PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP / @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump / /
VISIT >b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / / /
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/ /video /?470387-1 / /4hXCIuxQyd8 >NCIRDDir Messonnier Conf Call on Corona-chan 3/14/ /media /releases /2020 /a0313-COVID-19-update.html >Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/ /video /?470351-1 / /feycmqjsLNw? /G6HbxcCb-7g >TreasSec Mnuchin on Dobbs 3/13/ /v /6141527765001 / >TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/13/ /video /?470346-1 / >TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/13/ /IGIpRnAY1dk >HUDSec SleepyBen on EWTN 3/13/ /w_aD90L5f3s >Justice Gorsuch on SCOTUS 101 3/13/ /bqGozhUa0mA >CMSAdm Verma on Tucker 3/13/ /v /6141533190001 >CMSAdm Verma on FoxNews 3/13/ /v /6141392557001 >NIAIDDir Fauci on F&F 3/13/ /v /6141351651001 >NIAIDDir Fauci on MSNBC 3/13/ /a3Co5T7F16E >ACC Comdr Gen Holmes on Corona-chan 3/13/ /video /742935 / >CDC Briefing Room: Corona-chan Update 3/13/ /r7qq0nWjbWQ >Pentagon Press Brief (CENTCOM Comdr USMCGen McKenzie) 3/13/ /video /742893 / >Pentagon Press Brief (USFK Comdr ArmyGen Abrams) 3/13/ /video /742886 / >This Week@State 3/13/ /_ZXNlmqPKS4
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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March 14, 2020 - 19:50
This entire hysteria has liberals going insane about shoving socialism in our faces
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March 14, 2020 - 19:51
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March 14, 2020 - 19:52
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March 14, 2020 - 19:52
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March 14, 2020 - 19:52
thread is so infected no one will even notice i have a super immune system.
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March 14, 2020 - 19:53
Attached: smol comfy umaru awoo.png (541x386, 143.03K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:53
>muh magical coronavirus vaccine it's never going to happen.
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March 14, 2020 - 19:53
Would cause the banking system to collapse.
March 14, 2020 - 19:53
Always AWOO. In the face of certain death we Awoo. My calculations were off.
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March 14, 2020 - 19:53
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March 14, 2020 - 19:53
>He isn't sitting on a mountain of toilet paper
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March 14, 2020 - 19:53
We should give some relief to help avoid panic and calm fears. But let’s not go too fucking wild
March 14, 2020 - 19:53
It's awoopening!
Attached: awoo durga 3.png (652x656, 1022.66K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
>we will pay Brazil $20 billion >to not produce food
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
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March 14, 2020 - 19:54
Were there more than just these two?
Attached: Wash_your_hands_this_is_a_threat.png (512x512, 15.17K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
Can't remember seeing this much shilling on a weekend.
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
Suspending interest on student loans was a good start
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
>New York, Washington, Vermont, Connecticut red >Oregon red
Nice one. Is political fantasy fan-fiction a new genre? Could you possibly ship Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pilosi? I’d death that one.
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
Attached: Wash_Your_Hands.jpg (711x709, 138.28K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
Ok, hear me out frens, I'm a Trump guy have no issue with most he's done but we all know he's not bigoted. Now on the otherh hand Biden is a old school racist and with his dementia might very well go full Jim crow in office. Sorry guys I was going to vote for Trump again but it'll be hard to pass this chance up.
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
Eh, I have taken some time off red hats to contribute some pro-Bernie shit this season. I think Milwaukee has too many buildings
Attached: BERN.png (576x576, 332.38K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:54
You also get mono for life. Big deal.
March 14, 2020 - 19:55
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March 14, 2020 - 19:55
That smugness is too much.
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March 14, 2020 - 19:55
also this and the pixelart version of "stay hydrated"
Attached: pixel hydration.png (512x512, 15.68K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:55
Why would niggers care? They don’t pay rent anyway. All that money comes from tax dollars usually
March 14, 2020 - 19:56
Surely you have some evidence to substantiate this claim.
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March 14, 2020 - 19:56
Biden will likely pick a nigger woman as running mate, and he will likely die in office. Meaning a vote for Biden is a vote for a nigger.
March 14, 2020 - 19:56
Schools are closed and social distancing is in full effect, so people are swarming into Yas Forums
March 14, 2020 - 19:56
No. Just no. Besides the idiotic premise of this Biden wouldn't even be the president long.
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March 14, 2020 - 19:56
Attached: Refunds.png (1102x1206, 1.31M)
March 14, 2020 - 19:57
>Bears. >Too many bears. >Need to dial it back on the bears.
Attached: sharif bugout.webm (888x500, 297.82K)
March 14, 2020 - 19:57
mono doesn't give you increasingly severe organ damage every time it flares up.
March 14, 2020 - 19:58
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March 14, 2020 - 19:59
When will this bot be banned by the mods
March 14, 2020 - 19:59
MORE REFUNDS THAN WHAT BERNOUTS WILL GET. Yes he did on video. /TrumpWarRoom /status /1238913915217752065
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March 14, 2020 - 19:59
I’ve always hated the forced union shit
March 14, 2020 - 19:59
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March 14, 2020 - 19:59
Good, another reason to do it.
March 14, 2020 - 19:59
when will you tards start ignoring him?
March 14, 2020 - 20:00
>h-h-he didn't want to be president anyway!!! The cope
March 14, 2020 - 20:00
I do but when it takes up 20-25 posts of the thread it gets really old fast
March 14, 2020 - 20:00
It reminded me of him getting kicked out of a commune for not working, just talking about politics instead.
March 14, 2020 - 20:01
Sanders has more power being in the senate to pass his retarded shit than being the president
March 14, 2020 - 20:01
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March 14, 2020 - 20:01
Let's see who his VP pick is, Hilary would be golden the architect of the super predator bill.
March 14, 2020 - 20:01
Anyone see WWE Smackdown and how the entire arena was empty?
March 14, 2020 - 20:01
The Fed Jew meeting next week should be one fucking doozy, /ptg/
Everyone's gonna get some gibs...the NEETs, the wagies in cagies, the salarycucks, all the swampscum of every U.S. political party, all the swampscum lobbyists who lobby for whichever party is in power, the oil/gas jew, the cruise ship jew, the movie theater jew, the restaurant jew, the professional sports jew, the non-professional sports jew, the etc. etc.
Even the awoos will get gibs...mark my fucking words, /ptg/
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March 14, 2020 - 20:01
hey, guess what's about to be demolished?
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March 14, 2020 - 20:02
we gotta go after the families
March 14, 2020 - 20:02
During times of crisis- usury should be outlawed.
March 14, 2020 - 20:02
No, I watch AEW. Their stadium was packed.
Attached: bunny AEW.jpg (640x640, 65.02K)
March 14, 2020 - 20:02
Well trump already suspended student loan interest so it’s a start
March 14, 2020 - 20:03
>What hole you want him in, Daddy?
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March 14, 2020 - 20:03
Ohh You can bailout Stocks can dive Having a coofing fright Ooh, see that Trump Watch him scream Digging that bailout queen
March 14, 2020 - 20:03
no, but same with the spring sumo tournament
March 14, 2020 - 20:03
>hey remember that time those globalist monsters did something that hurt niggers? >let's put them into office so that maybe niggers would be btfo >let's all ignore the destruction of America they would cause >because maybe they'll do something anti-nigger
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March 14, 2020 - 20:03
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March 14, 2020 - 20:03
This man is not going to make to November. I actually think he will be more damaging to the down ballot than Bernie at this point.
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March 14, 2020 - 20:03
This here's an AEW bread fren >except their wimmin, goddamn they got a transjanny champion
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March 14, 2020 - 20:03
>Big fans
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March 14, 2020 - 20:04
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March 14, 2020 - 20:04
he's said worse. yeah you should see this /watch?v=PtIi8QR5Mzs
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March 14, 2020 - 20:04
I mean from today.
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March 14, 2020 - 20:04
Oregon will go red this year. All the liberals in the cities are going to die from coronavirus.
March 14, 2020 - 20:04
Hope he wins, a lot of unions cannot afford to payback those settlements. It would break them.
March 14, 2020 - 20:04
He's been here for weeks. He's paid to spread disinformation and incite panic. I'd like to see more evidence before believing his incredible claims.
March 14, 2020 - 20:06
What's wrong with bears?
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March 14, 2020 - 20:06
I'm a white house staffer. I can confirm that Donald Trump has just tested positive for COVID-19 and an announcement is pending within two hours.
The doctor says it isn't looking good given his age and health condition.
March 14, 2020 - 20:06
It's over isn't it?
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March 14, 2020 - 20:06
Can't wait for the Trump/Biden debates, going to be hilarious.
Attached: bidenfinger.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)
March 14, 2020 - 20:07
THE TINY ONE verifiably based, redpilled and /oursquid/
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March 14, 2020 - 20:07
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March 14, 2020 - 20:07
As I posted in the last thread, if you're infected for life and vaccines are impossible then the only way to keep it out of the US would be ending all trade and travel... Forever. And the second a single case got in it was already over. So what do you think Trump should be doing?
March 14, 2020 - 20:07
Like 8 people died yesterday. 7 million more days like that before the election, and I guess we could be rid of most of the coalition.
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March 14, 2020 - 20:07
It's only just beginning.
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March 14, 2020 - 20:09