If an alliance of (US, Russia, Japan, India Euro countries) decide to invade the chinks subhumans ?

If an alliance of (US, Russia, Japan, India Euro countries) decide to invade the chinks subhumans ?
How hard the invasion will be ?

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dumb idea, real strategists become allied with China

im thinking that because of their shitty infrastucture
for exemple, if we bomb the three gorges dam, this will cause a lot of damage and partially paralized the country

China would destroy the earth with nukes. There is still no counter the the nuclear submarine that I'm aware of.. Particularly because greatest ally isn't willing to let the subhumans who give them billions (read as Americans and Europeans) see the source code for Iron Dome.

Not possible. We have spent 2 trillion dollars in our occupation of Afghanistan alone, which is 1/15 the size of China. China is also far more developed, has 28% of the world's manufacturing, and has 1.4 billion people; China has absolutely massive war potential and would be able to maintain organized resistance for a very long time, unlike Afghanistan. There is also the threat of Nuclear annihilation on top of that. Finally, there is no reason to invade China, and it would be impossible to convince westerners to support the war effort for a long period of time.

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Commie countries are run top-down. Nuke Beijing and you kill their C-in-C. Simple.

just drop napalm and white phosphorus on their cities easy as pie

>We have spent 2 trillion dollars
Fuck, I didn't knew it was that big


It's highly unlikely that the Ruskies and most of the Euros would join in a war between US and China - it's not in Russia's interest and the Euros are pussies. Japan's SDF is too gimped to be of much use and India would just get into a fight with the Pakis. So it'd pretty much be US v China and unless the US managed to get its people in favor of total war, than it'd just be a stalemate. Current US military just doesn't have the manpower for a China invasion, though they could keep them pretty well pinned down. Strategic bombing might work, but everyone gets pissy about civilian casualties any more. China, for their part, would probably devote most of their effort towards activating 5th columns pre-planted in North and South America, online influence ops, cyberattacks, and probably a few key satellite shootdowns. US would boog and forward deployed US forces would be rendered combat ineffective when they start to worry more about their grandma being raped by feral niggers instead of how to kill chinks. At this point, Russia would likely push westward and get into a fight with the eastern Euros. WWIII in a nutshell.

Considering China has gotten btfo in every modern conflict theyve been in, and hasnt been in a conflict since they got ass blasted by the vietnamese, and relies on centralized top-down command and control structure....I doubt we would have too much trouble.

In a world with no nukes I presume?

I don't know, but it would be based as fuck
China needs to learn a lesson after this whole shitfest

But if we used a bioweapon.... and hid it in a bowl of fresh bat soup....

russia would never attack china. but i think paris, the city of love, should get a hypersonic nuke from russia. with some extra love for you faggots, of course.

>not just nuking

There is nothing of value to be found in China.

>Considering China has gotten btfo in every modern conflict theyve been in, and hasnt been in a conflict since they got ass blasted by the vietnamese, and relies on centralized top-down command and control structure....I doubt we would have too much trouble.

What army still does this desu the Germans were the ones to decide to do that.
Ww1 I believe that's why they did soo well.
Brits were so fucking ancient in their tactics.

I mean Iraq is another example of how stupid that

>There is nothing of value to be found in China.
t. american tranny

Lol caus it has already attacked Ukraine and its on the end of its power?

nuke us and our submarines will throw you back into the stone age

i dont why you lick the boots of th chinks so hard

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Look at history. The size of China is the biggest weakness. China always implodes, when it is under attack. Chinese people abandon their rulers, if necessary. That's why China has massive propaganda and surveillance to keep the people in check.

With this coalision, not that hard, china would fall in less than a year. The trat of mutual extermination is a big problem but not a impossible one.

chinks always have been btfo by pretty much all people of the world (japs, mongols, manchus, xiongu turks, vietnam, arabs, sogdians, spaniards, portuguese, frenchs, germans, russians, brits)

China will get absolutely destroyed. There's no use enslaving billions of rodents we can just cripple their economy by removing our factories from there.

dont know
i just want them to have the dresden and tokyo traitment

"launch all the nukes"

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we can do that too
plus we have a ballistic shield


piss easy

This, just stir up dissidents and create a civil war. There would be 5 warlords with various foreign backers within a year

>we can do that too
So why take the risk to invade China?
China will launch all the nukes before being conquered
Can you accept nuclear exchange?
Imagine the destruction of New York, London, and Paris.really worth all that?

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Don't need the Euros, the US and Russia could take out China just fine.
>China would destroy the earth with nukes. There is still no counter the the nuclear submarine that I'm aware of
China has a grand total of 4-6 active SSBNs. Not enough to destroy her world, ya dumb kraut.
And you can bet your ass that every one of them deployed has a US attack sub trailing it, just like we did with the Russian subs during the Cold War. We could take them out before they even launched 1 missile.

>ballistic shield
plus im pretty sure we have developed new superweapons

why would we attack China? we love Corona chan remember? why would we attack the birthplace of our loving goddess, coronachan?

i love China for giving birth to the world's best pandemics.

>>ballistic shield
A meme

Tricky Dicky should've listened to Based Brezhnev when he told him "let me or the both of us just fucking nuke these cockroaches".

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If Putin proposed it now, he'd find Trump a lot more receptive than Nixon was ~50 years ago.

Fuck America, I side with chinks and Putin.

The boomers are sacrificing 2 years of sustainability for your whole life of potential prosperity. If you are under 50, this will NOT affect you. Unfortunately, they would rather shut down prosperity to save their geriatric existence than allow you to enjoy life. Wake up anons. Do you see what they stole from you?

mutate corona a few times and reintroduce it to maoland, then supplant what's left with rule from real china, aka Taiwan.

Why the fuck would I invade china when OUR politicians sold our industry to them?
Did china open our borders to every subhuman rapist?
Did china promote the ideologies that are destroying my society right now?
Nope, china was some dirty backyard not too long ago, but our politicians kept feeding it until it became this giant aids factory.

if you dont understand the chink menace and thr jew men1ce both deserve to be glassed

you are a brainlet

If they just cut trade China would fall. Hell the US accounts for a half of all food consumed in China we could crush them ourselves.

No one is asking you. You don't matter.
Just keep guarding the Pope, ok ?

>You don't matter.

If you only knew... american politics are decided in my country.

Nukes are old technology..... Cant nuke anything if you are EMPd

Shut the fuck up.

Sure they are...
Nothing is decided in your country. You can't commit to anything.

China has no generals with combat experiance. You are also comparing gurilla warfare to conventional. Apple's to oranges. China would get fucked hard.



You deserve to be cattle, as planned in Davos and the Bern Oktogon. You don't even realize what's happening. Soon you will discover tho.

desu Donnie has been such a shitty friend lately, that I think Euro+Russia+China would invade USA.

I'm shaking in my rich American boots, eurofag.
Come at us.

Perhaps the greatest irony in all of this is that their government and military is so centralised that one big bomb or a nuke in the right place could effectively destroy the entire CCP.

someone is invading something i guess

20000 troops for an exercise

>comparing guerilla warfare to conventional warfare


if you can't handle your citizens seeing this 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一 then you are a paper tiger

bombing the dams and the big cities will throw them back to the stone ages

This is what the real (((cause))) of the problem wants.

You forget using Taiwan as the biggest aircraftcarrier against China. Bombing their industrial areas, poison their water supplies and release plagues in their farm fieds will take a severe toll on them. China can be beaten. Their main advantage (poulation and manpower) can be used effectively if America manages to hinder their food and water supplies.