How do you feel about that, ameribros?

How do you feel about that, ameribros?

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Moving on up.

so they built a walmart across the street from the rest of the town?

At least we didn't let muslims burn down a world renown 400 year old cathedral

does anyone know if grundy, va walmart has any toilet paper? Asking for a friend

Walmart is so fucking shit
I refuse to step in one unless its necessary

>let muslims burn
Yeah, this didn't happen though.

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No it was just an electrical fire! sureeee

Isn't it the turn of the French to COOF to death?

The wide highway was built long before the walmart

It is my friend, pray for us frogs. How are things going on your side?

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That way they don't pay municipal tax .

thats not a walmart

It is

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there is a time traveler in this pic

It's from a tv show, 22/11/63.

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The town is literally still there they built the Walmart across the river

These West Virginia river towns are Misleading. They stretch out along the river valleys so the town is much bigger than you realize in the pic

Detroit is a specific case of city mismanagement

The Detroit metropolitan region has actually grown and is still wealthy the actual entity of the city of Detroit is what collapsed

There are parts of Detroit along the city limits where it’s abandoned on one side and completely fine on the other

Ok, now what about this one user?

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my family originated from Hurley.... They still have a rebel flag on the front of the high school.

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>How do you feel about being a stupid frog that doesnt know what shes talking about, francecuck?

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The highway?

Yeah highway construction destroyed lots of neighborhood

The USA at the time used it as a type or urban renewal and it was largely a disaster ruining neighborhoods and destroying many urban centers

It took us nearly 50 years to repair the damage done by bad government policy

Who fucking cares

I see, that's pretty sad.
Calm down, Fernando.

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It was a cigarette!!!!

Ted Kaczynski was right. Industrialized society is hell.

great job. now post pictures of paris 50yrs ago and today

your english i spretty good, abdullah.

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>can get all essential things for a comfortable life, all within one single building

wow, how terrible

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Djamal btfo

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>hurr durr only one employer in town
>we call the shots goy, if you don’t promote diversity, you’re fired
>whoops no other jobs for miles!

It's too bad we aren't allowed to move in America. Reminds me of the old dust bowl.

I'm not making fun of you guys, we're all going through shit.

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exactly. everywhere is turning into a shithole, because we are letting these subhumans in.
it puts every mom and pop shop out of business.
walmart hires literal retards, so you can never get any help.
fuck walmart

10¢ for a cigar?
why wouldn't you smoke at those prices

>yes goy just uproot from where you’ve been based your whole life and move elsewhere
>oh whoops every town is the same!
Stupid mutt..

Parts of saint louis are just as shitty. I wonder what the common element is?

Who uses the cents sign? Is that a default key for the legacy English keyboard layout?

Don't like it? Build your own town.

fuck you consumerist scum
American towns are dying because you useless consoomers see no value in beauty and community. I hope you get culturally enriched, cunt

I can't believe these disgusting creatures build a town over this forest, fuck humans!

Looks like an entirely enclosed mall from the outside, but you probably don't know what those are either

Is slow decay better?

Moving a few miles isn't the end of the world.

Does it really matter in the end?

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just hold alt and press 0162

Are you retarded? Every town will be the same soulless wal mart, you’ll be moving forever and never establishing any permanent base

Really jumping around the problem aren’t you?

What happened is niggers moved in and proceeded to destroy everything and fuck with everyone until most of the functioning members of society (whites) left leaving a bunch of abandoned buildings which niggers proceeded to burn down.

These niggers then voted themselves into power and proceeded to fuck shit up on a larger scale until all the skilled workers were gone and the factories moved elsewhere for cheaper workers and less taxes.

The niggers have created no other industries in the meantime simply allowed the city to degrade into shit.

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Not at all Detroit actively brought in nigger workers and paid the price

So a few city managers doomed all it's citizens.

I haven't had to move since I bought my house 4 years ago. If Walmart moves in to my town my house value will increase. I'll sell it for a lot more than I bought it for and move to another small town.

It was far more than a few managers

Nice. The prettiest walmart, nicest views I've ever seen are in Blairesville Georgia.

And your descendants? And theirs? What happens when we run out of towns and meaningful employment to move to?

That's what I want for my birthday. A southern trashy redhead to ride.

For some reason I doubt most people on the city would agree with importing blacks, specially considering this was done on a time racism was the norm.

Immigration is a huge problem. The Mexicans in CA need to be removed. Our population is stable. It's an immigration problem, not capitalism.

yeah, its pretty sad

1900's America was kino

It is. How the mighty ones have fallen :,(

God, i love these small-town pictures of the america that once used to be.

It actually hurts, knowing this will never be experienced ever again.

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>The problem is the migrants, not the economical/political system that brought them as cheap labor

this is literally the town where i live. it's a place called Cambridge, Ontario. the street here is called Queen Street. there's a big ugly condo there now


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There Are plenty. Have her fire a few rounds from your AR and you will have a boner in seconds.

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also, that brown building far away in the middle of the picture is a fashion history museum, and all the shops in this picture aren't what they are in this picture

ironically those women pissed and moaned to let them in

that's just too accurate for its own good