How do we fix the Simp problem?

How do we fix the Simp problem?

Attached: gettingreadyforchad.jpg (640x1136, 108.55K)

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we dont, are you crazy
more betas = less alphas

what's a simp?

Don't you think Western Europe has enough betas at this point? The average European "man" has higher estrogen levels than my 16 year-old sister.

•A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.

•A man that puts too much value on a female for no reason .

•A man that prides himself with "Chivalry" in hopes of getting sexual gratification form women .

•A square with no game other than “Rolling out the Red-Carpet” for every female.
The perfect example of a "Simp" Man would be:

The role Eddy Murphy played in the movie "Norbit",

The role of Kevin James in the show "Kind of Queens",

so just a beta male, got it.

sorry, hard keeping up with you kids and your lingo

what if that's his gf

What’s he doing?

probably is and someone just put the text over it

Shhhh... let Yas Forums hate women

Its a reddit thing

I don't get it. Never performed something for a woman without expecting sex as payment?

Only slightly less disgusting

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I don't get it, what am I watching here?

Is he saving her? I don’t get it



Cavity inspection?

tweezing some cunt.

would be fun to do this for a female friend.
thats a lot of these guys problem right here. "I did something for you why arent you sucking my dick now!"

Still a fucked up pic

? Why? Why don’t just shave

she has a cockroach lodged in her vagina

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> imagine being stupid enough to do something for a woman without expectations set forward in advance.

t. married

This is honestly hot though, being so chill with a girl she asks you to do stuff like that for her even though you're not going out.

It's exactly like my hentai doujins:

I can explain neither the behavior of the cunt, nor the fucking simp. Both should be purged using a submachine gun.

are you new or something? like to the internet? this isn't even a Yas Forums thing. A simp is just a guy who tries to please women and do everything for them. think a cringy dude who buys them shit and defends them at all times

lead them by example, and offer them the hand of mentorship

Shit man I watched Men Behind The Sun, that ain't good

by loving and building yourself first before loving others

That's Idubbbz, right?

Attached: tranny communism.png (461x485, 221.26K)

she only asks him because he is so completely ruled out as a potential mate. He's literally in the same playing field as a hamster, not even her dog.
He is no threat whatsoever thus she opens her legs while he jizzes in his shorts.

pussies are repulsive

It’s the new niggerspeak buzzword of the year. Last year was cuck

Hot af

it's femdom gone mainstream basically

look at that shirt. Hes either gay or euro/russian, but I DIGRESS.



god i wish that were me

not married but dated a girl for 7 years, so kind of married i guess. You get tired of sex after he first couple years to be honest.
this is barbarian propaganda. caesar was a 6'4 german dude who fucked every girl he ever met and had 6 pack abs

>she has a cockroach lodged in her vagina
She slept with a Turk?

Attached: Pengu gasses Turk.gif (500x300, 495.73K)

>The average European "man" has higher estrogen levels than my 16 year-old sister.
user hrt is the 'murican way.

Wait on closer inspection? Is that a penis? What the fuck is this tranny shit?

*tink tink tink*

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link doesnt go anywhere here.

i bet he goes home and jerks off right after > fucking her and feeling awkward right after then losing friendship

Kill niggers and faggots, especially nigger faggots

The hilarious thing is he touched more pussy than 95% of you pathetic garbage cucks posting on this board. Let that fun fact sink in.

>she only asks him because he is so completely ruled out as a potential mate. He's literally in the same playing field as a hamster, not even her dog.
>He is no threat whatsoever thus she opens her legs while he jizzes in his shorts.

Attached: literally you.jpg (852x480, 24.48K)


Simp serves a function in society.

Not everyone is fit to breed, however, that doesnt mean they are completly useless. Think on the worker ants for example who live for their queen.

Simps work and give money to women who then can breed with Chad, its a win win as a species. Let simps follow their duty in nature.

its another reddit thing you /ptg/ niggers want us to care about

I'm beta as fuck and I'd never do that. That's insane.

from the midwest but i have bought a bootleg gas station ugk cd so im good

Just as twidling your thumbs as muslims ravage your women is yours.

If you've never had some shit you needed your gf to pull out with tweezers cuz you couldn't reach it, you are barely a man

no i dont, weak men should suffer

thanks mate, you are a mate.

ok but you get to be a perv and touch her inner thighs and pussy and breathe in her scent. w for the dude, l for the slut

Fuck I wonder if he's able to catch a whiff from there

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older than reddit. its old black slang from rap. you can hear it in songs from the 90s as far back as i know

>this isn't even a Yas Forums thing.
rule 10 faggot

Based you are cleared hot my pimp brother.

>imagine the smell

>beta faggot wants everyone to be like him
People like you are the reason Muslims and Africans flood our countries, spineless cunt.

It's a word weak little fags use to define someone who is a weak little fag. Don't succumb

Is he tweezing her penis?

This. Is she gonna help me shave my balls after this? I wouldn't even mind helping a chick groom like that but these monkey simpanzee motherfuckers will do this shit either "nice guy surely shell fuck me now and not totally disregard me as a push over pussy" or without being able to call in a reciprocal favor like a cuckold faggot. If I'm shaving this bitch were really good friends AND she's shaving my nuts. Period.

fags and minorities use it. Don't

Unless you have fucking parasites that you need to pull out, there is literally no reason to tweeze anything on your body.

what the fuck did you write, your argument doesn't hold up in the slightest

even if i was a beta faggot, you - disagreeing with that there should be more betas, me makes you one

Still a simp. Women are children, but you don't wash your children past a certain age.

If you start doing shit like this for them, they know that they can get away with pretty much anything.

I don’t treat my female friends any different than I treat my male friends. If I’m sleeping with someone it’s a different story,

There is a psyop going on. The word is being intorduced into Yas Forums. Nobody know what it is. The more important question is what is the objective of the operation?

Fpbp high IQ post
by encouraging weakness in others you make it easier for yourself to stand out, basic stock market manipulating mindset that's the impetus for all market news

Lol you don't want a woman shaving your balls

What "man" would pluck his gf's pussy AND let her take a pic of it

I've done this. Because I pressured my GF into waxing herself and the wax doesn't get hairs that lay flat very well. She was pretty much crying with pain the whole time

This photo is all kinds of sadness but I don’t care, and neither should you. Not caring about sluts or simps is the cornerstone of addressing the simp problem. When you see someone you care about go down this path, warn them, then go back to not caring.

i don't know man, if i needed my gf to help me trim my body, id expect her to do it
how we can be old-fashioned about it by saying "yes but that doesn't mean the man should do the same"
but i wouldn't give a shit if its the woman i fuck on the regular

Seriously, is that a fucking penis? Why does it just out like that from that angle?


Way to out yourself incel

vaginas are so fucking disgusting

A man with a gf.


Look at that nasty piece of dirty chewed bubble between her legs. I like my women a little less meaty.

Jokes on you that's one of my fetishes :3

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That one is.

Take the muffpill, user. It’s what nature intended *smellsmellsmelllll*

I’m like 90% sure this guy is just doing work on a porn star.


lol I barely ever eat her out. She doesn't ask often and it really hurts my jaw after a while.

Says the guy whose country is run by a socialist

Have sex

Not on your life roastie

What if he's plucking it for Tyrone?

imagine being from NEW new mexico and thinking you a) matter and b) invented a word that you didnt.

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Kill yourself

I have like 10 extra bitches in my phone because of beta simps. Thank you porn and league of legends!

You pressured her into turning her spadger into a plucked turkey and you don’t give her oral sex.

What kind of monster are you?

Raymond from everybody loves Raymond was a very oblivious one. Bitch was so afraid of his wife.

>The word is being intorduced into Yas Forums.
youre 2 yrs late, captain beaner

>tfw my micropenis looks like that

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I give her the ol' tube sausage any time she wants.

>Oh god that smells so good
>My cock is so hard its straining at my pants
>This is more realilistic than any porn I've ever seen before
>My lord that is a good looking slit, beneath that nice 5'oclock of pubes.
>I can't control my cravings any longer
>This is pure torment
>I feel resentment for this sick bitch, waving meat in front of this starving dog
>I can no longer repress my true desires
"What are you doing!? Get off me!"
>I started pounding the bitch's face to reduce the amount of struggling.
>Soon its face had started to swell up beautifully, and blood streamed from its nostrils.
>Its nose was crooked, almost mashed into its face.
>I did not pull out, and came right inside that pussy, which I had been tormented with.

Oh shit is this the reddit thread full of niggers and faggots?