.
>ameriburgers think free healthcare is free because the name has free in it
The most expensive things in life are free