You DID stockpile on ammo so when Jamal and Tyrese come for your tp and tendies you'll be ready, right?

You DID stockpile on ammo so when Jamal and Tyrese come for your tp and tendies you'll be ready, right?

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I'm in the deep country. I'm more afraid of my asshole neighbor who is a fucking psychopath trying to scare me by firing his shotgun up into the air when I walk by his house on a public road. I have a gun too and his boomer ass won't see it coming when I take him out in self defense as he has already proven himself a danger should shit get worse.

my neighbor makes me wish they would take the guns away...there's more people who don't deserve to have them than there are who do.

Rural living is so based and redpilled guys, amirite?

no because jesus said to love my enemies and if someone wishes to rob me give them more than they took, i will simply p[ray that gods will be done, if he wishes to torture me to death to test my resolve i will remain in christ

It's Tyrone not Tyrese.

If he is confronting you by firing a gun you’d probably have just cause to shoot back. Until you posted this here at least.

yes, just yesterday. few more box of shells coming next week too.

eh he sounds pretty based to me

You need to assert dominance by driving by repeatedly at night in a vehicle with straight pipes

Tyrese is subjuntivo preterite of Tyrone


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Clearly the solution is firing an even bigger shotgun into the air as you walk by.

Imagine not having crates of ammunition stacked in the attic long before anyone ever heard of coronavirus.

>You DID stockpile on ammo so when Jamal and Tyrese come for your tp and tendies you'll be ready, right?
I live in a city that is only 0.4% black, I think I'll be all right

Are those OFZs? I need 10 found in raid for this quest but I'm stuck at 5. Reserve is fucking me hard.

keeping you in check. Probably not much crime in that neighborhood


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No, I did not stockpile ammo for Coronavirus, because I already had so much that the floor underneath is starting to sag

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I'm more concerned about my methed out neighbor, cletus.

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I actually understand your comment, commiebro

of course i did i have so much fucking 00 buckshot ill just go shooting if its a nothing burger

Yes. I've got enough that if I'm in a fight I won't live long enough to shoot it all. If by some miracle I do, I'll have killed probably 300-500 baddies and they won't be able to get past the bodies.

Yes. Pic related is some of it, I have more in piles in my bedroom

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I think the chances I'm going to have to shoot anyone before this blows over are zero but I did clean and lube everything in my safe just to be safe

Literally just got back from the gun store, tossed a bunch of ammo on the huge and growing pile I already had.

>Meals Refusing to Exit stacked to the ceiling

I hope you have some seeds user, those constipation bags will taste a lot better with some veggies out of your garden.


is a nigger name anyways

>Commercial Resale is Unlawful

funny you bring this up user, i have literally prepared my entire adult life for this moment.

>>Commercial Resale is Unlawful
I didn't pay a dime for them, so i didn't do anything unlawful

Absolute sausage

the problem with rural living is you get too many ultra territorial people who are paranoid about anyone being near their property to the extent that they have no respect for others who are on a public street or other public place, if its near their house.

a uniquely american problem due to gun culture.

Come back


can't tell if sarcasm because i've met christcucks preaching this exact same thing

Post your hand then

you need to exercise mate

I got like 1000 rounds of 5.45 and like 150 rounds of 7.62x39

I'm gonna be one of those caravan dudes in Fallout and hire Jamal and Tyrese to protect me from you school shooting crackers.

No you did it for me

>you need to exercise mate
post physique

1000rds of 9mm
1000rds of 762
600rds of 556
250rds of double odd buckshot
Max comfy

yes I have

What is the point of stockpiling weapons and ammo when youre a bunch of neverserves who dont even know how to take apart your weapon, let alone conduct CQB?


Why'd you delete the picture


jesus christ not even with somone else's gun. That is the nastiest shit ever made that's not actual black powder.

Talking big there uncle Sam, you sure you want to shoot that nigger robbing your house or the one mounting your wife? I hear that's racist in the USA.

idk, the ammo in it wasn't too impressive, and i guess neither is my hand :(

are you denying that you need to get rid of some of that fat? lmfao

I wish that were me

no, im slowly working on it

Punt gun. Ftw

Checked. If you're fat that's ok you can change it dude and I seen your post saying you're working on it so good job

I make my own ammunition and hand reload. Amazingly enough, this is one of the few things in the UK that isn't regulated.

>implying I live within 75 miles of any city with niggers inhabiting it

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Any menu 23 in those boxes?

damn WOLF makes chili too?

What are the silver cylinders?...some kind of fuel?


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no you pompous ass. the police will be there to protect me.

nobody NEEDS guns and ammo. thats why we pay taxes. you call, they come

having a gun in the house is a sure way to kill yourself or someone you love.

leave it to the professionals, guys.

Unfortunately not.

Attached: BoatingAccident.jpg (810x455, 82.8K)

G...guys... I forgot to stock up on tendies. Am I gonna make it?

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How long does it take to make one round? And did you see we blocked you guys and ireland now too

I deleted the image your secret is safe with us, stay safe.

Jesus. What's up with rural white dudes?

Just join my raider clan and well have all the tendies we can eat fren, courtesy of prepsharts.

My bug out cabin has an outhouse is stocked with rice and beans. Niggers wouldn't find it or even get close cause the surrounding area is anti nog. Couldn't imagine living in a urban center.

>300 AAC cartrages
bitch you better be loading subsonic and popin from a can

>you're working on it so good job
Thanks. I have been dieting and I've lost ~10lbs in the past two weeks
>Any menu 23
Nah, these MREs range from 1-4 years old
not bad
>stay safe
thanks fren you too


i have about 2k rounds of 223/5.56 and 2k of 7.62x39. and a case of 7n6. not much i suppose.


You can make about 100-150 rounds per hour if you aren't pushing it and depending on the caliber.

>10 lbs in the past 2 weeks
That's awesome bro keep going. I'm a skelly so I'm trying to gain weight, I'm up to about 150 lbs.

If I can get hand gainz, so can you user.
>t. former fatty

little bit of background, i work the sporting good counter at my Walmart. Ive been surprised at the lack of ammo sales, like yeah we dont sell any handgun rounds anymore but i'd atleast think people would buy out our .22

Pure oxygen, in case they get infected.