Yas Forums’s pseudo-intellectuals

>Be me
>Literally visually indistinguishable from any other European
>My DNA is more similar to Romans and Eastern Europeans than it is to the Levantine because my ancestors spent apprx. 1300 years in Rome before living in Russia for apprx 700 years
>I am naturally drawn to Mathematics and Economics so double majoring in these
>I also have a relatively decent IQ (132) that could’ve been higher but I was going through severe panic attacks, general anxiety, ADHD and depression when I took the IQ test with my psychologist so it’s likely higher
>I find it fairly easy to talk about difficult subjects (depending on the state of my ADHD) and am drawn to writing, so naturally I feel like I’ll have a side job in media and have already been published in my local newspaper
>I have an okay work ethic but literally develop severe mental illness if I’m not working towards improving myself or reaching goals so basically forced to work hard by my own genetics
>literally see members of my own family get cucked by the mainstream media and haven’t met another Jew that I agree on everything with
>MFW brainlets on Yas Forums cite shitty, poorly supported conspiracy theories to explain my success and proclivities despite also considering themselves race realists

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Poorly supported conspiracy theories.

That's right goy. There's no evidence at all of a Jewish conspiracy.

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not today Bibi

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I’m fairly connected to my “Jewish-ness”, but I’m still more loyal to truth. I’ve asked people to redpill me, but all they ever give me are shit-tier memes and shit-tier videos without citations.

I’m just pointing out the fact that the people of Yas Forums claim to be race realists (which I am as well), but unironically believe Jews are successful strictly based on the idea that they are collectively plotting and organized.

This meme is comparable to the niggers’ “we wuz kangs” meme. It’s of such low quality and with such shit proof, it’s hard to believe anyone could really believe it.

I hear that kikes are dying more often after infection. Is that a good thing?

take meds

I’m actually considering that. Probably Ritalin but not sure

Here. Watch this documentary if you want to understand the conspiracy.


Nice bait thread.
Deploy the sage!

I will watch this later tonight

Literally not a bait thread though


Yes, yes, good boy. You'll get your 9-5, work 40 years, have a wife and kids, mortgage a house, consume a bunch of shit, pay your debts, get your pension, and die. Such an amazing and wonderful snowflake. Well, all that unless Corona kills you. Still, fucking normal, dude. You shouldn't be bragging about literally nothing. That's reserved for people who make it big by doing something, be it winning at sports, becoming rich in whatever way, inventing or discovering some shit, and so on...

And not MUH DIPLOMAS, MUH ANCESTRY, MUH... okay.. you'll grow up and get it eventually. Until then, go ahead and remain in denial about it by replying with a cheap insult, as is normal for every single fucker that posts this shit.

My bad, I made a typo and had to repost. It's here now.

>implying I read anything past there

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Albert Einstein and yet he's considered intelligent by schizos

The whole point of my post is to say that despite the fact that I am relatively hard working, decent IQ individual as are most of my family members, Yas Forums will still blame my future success and my proclivities (to work in “Jewish” fields) on some conspiracy that I am completely unaware of.

No, I don’t need validation from Yas Forums. And also, no, I plan on working for myself like the rest of my family members


Fuck off kike and die.

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Black/feminist: “I hear white/men are dying more from corona. Is that a good thing?”

Can’t you see?

>>MFW brainlets on Yas Forums cite shitty, poorly supported conspiracy theories to explain my success and proclivities despite also considering themselves race realists
Do you honestly think we are stupid enough to listen to your kike lies?

Don’t take it to heart to hard— it’s just the most vocal 10%, you dig? Most lurkers don’t care enough

you can't even understand the concept of nepotism with a 132 IQ?

Do you actively practice Judaism? If not, you really shouldn't give a fuck. And as you said, you're indistinguishable from any other European. Nobody's gonna say shit unless you outright tell them that you're Ashkenazi or act in some certain stereotypical way, that would let them know. You know how it is. You can have a good friend or woman and you know them for many years. Then some day you discover something that you didn't know about them, which may or may not be a deal breaker. Works vice versa as well, of course. A lot of such cases are mere political orientations and stubborn beliefs, that ironically, you never gave a fuck about before, but now that you know, it's literally ruining your relationship with the said person. Prepping for Corona, for instance. No matter how you explain it to some people, that it's better if they stock up, in order to avoid a potential shortage & lessen exposure to improve their odds of dodging this piece of shit, they still stubbornly refuse and call it a nothingburger. Or having an argument about mass migration, religion, race, or even something as simple and stupid as a way to eat a certain food, favorite football team, and so on...

>>MFW brainlets on Yas Forums cite shitty, poorly supported conspiracy theories to explain my success and proclivities despite also considering themselves race realists
have you tried reading our 2000 years of thinkers, intellectuals, composers, novelists who were all rabid antisemites? maybe that would be a better use of your time than Yas Forums.

I totally understand what you mean, but I’m not going to hide my identity.

I grew up agnostic, but as I grow older, I realize that living without a belief in God makes everything objectively meaningless. All the degeneration in the west, in my opinion, is mostly due to godlessness. I also feel like my agnosticism is partly to blame for my bad mental health. So yes, with that being said, I am trying to understand and practice Judaism despite still struggling to believe in God.

I’m not going to hide anything, the same way leftist propaganda about evil white males wont make me cuck out and denounce my whiteness either

Give me sources and I will gladly look into them. Not kidding

wh*toid weenie eurocucks have antisemitism built in their genome because we systematically took their women and converted them to judaism
they won't admit it, they don't even know it, but this is the only reason

Attached: jews bleached euro women.jpg (742x474, 202.52K)

>be a kike
>act like a kike
>get called a kike
oy vey!

I’ve done a fair amount of research into Ashkenazi DNA and also noticed the difference between the Y-DNA and mtDNA.

But fuck off with the name calling, bud. Not necessary

From what you said it sounds to me that you're rather insecure about things and are struggling to find a place where to belong, or something to be proud of. The simplest way would be to achieve something that would make other people respect you and something that you yourself would be proud in. What that is totally depends on the size of your ego. Some people take pride in the smallest of accomplishments and are satisfied with that, whereas others seek far greater glory. You'll figure your place in society and life as life goes on. Remember to stay away from the COOFers.

Jews have literally never sided with europeans for more than a generation before stabbing them in the back with full force as when the gates of Toledo were opened.
Either you're shit at raising kids or you're great at teaching them to hate natives.
I'm not even sure it's always intentional it might just be your gross notions of tikkun olam inevitably ending in hurting those who are dumb enough to lend you a hand out of altruism. Like us with David Schwartz. And us with the Schlossbergs. And us with the Bonniers. And us with the saving of 11.000 from the camps leading to the murder of Folke Bernadotte.

>Be me

>Ash Can Nazi
It is not kosher to use a computer during Shabbat.

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Why do you even care?

>Yas Forums’s pseudo-intellectuals
best thing about poltards is they think they are woke case they watch alex jones and support trump .

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Come to think of it I don't know of a single time we've helped the jews that they didn't come to stab us in the back afterwards. Funding the bolsheviks, leading the Open Borders Mass Migration move, running the Stasi-clone within the Swedish Church against Swedes, owning the large anti-nativist media conglomerates and admitting they don't consider themselves part of us. Running down the only viable mainstream rightwing papers into the ground with gypsy worship and mass migration pushes.
The closest I can think of is that years after Yitzak Shamir & friends murdered Folke Bernadotte for the crime of not being zionist enough during peace talks that ended up failing anyway there was some american zionist jew who wanted to smear his good name and the few remaining jews who were personally saved by him had her shut down.

>my future success
Keep us posted.

I feel that to my core. Every day I wake up feeling like shit because I’m not actualized. I guess I won’t be able to do much until I graduate, but I constantly feel bad about my lack of achievement. I do little things as substitutes, but they don’t do as much for me. It might sound like a humble brag, but it’s not: I have mental health issues because of these things. I’ve set a goal to read Plato’s complete works by the end of May, so fuck it, we will see how that goes.

You too, brother.

I don’t know. Probably just avoiding doing things I need to do by starting shit on Yas Forums like the rest of Yas Forums.

I bet you have curly jew hair and brown eyes. So I doubt you "blend in" like you think you do.

Nobody is gonna ask if you're a kike. When you go parade about it like a faggot is when people are going to tell you to get into a gas chamber.
At some point in this video the half jew presenter Points out the nepotism of kikery in the american medical system.
Again you're not important and nobody has asked you anything of which you have pointed out in your original post. Please kill yourself OP

im jewish too and you're a retard

being hyped up on amphetamines for """"adhd"""" doesnt make you a genius. it makes anyone smart. and no one said jews agree on everything. they/we just tend to believe in things that benefits jews. especially the richest among you/us

also, if you're indistinguishable from europeans, you're mostly european and not jewish

I have brown eyes, but my hair is like maybe 10% curlier than average. Like I said, no one knows I’m ethnically Jewish until I tell them. Same goes for literally every other person in my family. We are white.

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That's nice.

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Show your nose shlomo

>but unironically believe Jews are successful strictly based on the idea that they are collectively plotting and organized.

it doesnt matter if jews are smarter, because clearly they do engage in nepotism and tons of corruption and that that is responsible for much of their power

intelligence doesnt mean anything if you lack so much empathy that all you do is use it to lead people into fucking ruin, and get your own fucking race exiled 109 times

what jews do mostly just benefits a few elite jews at the top, only for the rest of the jews to be the ones who pay for it

seriously, if jews are so smart why the fuck do you retards manage to get exiled over 100 fucking times?

Guys, its CBS posting again trying to find the hacker known as Yas Forums. Don't respond.

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Mother fucker, your people have made it basically a hate crime to name you, why would anybody just call you a Jew to your face.
>132 IQ
Give me a fucking break. Gtfo of here.

You seem like a nice guy.
Honestly, the jewish conspiracy delusion it's just that: a delusion. I mean, it's obvious that there exists an Israel lobby with especial power on the US govt. That doesn't imply in any way a "jewish" conspiracy nor anything related. I think the whole idea of this is just finding somewhere in between capitalism and socialism. Traditional values with a less globalised economy that supports them, all of this in order to preserve the uniqueness of national cultures. Israel is a great example of this, that we should totally cherish.

I have to add anyway, that though you do seem like a nice person (and I have some bias there probably because I'm drawn to economics and mathematics) you also seem kinda insufferable. Don't be so arrogant. It's disgusting and it backfires. If you're a genius, be humble and people will admire and love you, you'll acquire an aura of respect and wisdom, it's literally like that. Nobody likes arrogant brats.

>>I also have a relatively decent IQ (132) that could’ve been higher but I was going through severe panic attacks, general anxiety, ADHD and depression when I took the IQ test with my psychologist so it’s likely higher
Wow lol you’re definitely Jewish

If the average IQ of an Ashkenazi is 108-115, 132 is only a little more than one standard deviation away. That’s not that crazy. My sister who is currently in college graduated high school with a 4.2 and my mom maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her whole college career. They might actually have higher IQs than me.

The boomers are sacrificing 2 years of sustainability for your whole life of potential prosperity. If you are under 50, this will NOT affect you. Unfortunately, they would rather shut down prosperity to save their geriatric existence than allow you to enjoy life. Wake up anons. Do you see what they stole from you?

I hate to sound like a humblebrag (and I can see how I might), but it’s hard to talk race realism without citing IQ. That’s the reason I brought IQ into this. Regardless, it’s cool to see someone with similar interests here. And thanks, brother

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The interesting thing is that because of how agnostic my family generally is, they don’t feel much connection to Israel. We all desire small government and generally dislike aid to Israel, aside from the fact that it’s probably quite beneficial to have an ally in the Middle East.

>>I also have a relatively decent IQ (132) that could’ve been higher but I was going through severe panic attacks, general anxiety, ADHD and depression when I took the IQ test with my psychologist so it’s likely higher
I posit that your IQ is likely lower and you only reached this elevated state of cognition through your mind's desperate struggle to grasp with your mental illness. I also posit that you are now heavily medicated and an extremely dull and stupid person

Propensity for nepotism is genetic, now fuck off.

Well, yes. Jews are successful primarily due to giving themselves a licence for nepotism, while decrying any other cohort’s right to mimic their tactics.
In truth, you’re kind of right: Jews are actually successful because they’re hypocrites that have been allowed to control their own narrative through propaganda about their own (well deserved) history of being oppressed.
One day, and I do hope this occurs soon, there will be a burgeoning of racial consciousness in all other races. Blacks, Whites, Arabs, even Asians and Indians will look at each other and say “you know what? There’s been a small group of hostile parasites turning us against each other for centuries. We cannot have world peace with the Jews constantly turning us against each other. Time we teamed up and actually did what they claim Hitler tried to do”.
And your elites know this to be true. It’s why Israel has the ‘Samson option’, the destruction by nuclear attack of most of the Middle East and large parts of Europe should Israel fall to a hostile military force.
I’m prepared to bet that every Israeli embassy and consulate has at least one suitcase nuke good to go.
What a vile and despicable rate of propagandists, parasites, usurpers, manipulators and hypocrites you all are. I pray for an actual ‘Final Solution’ with my every waking breath.

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This is fucked up if true. I love and feel a strong connection to Europe. That means maintaining European sovereignty, culture and identity. The issue I have with this is I see many non-Jews doing this as well. This behavior is definitely not strictly Jewish.

Nice try schizo no one cares about your success. Not even your own kind

Yes, but jews doing it are jews, while europeans doing it are traitors.

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If I had control over nuclear weapons I would instantly nuke new york, california, israel, london (and all other jew infested areas) and get executed for my crimes. This would be my gift to humanity.

>>Literally visually indistinguishable from any other European

Jews stick out like sore thumbs if you know what to look for

because jewish intellectuals had nothing to do with the rise of godlessness in the west?

>And your elites know this to be true. It’s why Israel has the ‘Samson option’,
Nukes are fake and gay Jewish fear porn. It goes back to the cult of Aton, Solomon and the sun disks. Jews pretend to have superweapons with the power of the sun, but they are impotent in all actuality.

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Interesting theory, but probably not true. Again, I’ve never taken medication in my life. I’ve considered taking Ritalin, but not quite sure. The most I’ve ever done is see a shrink (which was literally necessary for my survival).

>quite beneficial to have an ally in the Middle East.
Yeah quite an ally you guys have there...
Americans go to the middle east and pay with their people's lives. Israelis can't bother in sending a single troop to fight with them in Iraq or Afganistan.
Not only they do not send troops, but they also give americans fake intelligence data and spy on them.

But remember, the best ally...
Israel does well for itself. Too bad that means shitting on americans, europeans and on white people.

jews cant be white bro you are an outgroup and will not be trusted

Cool? I dont think the average user here gives a shit about individual jews and plenty of jews post here. Its retarded to judge any individual by the group they belong to but it makes perfect sense to judge a group based off its group behavior. The sad truth is tribalism is poison to modern diverse societies and there is few groups as tribal as jews. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of history can acknowledge the pattern of behavior the jewish group behavior exhibits and the cycle it produces over and over again. I think its sad, how unaware most jews appear to be of this and eager they seem to recreate the same conditions that produced their persecution in the past. The result is always the same, the jewish elite either move or are protected by the nations rulers who use them much as court jews of the past, while the bulk of the jewish population suffers persecution and often expulsion by the host nation for the damage the tribe has caused them.

Jews run the slavery business of the Mediterranean for much of history, acting as the middlemen who bought and sold slaves and many took white slaves as wives and changed their names as a way to blend into the Roman population. But its more likely they were simply converts, most jewish seem ignorant that in the past there was long periods where Jews did evangelize and many people from different cultures/races converted to judaism, particularly among greeks/italians but it was common all throughout the black sea/Mediterranean area, with many merchants converting to Judaism specifically to provide an advantage in trade to use the tribes nepotism for their business advantage.

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Well then you're better off than most. What was this thread even about again?

u are forgetting uss liberty, frankfurt school, the backing of allies in ww2 and pretty much everything else that has been bad for european people.

Grades in nowadays schools are nothing but proof of a great short-term memory. Unless you are in engineering or nuclear physics degree it means squat.

Sweden’s relationship with Jews has sometimes been beneficial. Olof Aschberg helped finance the Russian Revolution, assisting in the extermination of tens of millions of Russians at the hands of a hostile Jewish élite, and was repaid handsomely with gold, art and treasures stripped from the Russian Orthodox Church.

So how did Hiroshima and Nagasaki get obliterated? Archimedes' solar weapon?

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>Literally visually indistinguishable from any other European
Except for, y'know, that schnoz.

>USS liberty
>Dancing israelis
>frankfurt school, the backing of allies in ww2 and pretty much everything else that has been bad for european people.
Sorry bro, but to me that's where the psychotic delusion begins. Frankfurt school was not zionist and religious, it was just a bunch of marxists. On the other hand, much of the bad things that happened to european people are their own fault.

With mass advanced incendiary carpet bombing. Maybe napalm. Or early advents.