Shutdown Berlin
>Shutdown Berlin
Shutdown Berlin
>Shutdown Berlin
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- H E R E -

>Alle Veranstaltungen mit mehr als 50 Menschen sind in Berlin ab sofort verboten. Clubs, Kneipen und Kinos müssen schließen. Gesundheitssenatorin Kalayci kündigte im rbb an: Mit weiteren drastischen Maßnahmen müsse gerechnet werden.
All events with more than 50 people are now prohibited in Berlin. Clubs, pubs and cinemas have to close. Health Senator Kalayci announced in the rbb: Further drastic measures must be expected.

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What the fuck actually is this virus? What the fuck is actually going on. Why the shutdowns if its no big deal? What the fuck are they NOT telling us. They are holding some shit back

France closes schools, bars, restaurants and everything non essential.

> Infection Protocol Act invoked
Quarantine next week

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They are shuting down everything in Europe!
Holy fffffffffffffffff....

It was good to feel bortherhood between Europeans, now it's everyone for himself. Good luck lads


hope you bought toilet paper

should've listened to /cvg/ from the start
believe me bro, the media is still downplaying the fuck out of it even at this moment in time.

Weimar Republic is DONE


We now live in a bitch world filled with soys, how does this board forget something it parrots all the time? Oh right, it's filled with tourists....

No gathering or conspiring!

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kottbusser tor hat jeden tag mehr als 50 leute assi party, ma sehen wie das wird

Because it is a big deal, dumbass. Normalfags haven't fully accepted it yet. Your door will be welded shut soon.

Told you that everyone would have to follow us, it's been 5 days for the entire country and already 10 days for my city.

hope this godforsaken shithole burns to the ground or similiar. i hate this leftist infested cancerous disgrace of a city to the core.

but didn't media said something like
>no need to worry, its just fake rummors
and now?



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>only shutting down restaurants and concerts

Why the fuck are world leaders so fucking retarded????? Shut.down.everything you stupid bitches motherfuckers, STAY HOME

>make sure nobody knows until everybody knows
To be real tho we know quite a fair bit about the disease so far. So unless it mutated, as it seem to have since now ICU admissions are booming for people 40-60yo in Italy, it's just a highly infectious disease that can cripple our health care systems.

That moment when Corona-Chan turns out to be an actual resurected goddess with insane rampaging followers

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even now, they are not telling you the full extent, they say it will go away soon, or give it a few months, or vaccine is coming.

> archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/247497014
I am a Veteran of the Great ToiletPaper Wars 2020

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No explanation for why they're spraying the streets down in high infection areas. Why people were locked in their homes It has to get into everything and cause rapid infection at some point in critical mass. That's one. No explanation for what untreated mortality rates are. Ventilators are overloaded and then deaths spike (Italy). Chinese doctors have said a ventilator is key to survival for critical patients. My guess: Iran's and Italy's numbers are the real numbers, and upon a critical mass of shedders/spreaders the infection is automatic on the streets.

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the really retarded thing about this is that the best way to eliminate it's danger to society is to let it run it's course, at some point there are several strains, some temperate and well adapted, some more pathogen (even if the pressure is opposing that)
give 2-3 weeks the resistance through the population is so high it'll fizzle out

>"It's ok, ladies, I got enough aids for all of you"

> Tyrone and his four Karens

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I bet the Muslims won't listen to this. One can hope anyways

Dumb whores gonna dumb whore, what's new?

Please god please please please kill as much as possible

they shut down everything everywhere except for the netherlands
stupid imbeciles

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Its deep state/globalists/jews last ditch effort. I think it is serious enough but i havent seen anything crazy and its either an info freeze or fake and gay.

Well, since last week i see a lot Bundeswher folks walking in cologne.

Except it gives you aids and organ failure. Youre literally 2 months behind the real infos.

No it's not. That's the worst thing you can do because you will strain your healthcare system and a lot more people will die as a result - not just from coronavirus, but other treatable conditions which can't be helped because the healthcare system won't be able to treat everyone under stress. You need to enact social distancing protocols to flatten the curve so the healthcare system can adjust.

barely 5,000 people have died. remind me why this is a big deal? looks like it's already fizzled out in asia, so it should start dying down in europe soon. probably won't kill more than 10,000 outside the third world.

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based doggo never relax

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its a nothin burger guys remember DW ABOUT IT

Berlin as front city... The Fuhrer won't be able to hold the city.

fake and gay, kraut

Also, is nobody wondering why they shut down berlin first? I mean, NRW is way worst and all they did was shutting down schools so far.

>What the fuck are they NOT telling us. They are holding some shit back

It's either a Chinese bioweapon to eliminate US hegemony (big bet that the US would fuck up and China would save the day for everyone else), or it's some CIA shit to lockdown the world. LMAO if you think that they're gonna get rid of these restrictions anytime soon.

This country should die. Germans should be executed by Corona-chan. I fucking hate them all and I'd do anything to live in a normal, civilised place.

trust me, if both germany and france shutdown, so will our country.

we're at 5800 deaths as of now, with an exponential growthrate for cases outside of china.
china is obviously covering up their real numbers, their ship traffic is still fucked and they are lying about all of their factories being up and running, you will understand this soon, if you like it or not.

>Gesundheitssenatorin Kalayci

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oh shit


Why aren't you allowed to talk about hitler in your country

They know the situation in hospitals in Berlin. And they probably want to prevent that half the goverment and the people in the ministries get infected.

lucky coincidence that the jews started researching a corona vaccine based on the hubei pangolin months ago
jews always saving the world with their superior intellect

this but unironically

source: living in Berlin

surely you can understand my skepticism. Yas Forums has never been right before. what evidence is there that supply chains are fucked? besides that single video from the chinese factory

It was never good Froschfresser. It made us weak and decadent. It has brought us here.

Habibining theme song: youtube.com/watch?v=7lPyyZ-2rUo

events with moire than 50 persons are forbidden
okay so what if there ar emore than 50 perosns riding the bus ?
the train ? a plane to anywhere ? more than 50 persons standing in line at the supermarket ? ...

>the media is downplaying the virus
>24/7 propaganda about "stay calm" "everything will go fine" on the television, on social media, on mass media, by the government
>newspapers showing people stocking up on everything, leading to more people assaulting supermarkets for shit
>5000 dead, the flu kills like 20x more
Yeah, I guess it's just a flu. Happeningfags were wrong.

I've been hearing helicopters at night all through out january

hows it over there spaghettibro


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>Yas Forums has never been right before
compared to what will really happen, this is downplayed, we're talking about at best, virus lying dormant in us forever like AIDS and killing us off at a certain age, basically decreasing the human age forever or worst case an extinction event.
media is acting like we have a chance to fight this, we don't.

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I feel you, bro. I felt the same surrealism and deep unease the moment the Wuhan lockdown was announced. Unprecedented in history, followed by literally thousands of drastic measures equally unprecedented in (at least recent) history. There is something really big going on, and it is NOT about the Virus.

viral marketing by the toilet paper companies
Big Paper will have a lot to answer for when the dust settles

pay attention to their actions not their words. If this were truly "just the flu", the US wouldnt have declared a state of emergency yesterday

>1 infected in refugee center
>center on lockdown
dis gonna be good

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