I've been exploring the possibility of joining a monastery lately. My life has been mostly uneventful and my poor social skills made me realize i might never break out of my shell and have an active social life. Instead of wasting my time at university and leading a part-time friendless shut in life I thought I'd minimize the chances of becoming homeless and find a meaning to my life by becoming a friar. I don't think I'll regret the choice since i don't have a sliver of social life, and I have already read sufficiently The Bible, but my parents are extremely irreligious and they'd be shocked to hear these news from their son. Are there any convincing arguments i can use to make them cave in, and did anyone on this board hear of any experiences in the monastic life?
Joining a monastery in my 20s
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Could have been a nice idea in 1355. But the 21st century is calling and you might want to invest in getting an actual job.
just become a hermit if you think you're up to it
Bruh you are in your 20s, I sure they wouldn't mind if you go to a monastery
I live with a few friends. Just dudes, gardening, chopping wood, running the wood stove, gaming, shitposting, stockpiling. Doggo loves the attention. Once in a while we will go out to a bar and be incredibly let down.
Find some bro's.
I'm in the same boat as you, OP. Never had a gf, no prospects in life, etc. Sometimes I feel like a monk with no monastery to belong to. I certainly behave like one.
I say do it.
Who cares what your parrents think just do it.
Join a Buddhist monastery in Thailand or Bhutan. You will get spiritual cultivation there.
dont join a monastery, start a holy war. become an exorcist
>why on earth would any group of people want any portion of the population to die?
Yeah how else will he be able to bing bing wahoo to the latest Jew garbage?
I'm moving to Alaska for this same reason
If that's your calling go for it. Build up some eternal treasures. I've met a serious monk before at a Vipassana retreat center. It was pretty cool - like he left his euro country to train under a monk in vipassana full time, and he was like 25 at the time. But looks like he had made a lot of progress in expanding and mastering his consciousness. Even if you do it 1 or 2 years and then go back to society it will be life-changing. It's a lot harder to practice on your own because so many distractions and other time commitments.
say this prayer daily and read your bible. you dont need to join anything, its between you and God.
and say this prayer
Based. God bless you user.
Why not become a crusading ronin instead of withdrawing from the world? You can make a difference.
The logical extension of the doomsday cult, sell all your shit and live communally. then everyone in the cult was fucking indiscriminately so they created monasteries and convents, waiting 2,000 years for jesus to come down and destroy the worlds armies that are besieging jerusalem. smart move
Well first of all lol at going christcuck over shitty social skills as if that's going to solve everything when monastery life is all about gossip.
But really if you're interested in their particular form of faggotry check out one of the fifty million ways you can try out living in a monastery for a limited amount of time and see what it's actually like before you retardedly commit to anything. If you have to sell it to your parents, as being a monk is peak sterile unfilialty, then say you're exploring yourself or some shit.
Be ready to accept the cuck mentality then.oh and also you will share your life with niggers and closed pedos.
And remember no girl allowed so they will be all men
Do it. Although, I would suggest a orthodox monestary over a catholic one. They're still holding true to the original monastic tradition and is far more aesthetically difficult.
God bless, brother.
You're getting your terminology wrong; if you sign up to be a friar you're going to be miserable. You can look up 'Mendicant Orders' to see the difference.
>The legal work
Peak western Christianity
you obviously don't understand what christ did, God is the judge, Jesus paid the fine
Dont do it. Catholicism is a scam. Just research the meaning of gentile. Thank catholics for this (((lie)))
Enemies? Forces of darkenss? Why not just convert them then?
OP DSCI is the truth, learn more here christogenea.org
>God protected us from God
Uhh, no. Read St Athanasious "on the incarnation" and St Maximus the Confessor "On the cosmic mystery of Jesus Christ" for the actual Christian understanding of the passion. You'll be surprised to find it's not the legalistic courtroom concept, derived from Augustine, a former lawyer.
howmgrown monk, priest and king here
i dont think joining a manestery is a good idea, because they are all cucked by the devil
>give me arguments to convince my parents
bro concider taking Jesus serious and read Mat 10:37
Catholicism and orthodox is just positive pil pul. The more rituals a person preforms the more spiritually empty they are
I am often thinking about that to. Good luck
nah I don't need your shitty book, I just need the bible, but regardless when the appointed day comes, if you don't accept my doctrine you will be imprisoned or executed if you don't come out of your degeneracy.
lots of monks are based user, but i think benedict was against people taking up in a monastery just for gibs and because they were socially inept. If your heart thirsts for God and you think the routine and silent presence of monastical life might bring you closer to him, seek counsel with a priest then do a weekend retreat at a local monastery. After which i believe you can take up a probationary period then do full vows. Be blessed in the lord.
>Why not just convert them then?
the demons don't covert, and even if the pedophiles etc find Jesus in their final hours, they still get the death sentence as a safety for society, God can show mercy in the next world, But under my rule certain sins get no mercy in this world.
>Orthodoxy is spiritually dead
>.has never studied orthodoxy
You can tell them that it will teach you discipline and a sustainable lifestyle, growin vegetables and shit. Maybe you can brew your own beer there.
The bible canonized by the Church Fathers. Athanasious spent most of his life in exile, for defending the trinity. Maximus had his hand cut off and tounge cut out for defending the divinity of Christ. These are the men you just spit your venom against, because they don't support your heretical view of salvation. Who are you behaving more like, the Christians, or the persecutors?Have respect for your predecessors and brithers in Christ, dear brother and consider reading Christian work pre reformation. God bless.
May the lord soften your heart and lead you to the True Christian faith.
Also, refrain from placing yourself in the judgment seat, my brother. It's not your seat.
>Judge not that you be not judged
God bless, brother.
If just a bible was enough, people like you would be holy and not annoying pricks trying to convert all the heaters.
your statement is judging me, come out of your hypocrisy, I'm not a beta cuck like you, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Are there any Christian monasteries that teach martial arts? I doubt it, but that would be awesome.
come out of your sinful delusions, its time for the destruction of the strong holds of evil in this world
I spent a year with the Trappist discerning if that is where I should be. While my life hasn't been uneventful, I always craved silence, isolation, spiritual and intellectual pursuits. Unfortunately the Lord had other plans for me, being in such a beautiful place would have been too easy for me. God, I miss it.
Visit for a week or two OP. If you start to hear the song, that unending song of the brothers in praise, don't forget to sing along.
no need for martial arts, buy a gun, defend the standards of God, when the hoards of the Godless come against your land
nice^^ praying to dicern my vocation too.
most likely joining a benedictian monastery
There used to be a few orthodox that taught sword fighting, but they were all closed centuries ago.
The reason why I decided to not become an independent Christian was because most independent Christians I know are like you; lacking virtue, aggressive, arrogant and not knowing a thing about God's path.
Focus on God before larping as a "crusader".
You sentenced me to hell, I suggested no such thing to you, friend. I do not judge you in the slightest, you were born in the west so you hold western Christian concepts. Hardly your fault. I suggested you two of many books that may surprise you as to the first millennium understanding of salvation, nothing more. Read them or not. But I would say this, the truth fears no investigation. If your theory is correct you should see it in the early church fathers.
I genuinely wish you well brother, which is why I want you to look into the true Christian faith.
I have focused on God for 20 years, He has guided me to start a crusade, he is unhappy with the sins of the wicked, and unhappy that his children allow wicked men to rule.
What monastery are you planning to join? I'm planning to join the "Vinhedo Benedictine" near campinas.
Go for it. You're in a better position to do so. Seems like every time I look up Monasteries in the US it's always focused on female convents. Some are even becoming LGBTQ friendly. This already combines with with the blasphemy of female pastors in a very predictable way. Shit's fucked. As usual, they are poisoning the foundations so that whatever grows from it is already compromised. But you are more fortunate. Find one while you still can.
i didnt sentence you, I warned you that if you dont come out of your delusion that is where you are headed. you have the option for true conversion and repentance
Don't mistake your own will with God's will, I'm pretty sure it's your (I'd guess baptist) education that is leading you to attack your fellow Christians, not God.
>Young supple man goes to isolated home filled with old men who aren't allowed to masturbate
your double speak is the forked tounge of the devil. you have judged me, and are telling me i need to follow your religion, but at the same time claim you are not judging me. you are a hypocrite, my faith has no double speak
If you come to this thread just to judge others and feel superior, you're welcome to leave.
If you have something to say, others than calling real Christians names because they don't share your interpretation, please say it.
"but regardless when the appointed day comes, if you don't accept my doctrine you will be imprisoned or executed if you don't come out of your degeneracy."
>If you don't accept MY doctrine, you will...
This conversation isn't going anywhere, I will, once more, encourage you to study the early Christian writers. Either way, I wish you well in all your endeavours.
God bless.
I'm former military and have what I need. I have done some limited martial arts training, just saying that if I was going to spend the rest of my life in a monastery I would like to master a martial art form as a hobby. Hand-to-hand can be extremely useful especially considering that most people, even military do not have a gun on them at all times when they are not on duty.
The demons are all the goat nations
I have been saying it from the begging, I posted some prayers, and then it was others who judged me, and attacked my faith, and others who claimed to have superior godliness, all your words are double speak of satan.
I went to an ortho church for 6 months and watched every jay dyer vid
Go to norcia (st Benedicts monastery) whose feast happens to be today. Let us know what you think. Definitely go Tridentine if you do go the monastic route
- your Greek Orthodox brother
Actually, if you're in Italy for reals, you should find out what you can do to help the people who are sick.
If you have any brains go do medical research and find a cure for viral infections