I am going to burst. Fucking dems are literally destroying the world economy over NOTHIGN

I am going to burst. Fucking dems are literally destroying the world economy over NOTHIGN.

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>I am going to burst. Fucking dems are literally destroying the world economy over NOTHIGN.
Good. This is the perfect setup to end the FED and Nationalism is rising.

Idunno man, I don't think dems owned that much stock.

It was a lot of rich motherfuckers, dumping their load.

Unless you're so delusional as to believe the dems can sway 30% of your stock value. (Which is more frightening)

>comparing numbers from the beginning and after an epidemic
uhh I have bad news about your IQ

Happenningfags are the most succesful sharia blue shill op yet

Most Yas Forumsacks fell for it

The age of the dead is... above the life expectancy. They're just dying of old age. The common cold could kill them. The common cold is killing them.

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Did the flu kill 250 people in one day?

It's bigger than democrats. The fact is, an economic downturn was due, and like this people will blame it on the virus. Remember occupy wall street? It was all a jewish hoax to crash the markets and blame it on a virus instead of on the scheming greedy banker class.

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H1N1 was much less lethal, it was similar to the seasonal flu, and most people contracted the disease in America. My sister, parents and I all got it back then and it was just like a standard cold.

Flu kills 1000-2000 daily.

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This is retarded. Covid-19 could easily infect as many people as H1N1 if no measures were taken, cause millions of deaths and an health system collapse.


the problem isnt the dems, its the abundance of access and availability to social media and the internet that has made the mass hysteria.

>disease known to be not just more infectious, deadly than H1N1 is causing a bigger reaction
i honestly hope you faggots will play it down and ignore it completely, i want the US to finally be eradicated

H1N1 had a mortality rate of .02% in the US according to your pic. I don’t think you really grasp how many people are going to die. Much, much more than 12k, even if drastically disproportionately elderly.

Deep state (especially Soros, bill gate, clintons) is conjucturing a mass media hoax to deflate economy and ruin our president's campaign, dirty fuckers
all my money is in gold anyways.. no worries
death rate is 0.1 percent. Google coronavirus defition. its the common cold

COVID-19 hasnt even ran its course yet you fucking dipshit brainlet. We're still at the beginning..

>covid could
You should kill yourself to avoid death to the corolla virus

I don't even remember H1N1. Nobody gave a fuck. Now people are acting like coronavirus is the apocalypse. You're all easy manipulated faggots

> Diseases known literally for hundreds of years
> Vs
> Disease we know nothing about

Do you retards not understand what known and unknown risks mean at all?

thank u pedes

N1N1 mortality calculated on provided numbers : 0.02
COVID-19 mortality on provided numbers : 2.8

This thing is 14 TIMES worse if it gets a hold on the population. And if the fucker starts to mutate like the seasonal flu, we are looking at an economy shattering consequences.

You dolt

What you don't grasp is that the 0.5% death rate in South Korea doesn't include the 90%+ of cases that are asymptomatic. So when better studies are done in one year, the rate for this will be 0.02 to 0.05% like the flu or a cold.

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the numbers are wrong there's way more cases in the u.s. i bet there's more than that in my city alone. my city literally had 20 test kits. they gave up on testing. the e.r. is already overflowing.

You have to go back, nigger.

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... nah you're just a huge pussy and this is a nothing burger..... .....faggot....

2.8 is based on stupid math. only if you divide case by death. moron. closer to 0.1 or lower.

i've been here much longer tha you

Media wants to control the narrative. Apparently to the point of releasing an engineered virus worldwide, then giving it coverage.

>WHO do you work for

You provided the raw numbers that showed a mortality rate of .02% for H1N1. I work for people that aren’t in need of a retarded Wal-Mart greeter, you dumb nigger.

The corona virus has nothing on abortionist deaths due to numbers. If we test the theory that a clump of cells is nothing and decide to kill all clumps of cells in the place of sanctuary in 120 years would humans exist or would magic happen and life would find away to survive ( in human terms) since it’s just a clump of cells and nothing. This is the only way to test the formula that a clump of cells is meaningless. The corona virus highlights certain things. That is survival seems to be paramount as in law and the medical fields. Except for one exception. A clump of cells. Now I’m pretty sure if we test this method we would find life would cease to exist but it’s only an opinion. Survival is paramount.

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habbeningLARPers get the rope

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Both are calculated the same way, dividing the number of dead by the number of the infected. Since both are calculated the same way the only difference is the percentage.
What "smart" math did you use to get to 0.1 or lower ?

>FPBP and checked
Kikes and chinks seething

just a flu bro

Oh yeah? Because HIV/AIDS is totally airborne and contact infectious, lasts 3 days and has an incubation period of 2 weeks, with no known treatments, limited testing availability, and literally everyone is at risk for it.

IIRC, Swine flu was around for a year before being officially declared as over. This image wouldn't happen to be using the figures from the end of the swine flu epidemic and comparing them to the current early numbers from Corona-chan, would it? Because that would be pretty dishonest.

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Do... do they not see the massive percentage difference in fatalities?

wow thats so good obama let it spread and let thousands more die! he was right! panic is dumb


That is all. You may proceed to the next thread.

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0.02% flu CFR vs 6% supervirus CFR

this is your brain on burgers

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Question. Why does a guardian or mother get protection when it comes to death or possible death as a law to survive and as a justification to abort life but the clump of cells which would cease to exist in 120 years if all terminated does not have that same reciprocal belief attached to it? Wouldn’t it make sense if the mother gets to be protected than the human in development would be shown the same courtesy regarding life or death?

the DNC, through coordinated use of their supposedly independent media outlets, control 100% of the value of not only the stock markets, but of the value of the dollar itself
the only thing that stopped them from crashing the economy to get Trump was fear they might get blamed for it, or one of their trusted leaders (Russia and China) would

Check. FPBP

>sold high
>crypto market crashes
>going to drop further monday
>will buy back tuesday
I too am going to burst

>so far
Wait a few months and then wait another year for wave 2. Also there's no testing

Yas Forums
>i never trust the media because i'm totally redpilled, media is jewoned

also Yas Forums

Get fucked kraut

H1N1 has another name: the Flu. This is a novelty virus with no vaccine and a relatively high mortality rate with a surprisingly high transmission rate that can’t be currently contained without quarantine.

Guess what happens when you quarantine a country? Nobody goes to work or buys anything and freak and horde all their money and food. So naturally the economy goes to shit.

Stop making false equivalencies.

The porcine flue was fucking nothing. It had like a .2% mortality rate. So far Corona has 3% or more depending if you believe chinese numbers.

Wtf are you even saying?

Don’t even compare this to the flu. What kills more old people than babies-adults? Rhinovirus. What is more deadly to babies-adults? Influenza. Look at who is dying and who is not and you’ll see that this is operating as a rhinovirus and not the flu at all. Why nobody else has caught on to this is beyond me.


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I had tuberculosis when I was a kid, salmonella too. Nasty shit.

>2.85% lethality versus 0.02% lethality

>don't think dems owned that much stock.
all those dems have had money since the slavery and opium wars days

82 ppl a day die of yellow fever, fucking race mixers deserve it.

Why are you Americans so fucking stupid?

>I don’t think you really grasp how many people are going to die
anything less than all is not enough

?? Coronavirus has over 100X the killrate and is more infectious. Are you retarded? Can you do math?



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IN CONFIRMED CASES. Who is getting confirmed? People sick enough to go to the hospital to be tested. Most state officials have said that because tests are limited they’re prioritizing the elderly and immunodeficient because they’re highest risk. If the only confirmed cases are coming out of the group most likely to die you guarantee a stilted as possible lethality rate.

Figure out how I got that number you fucking shill. Also slide thread

>30 sick people
>shuts down entire state schools
>churches cancelled
>no gatherings more than 250 people

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It really is sad how Yas Forums fell for the MSM hype and is now acting like the NPC normalfags they claim not to be.
Trust me on this, you're more likely to die in a car crash today than you will come close to even contracting COVID-19 throughout the rest of the year.


Fake News

The president said that everyone who wants to be tested can be tested. Go to the Hospital and ask faggot.

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You know the virus exists outside of the U.S? Italy went from 2 cases to quarantining their entire country in less than 45 days. Is that the "dems" too?

As of yesterday?

Nothing they won't stoop to. Trump 2020

Lmao/pol/ was all over the virus for months before it was covered on the news, you fucking mongoloid retard. Cvg was one of the only places specifically talking about the Wuhan lockdown.

The fact is these retards can't process the information, unless an Indian man wearing a labcoat tells them it's so on CNN.

You fail to see that if 60 million would get COVID-19, you'd see a million death if not double or more.

You are a total moron.

If coronavirus is allowed to infect 60.8 mil 1.7 million will die. And thats if all get the best hospital care, which they will not.

What are you talking about?

been saying this to people around me

a lot of dramamongering. They don't listen.
It's a bunch of bull the whole fking thing.

people die more from trivial things than both of those viruses

Nonono, you must understand that THIS time it's really happening! And it's all Drumpf's fault!
What do you mean Drumpf was already taking precautions as early as November??????

Italians compulsively lick their fingers, kiss family/friends/strangers on the face, hug eachother like it’s going out of style, live in multi-generational households, stand too close, live right on top of eachother, have less than stellar hygiene. I’m not at all surprised it got out of control.

>Fucking dems are literally destroying the world economy over NOTHIGN.

When will t_d plebbitors fuck off of Yas Forums?

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This is an exercise is eroding your rights. They know that with the help of the media. Creating a "pandemic" is exactly what is needed for people to accept large government. No proof necessary.
This is how the world entered into a new world order, in fear over a flu.

I'd like to say that while I believe taking precautions and being safe are very useful in the current environment, I also acknowledge how totally and utterly fucked the liberal media is in their relentless pursuit to shit all over the Trump presidency and I honestly believe they should have to suffer some form of consequences for this. They're literally aiding and abetting this shit. Their mass hypnosis of the weak minded and gullible is criminal.

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There has been a test shortage in virtually every state you fucking moron. They have at least up until now been prioritizing testing for the highest risk groups (elderly and immunodeficient)

Kek literally me I want things to happen because I failed in life and a happening is better than what I've got now. Good post user.

Am I having deja vu or this a thread from like 3 days ago? The OP, the replies, everything.

checked fpbp

If the death rate holds, that would equate to 1.7M deaths when infection hits 60.8M.

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>Google coronavirus defition. its the common cold
Holy shit, you are a literal retard. HIV is a coronavirus too, you fucking imbecile.

38/1,329 x 100 = 2.86 % probability of dying (lot of the 1329 will die but ok)
12,489/6,080,000 = 0.21 % probability of dying
2.86/0.21 = 13.62
So basically new corona is a whooping 14 times more lethal than the H1N1 flu

Bullshit.... Hannity said that there isn't any fucking problem. Its libtards like you trying to scare people to bring down Trump.

People need to come down and go to work. Millennials and Gen Xers are so fucking lazy. Always looking for an excuse to not work.

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It's like straight out of a video game or 80's sci-fi novel. The big government is having trouble controlling the populace, so they start rounding up random people in various countries around the world, kill them off, and blame the deaths on a "novel virus" which has symptoms that sound just like the common cold or normal flu that people were going to die from anyway.

The fatality rate is bullshit. It's such a mild illness young people don't even know they have it and don't get tested. Look at South Korea. That's the only country where they've tested a large cross section of the entire population and the fatality rate is

I guess I’ll keep explaining this until it finally fucking registers. At least up until now each state has had a limited number of tests. State officials per the advice of CDC have been prioritizing testing for the highest risk groups aka olds and sicks. When the the only confirmed cases you have come out of the groups that are probably going to die you ensure that the lethality rate will look as high as humanly possible.

Except I said the opposite, Shartblue. Nice try though

True, but same goes for h1n1, also as the virus is current, the infected group also proceeds the mortality rate by part of the symptomatic period skewing the percentage the other way. If comparing cov-19 to h1n1 the death toll will still be many, many times higher, they can't let the (detected) infection rate reach the millions, thats why they shutting shit down now

>conveniently leaves out that 25 of the 38 deaths were ancient boomers already on death's door


>muh dems
But a conservative is executive in chief and floundering like a fish. Stay mad cunt.

H1N1 also killed mostly oldfags, no?