Covi19 taught me how much nordics and anglos hate us mediterraneans.
Right now on this board you are spamming how italy is third world, how we are dirty an lazy and that's why the virus spreads. Soon you will swallow your pride, you cant even read graphs. we have many cases and deaths because our government doesnt lie. We are still a nation, here we value lives.
your governments arent even testing people, just to not spread panic, just to save economy. Because you value money over lives, because you aren't nations anymore but jewish enterprises.
fuck europe.
I stand with our med brothers.
Fuck you from italy
dude just ignore the shills there are places in the u.s. that are 3rd world as well
i stand with you too. but probably that's just coping anyway. They try to find reaons why they are not at risk.
They say Italy has it because they are dirty. They also say Indians don't have it because they are so dirty. Doesn't make sense.
fuck nordcucks, they will pay don't worry.
I still love Italy and hate China.
pol has been flooded with huge gay retards for years don't take it personally my dude
Here is some inside info on how they are treating the virus as well as what to expect here in the USA.
It’s just banter
I hope your nonna gets the coof, turncoat.
Italia should not take the blame, chinks are responsible all along.
Don't worry our people on 24/7 news channels made fun of you too.
No one hates Italy dude.
Don't worry. Finland will be wiped out. They are not even trying to contain it anymore. They're not testing anyone under 70. You can get sick and you just have to stay at home.
If you can't handle some light hearted banter this isn't the place for you.
Based. Fuck yurop
Sweden is more fucked than Italy. They already ran out of medical supplies, have the least (!) amount of intensive care beds in all of Europe AND they are doing the heard immuity meme strategy (like that UK). The population is being lied to and the average person is just eating it up.
you know what else they can't handle? soap
Ignore the chinks and shitposters posting under commonwealth flags
I don't hate you if you're white.
>your governments arent even testing people
Test costs 80 euro here.
Anytime now, right?
Americans are the most superior race
Won’t even exceed 100 deaths here
We watch and laugh as THOUSANDS of people in your SHITHOLE countries
You still have to worry about diabetes tho
>Things that won't age well the post.
America's belief that they are fucking invincible will be their downfall and ensure that America gets exactly what it deserves.
I'm sorry brother. I love Italy. I go on holiday there every year. Globalisation caused this and many people died prematurely. The entire value of low cost shit from china has been wiped from the world markets in a flash. Maybe people will learn this time.
Shut the fuck up user they are shit posting as per usual.
Don't take it personally Italy is not hated by its European brothers.
Take care user and kill some niggers.
Hello fellow Gael how's it in your part of the country?
Shoppers are mad here.
It’s not when even doctors publicly say shit like this:
But please DO NOT STOP, you need to keep up this amazing work because we need to redpill the masses because this time nothing can stop us to go full fascism.
Ya. No fucking toilet paper here anyway so stay out of Tipperary. (nervously looks left and right)
We've been calling you greasy wops for hundreds of years. Probably thousands. At what point were we ever wrong?
The elites no longer represent the people. It's like that in most Western countries.
It was a mistake caused (mostly by "progressives") in which the results of, escalated.
Get well, SPQR.
Canadian being asshole as usual.
Why aren't your politicians doing anything about it?
Get it through your thick skull.
The further you get from the eternal anglo the better my man. Forza!
The UK is being punished for the Brexit.
I don’t care what the elite thinks, we just need to be indipendent and fascist.
It’s all about us and that’s it, to each their own but inside their own country. Other countries can burn, I don’t care.
Yeah right,
You’ll sit at home like good little bitch boy and all the infections will stop here. What do you think is the purpose of luxury prepping and luxurious paid work-from-home vacations. Lol!
Don’t worry blessed American, you’ll live, we’ll all live, you’ll see:)
We are actually pretty healthy, unless you guys.
To my swedish brothers, go cough in a mosque. Take out the trash.
No one thinks your third world you sided with Germany and Hitler you were right we were wrong
It’s called banter. Anyone saying otherwise is a kike trying to shill grow some balls maggot
Can't have a pandemic when you've tested less people total than Korea does in a day lol
Only the sickest of fucks are using this as an excuses to talk shit.
Stay strong and dont listen to Yas Forums sociopaths Pastabro.
>Me who hasn't said shit
Leave the union, join the confederation.
Based. I was an eurofag but I'm willing for a Spexit now.
Fratello i hope you are larping, we feel for italy and hope you pull trough this quiclky. You are the bravest since you took point in this war and we appreciate your honesty about the numbers. Now get well, purge the chinese and get to produce them darn good italian products asap
To be honest dude I'm looking forward to my employed shutting down so I can get paid to fart in bed and pretend to code.
Yeah you’re not third worlders...
You just deserve to all die so that we can get paid to not work and we can live more luxurious lives. We’re better than you is all.
Oh and there’s nothing you can do about it.
America- 69 Italy- 0
It's dagos like you that make nordanglos like me, who generally like you, rethink our position on the matter.
Damn, what an asshat. Tell that to the doctors and nurses collapsing from exhaustion that they are just making up excuses for a siesta.
I don't hate you bro Sorry that your country is having a hard time and people suffer. Stay strong user.
Americans are all quarantined already,
The only reason we’re leaving the house is for the grocery store
Or for the hospital for the free cure they already have for us.
We’re all on one month paid vacation,
And there might not be another American death from Coronavirus ever.
Meanwhile you die HAHAHA
The law, the law should be followed by all, especially the immigrants.
You're right. Every country that didn't lock this shit down from day one is on the same trajectory.
the weather is similar with wuhan
You have to be 18 to post here, kid.
lol this is from brazil
>you are spamming how italy is third world, how we are dirty an lazy and that's why the virus spreads
Where's the lie?
>Fellow Mediterraneans, you know who the real enemy is? Northern Europeans.
The people saying Italians aren't white are trolls or non-whites themselves.