I have corona

it’s a fucking disaster anons, im scared. I used to laugh about corona but turns out I have some kind of blood deficiency that makes me hyper sensitive to the virus. I havent seen a doctor since i came in to the emergency room this morning, all the nurses are running around and one sat outside of my room, crying for 10 minutes. people are coughing and screaming that they want to go home. please please please take this outbreak seriously, I know I didn’t. also AMA

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Other urls found in this thread:


how u feeling brother

>reverse search returned no results
good luck my man, godspeed

This and bump
Godspeed sven

for how long have you been sick?

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You’re gonna die frankly, start making plans for Muhammad to take care of your wife and daughter

good luck user

Krya på dig Sven!

I hope all of you Swedecucks get it

What symptoms did you notice before it became serious????

Attached: Pogchamp.jpg (340x496, 20.21K)

you have test kits in sweden?

Okay so whats this blood disorder? is it just a certain immune cell

Tell me what deficiency

Nigger get Vitamin C delivered to you in extremely large quantities
Then eat that shit or have it IV'd into you

>not pay respect to Coronachan
show me your boy pussy faggot, I hope the coroner rapes your dead body. You did this to yourself

Next stop pic related.

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>please please please take this outbreak seriously

Just wanted to sell the seriousness of the "virus" from your hospital bed. Doesn't sound legit.

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You'll die a cuck like your race betraying, liberal countrymen.

I... have a blood deficiency... what’s the name of it?

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nice time, faggot

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har du bögbrorsex?

Stay strong sweeden bro

Post nurse titties. Show feet too.

actually this. Intravenous vitamin c would help even if you are not in the ARDS lung failure stage, you can show the the chinese protocol to prove it,

Lol prost proof you larper. Timestamp on positive tes result or I won't believe.

Vitamin C is being used as part of the Chinese protocol to help with oxygenation
and here is the protocol in chink
ask/beg whatever them to put you on it. The Chinese are using 50-200 mg/kg IV per day of Vitamin C to help with oxygenation.

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get well soon, please keep positive attitude and give us details

How big is your dick? :3

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>1 post by this ID
I hope you really get Corona

nice photoshopped number on the door

I started stuttering yesterday but no other symptoms. I just feel tired.

Going with larp on this one, boys.

they say oxygenation but is much more, then when its lung failure time they say its for the stoppage of the lung failure

>mfw OP's pic also has the current time in Sweden on the clock

Attached: its happening.jpg (343x361, 25.33K)

Cool. I've got limes and a bottle opener. Your place or mine?


take photos of hot swedish nurses and post them, then ill believe you.

you will gain immunity to it afterwards and save others due to herd immunity

Attached: BorisOurSaviour.jpg (1200x800, 93.58K)

Stimulate your prostate, it rapidly increases immuno development

>blood deficiency
You mean pigshit Rh+ niggerblood.
Rh- Aryans shall inherit the Earth, kneel weak subhumans.

Are you retarded?

Yeah but you’re in a shithole country
Americans probably won’t lose 100 old people while we
At thousands of your people dying today alone.

did you had any symptoms?

It will be fine, unless you are a jew . The jews can't fight corona.

بارك الله فيك

...You went to the doc after stuttering in a converation?

What disease are you talking about? Is it called "von willebrand disease" ?

Do your balls ache? I have been hearing that often.

How did you get tested for corona just because you’re “a little tired”?

Why are swedish men so weak? Allah be with you Sven

No. But my mate had corona and that’s why I got tested

>see ya later Swede

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start the vitamin c intake

Answer that one u faggot larping OP

Calm your tits. He's just recovering from sex reassignment op earlier this afternoon.



My gf has been sick for days, work in a profession where she meets hundreds of people a day, and figured today was a good day to go to a party.

How fucked am I?

Rip friendo

Not all of us were going to make this

post your positive results

and tits

im feeling rough in the chest and lungs now. gonna pop another vitamin c. wish me luck


die nigger

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wake me up when its all over

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Fuk her all night quick


What exactly is wrong with the time in OP’s post?

What are your symptoms?


Which hospital? How old are you? What are the doctors telling you about potential future consequences due to this infection?

Have you never been sick retard? Drink a lot of tea, sleep in double layer of clothes, sleep a lot. A few days and you get better.

he gets it


Attached: SvenneBögar.jpg (1200x1200, 185.35K)

Stuttering!!? Oh fuggggg

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Can you please tell us how the disease is called?

I'm sorry user.

Fake news. U got aids from a bulbhead that raped u sven


pop 2 for good luck

shuddering or actally stuttering? skakning eller började du stamma

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nothing, i just thought its cool its got repeats
i think you misunderstood, i wasn't questioning the legitimacy of the post

Don't die on us and screw up the zero white deaths statistics

Ge fan inte upp och lycka till!

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Check hormone levels and sperm quality. Chances are you're likely to become trans due to Coronavirus crushing your testicles.

Guess it doesn't matter since your wife belongs to Ahmed

My gf has come down with symptoms in the past few days, she works at a school. Figure if she's got it I will have already caught it from her considering how easily transmittable it is.
Then again, it could literally be a cold and given govt approach considering isolating from her at mine since I'm neet.

its ok to still joke about it, what do you have let but the lulz

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Based and Billypilled.

any idea how you caught it?

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the honest scariest part of the Coronavirus is that there are a LOT of sick people at the same time. If there were much fewer cases people would receive the same ammount of treatment and be well.

I have a few symptoms as well, will try to get tested on monday after my masks arrive. I don't want to be a mass spreader.

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looks like karolinska

Dip your penish in c vitamins and then give to her intravenously, that will cure her

watch out leafcuck or Trudeux will get you for posting jewish memes online


I hooe you recover soon!

How often do you get sick?


Your one hope. The universal faith.

Holy shit I'm so sorry user. I will prey for you.
I feel such a dread and sense of loss I've not felt since my uncle died when I was 12.

Stop spreading panic you fucking Orange Man bad cuck shills.

It's a fucking cold.

Trump told us. Trump is based, NPCs who speak shit on his message are fucking trannies and should kys.

I dont believe you, that room doesnt look safe for contagious diseases and they would have to wait for a test first to know if you have it.
>have brexit
>still dont understand Europe has a different timezone

what's your bloodtype and what's the blood deficency?

21. Never sick.

I hope you had all the kids you wanted because you are now infertile.

back to redit nigger
you're swarthy filthy kind is not welcome here

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holy shit i hate being autistic

This whole floor is protected. They don’t have special rooms for everyone.

AB+ I don’t know

nice catch

checking your timestamp

It's a stronger cold that takes longer to cure. The problem is that you will have to compete with other people to have it cured.

Hell, I wouldn't like to be the guy having to undergo other kind of operation not related to the corona considering all eyes are directed to that now. And we're still far from the peak over here. May God have fucking mercy.

Ask for IV of Vitamin C. Tell them about the promising results from China. Can someone tell us what doses of C they were getting in IV form? It was multiple grams but I don't know how much

Attached: Vitamin C.png (1324x2272, 447.61K)

What kind of blood deficiency???


may kek be with you

>I have some kind of blood deficiency
Expand on this because officials won't tell us shit. Explain more of the symptoms. Also godspeed

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