How do Communists actually explain this??

how do Communists actually explain this??

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Because you either tow the party line or you get at best a visit to the reeducation camp and if that does not take then a bullet. And when they suddenly change the message around 180 degrees you better mouth that too.

There's no need to explain when you are on the right side of history.

With lies of course

Because they're nothing wrong with exploiting contradictions between your enemies.

>right side of history
>flag from a nation that is already history
Being a commie is prima facie evidence of being a total fucking loser

Reminder hungry santa died a BEGGAR who took money from his family
The ultimate fucking loser couldnt even feed his family without CHARITY

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All you have is contradictions you fucking RUBE

>>>((((Right side of History)))))
Yeah thats about what i expected from a puppet of the International Financial ((((Eliete)))
pic related
You're missing the point dude.
If the Capitalist class is your utter and complete enemy
If they are your nemesis
If you make them wake up at night in pant shitting sweat laced utter and complete fucking fear?
And if at the same time Fascists are merely their "puppets"?
They shouldnt fund you under ANY circumstance
They should have just let the germans take poland and roll right on into the soviet union to gut you like a fish if you were REALLY their top priority.
Thus we can ascertain that something OTHER then class interest was informing their decisions.
Which simultaneously discredits the entire social theory of Marxism and hints at the possibility of things such as Jewish Power and neptoism informing the policy of various (((Capitalist))) and ((((Communist)))) Nations.

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Murrica likes to take credit for everything, doesn't it?

Where can I see that video?

Well they are enemies, its just Nazi Germany was the bigger threat since they invaded first. Its not like after the war they were best friends, they teamed up to defeat a common enemy and they resumed hostile relations.

Only when its due.

Like supplying the entire war effort and keeping Japan from buttfucking Russia for the second time


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Or Hitler was just a bigger threat.

Again dude
How the fuck does this make sense from a Marxist world view?
Under Marx people generally work within their "Class interest" regardless of race or any other social devider.
Hitler had no intention of ending the market system and only planned on excluding Jews from it while maintaing controll of his nations central banking apparatus.
The man didnt even build a fucking Navy that he could possibly go to war with the british empire with.
It litterally makes 0 sense for the Capitalist in controll of the UK to fight along side a nation who would gain all of eastern europe throughout the course of the war and take all of the resources away from the possible possesion of the Capitalist class.
This ONLY makes sense we assume the (((Capitalist Class))) of england had some other motivation for entering the war then pure class self interest.
I wonder what that could possibly be??????/
> Nazi Germany was the bigger threat since they invaded first.
How does this make any fucking sense dude?
The USSR was something on the odds of twice the size germany
Had double the population
And designs on a "world revolution" which would have complete destroyed the Capitalist markets the world
How is Germany "more of a threat" for wanting a peice of realestate the size of Maryland in eastern Europe without any intentions to end the market system what so ever?
As a Communist I am sure you understand that all Capitalist Democracies are fundimentally controlled by the Capitalist Class who dominates the politics of each nation
Why then did the Capitalist class work with Communist to defeat people who werent even a direct threat to their own private property?

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>Its not like after the war they were best friends
Yeah man its not like the Berlin wall came down without firing a fucking shot or anything
Its not like all through the cold war these nations maintained diplomatic relations and even traded with each other
Its not every fucking communist Nation in the world with the exception of fucking North Korea eventually created a symbiotic relationship with the Capitalist Nations
fucking kek
((((Communism)))) is, was and always shall be a puppet ideology of Jewish International Bankers and ((((Capitalism)))) itself
If you want to seriously oppose neo-liberalism?
Pic an ideology that actually gets censored and supressed on social media sights by giant multi million dollar corporations
Not one that gets its thought leaders (like ((((noam chomsky))))) to speak at harvard or yale or one of the other centers of american power and wealth.

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>how is Germany "more of a threat"
Because they invaded and starting massacring and enslaving USSR citizens. The US hadn't. And yes, they trade with capitalist nations because global trade is needed if you want anything you can't produce domestically. But that doesn't mean "peaceful co-existence", peaceful existence is a revisionist concept that the USSR adopted after it stopped being socialist around 1953.

>Because they invaded and starting massacring and enslaving USSR citizens.
Yeah that sounds like a real fucking threat to the Capitalist Class in the United kingdom
I mean just think
If hitler kept doing that shit?
Communism might have been wiped off the face of the fucking earth once for all
Cant have that shit!
what the fuck are you even smoking?
>The US hadn't. And yes, they trade with capitalist nations because global trade is needed if you want anything you can't produce domestically.
The wonders of "Marxist" economics lol.
> But that doesn't mean "peaceful co-existence", peaceful existence is a revisionist concept that the USSR adopted after it stopped being socialist around 1953.
Probably the only somewhat based thing you've said all chat.
But ((((Trotsky)))) was a puppet of the west same as ((((lennin))))
Stalin was litterally the only semi-uncontrolled leader the USSR ever had and as a result of this he suffered a"stroke" while planning his second great purge
Immidiately after wards the USSR began the process of ((((De-Stalinziation))))
Which was double talk for becoming a Jewish puppet of the West once more.

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>Yeah that sounds like a real fucking threat to the Capitalist Class in the United kingdom
Capitalists have contradictions among themselves. Some of the most brutal wars have occurred between capitalist empires, look at the Napoleonic wars and WW1. That was all fought between rival capitalist factions. The reason the British didn't like Nazi Germany is the same reason they didn't like the German Empire in WW1: it was a rival power.

>But ((((Trotsky)))) was a puppet of the west same as ((((lennin))))
How were Trotsky and Lenin "puppets" of the West?


Yezhov was Lithuanian, not a kike.

>it was a rival power.
Which apparently was more of a threat to them then a Communist Nation that called for their outright disintegration as monarchy and capitalist nation
And was five times the size of german
AND had twice the population of germany.
But you know
who needs logic when you've got ideolgy right commie?
>How were Trotsky and Lenin "puppets" of the West?
As demonstrated in OP (((Trotsky))) and (((lennin)))) recieved funding directly from jewish bankers in the west and ((((Trotsky))))himself was farried back tot he Americas by MI6 to save him from Stalin.

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Married a jew.
Just like Stalin Actually.

Let’s say you’re an Imperial in Cyrodiil and all you want to do is to trade mutually with the other races of the world and accumulate wealth for the Imperium.

You see the Nords in Skyrim ranting about the Khajiit menace and kicking out Khajiits left and right. You remember how the Khajiits had tried to impose an abhorrent system of internal trade in Skyrim, so although your dispassionate merchant sensibilities are offended, you understand the Nordic anger.

Then you see the Khajiits that the Nords kicked out finding refuge among the Argonians in the Black Marsh. Feeling even more vulnerable, they double down on their rabble rousing that got them in trouble with the Nords and eventually took over the Black Marsh entirely. Whatever, you think, so long as they’ll trade with you.

All you want to do is trade, and that’s exactly what Black Marsh asks of you. Skyrim, on the other hand, balks at your terms and refuses to trade. They even start threatening your trading partners, with whom you have accumulated much wealth. You eventually get fed up with the Nordic aggression, which is now directed outward.

No matter how bad Black Marsh is internally, at least they don’t disrupt your wealth accumulation. You form a tentative ally ship with Black Marsh to defeat the Nordic menace once and for all. But it is only tentative because right after Skyrim falls, Black Marsh starts disrupting your trade agreements as well. They do this in a more pernicious way, so you enter into a “Cold War” with them lasting almost 50 years...

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>Hitler had no intention of ending the market system

Yes it was a greater threat to them at that particular time. If you notice, Britain spent most of the war defending its colonial holdings, not actually fighting in Europe. In fact, even before WW2 was over, western and Soviet tensions began. The big impetus for D-Day was to stop the Russians, who were rapidly advancing on Berlin, from taking Western Europe.

And no, you haven't proven the Bolsheviks got funds from bankers, you've proven Kerensky got funds from bankers.

Dude. There is no arguing with anti-semites. If you find someone who isn’t a kike, they’ll just find an excuse for why he’s actually sympathetic towards or secretly controlled by kikes. This is how unfalsifiable conspiracy theories work.


tldr: Imperial NPCs are entirely determined by their desire to accumulate wealth, and the Nords presented a more immediate threat.

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Alright you stupid faggot, i'll explain it for you. Get your tiny brain ready for a tl;dr.
>when the entire world of capitalists is supplying y-
That was only after Nazi Germany backstabbed the Soviet Union. Hitler was incompetent and had an economy that could only sustain itself with imperialism. The economy boom that Germany experienced during the early 30s was thanks to a more left-leaning nazi named Hjalmar Schacht who was later kicked out of the inner circle for disagreements. Having this in mind, why would any capitalist work with Hitler who would just invade their allies? Joseph Stalin might have been against capitalism, but he posed no immediate threat since he was an anti-accelerationist.
Manpower. Just like how Nazi Germany used the USSR for manpower against poland. The Soviet Union were just backstabbed by the nazis and the cappies saw this an opportunity to make a truce now that they had a common enemy. Immediately after the war, the US started arresting commies and the cold war started. They immediately wanted to throw nukes at each other.
Oh please. Hitler stopped being anti-capitalist after he killed off the strasserites. He agreed to do so in order to make a deal with the big businesses. This is simple fucking history, you retard.

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>why would any capitalist work with Hitler who would just invade their allies?
This. Not good business.

Issue being of course that "Black Marsh" in our time line was calling for the overthrow of the empire from the begining and an end to all trade across the entire earth
Genuinely interest in why you believe this bro
I can se arguments both ways but there is no arguing hitler was much more "pro market" then the USSR
(With exception for market power in banking the media)
>Yes it was a greater threat to them at that particular time.
Look at the meterics of Germany and the USSR
You fucking tankies love to larp about the USSR being an unstoppable horde yet you fail to understand the ramifications of this
The English allied with their class enemeis to fight someone who had no intention of going to war with them and posted no direct threat to their existence
Unlike the Sovites
Who were inherently and openly anti-colonialist.
> Britain spent most of the war defending its colonial holdings, not actually fighting in Europe.
One might ask why the fuck they got involved...
>The big impetus for D-Day was to stop the Russians, who were rapidly advancing on Berlin
if they wanted to stop the russians WHY DIDNT THEY END THE FUCKING LEND LEASE?!?!?
This is just getting autistic dude
Patons third army was litterally told to stop marching east so that the Russians could take Berlin (and inevitablly rape it to hell and back)
The US under Rosevelt was a fucking PRO-SOVIET state
Reasearch this shit you nigger
Its fucking out there.
>And no, you haven't proven the Bolsheviks got funds from bankers
Look at the op pic again.
Bro I can give you multiple examples of Jewish Conspiracies that are openly admitted throughout history
This one for instance actually comes from a pro-israli source.
None of this is hard to find out about
You just dont want to se whats infront of your face.

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>and posted no direct threat to their existence
Yes they did, they threatened to end Britain's monopoly as a world power. Again, this is the exact same reason they went to war in 1914. Britain and Germany were always going to go to war again, it was only ever a matter of time after the Versailles treaty, whether Germany went communist or fascist. Germany was never going to just accept the Versailles treaty and basically being a client state of Britain.

Communists only plans, they don't work.

Why would the bourgeoisie fight itself? You claim capitalists would always side with fascists... except during the biggest war of all time that would decide the fates of capitalism, fascism and communism... sure dude. The whole argument is a commie cop, the evidence that communism was a Jewish dialectical invention to counter balance capitalism while consolidating power in countries that have been historical rivals is far to great, so you just try to spin it around and say "DURR FASCISM IS CAPITALISM IN CRISIS!!" without thinking it through.

>Why would the bourgeoisie fight itself
Because of competition. Capitalists aren't all allied with each other. Capitalists will side with fascists *of their nation* IF there is a threat of communist revolution. That's why Oswald Mosely didn't get far, because there was no immediate threat of communism in Britain, whereas in Germany people were declaring communes and shooting capitalists all over the place. They won't accept fascism that competes with them.

>Yes they did, they threatened to end Britain's monopoly as a world power.
Cause Christ fucking knows neither the USSR nor America for that matter had any chance of doing that lol
give it up commie
This ((((Narative)))) as more holes then a fucking russian partisan lying in a shallow grave does.
> this is the exact same reason they went to war in 1914.
By that logic they should have gone to war with BOTH Germany AND the USSR as both had potential to be a world power and invaded poland.

The USSR and America did do that by forcing Britain to give up its colonies. But Britain didn't think that would happen and Churchill was depressed as fuck about it for the rest of his life. The US had been agitating against British colonialism for a long time by this point, but Britain just fobbed it off.

>By that logic they should have gone to war with BOTH Germany AND the USSR
Why would they fight two enemies at once? The USSR and Nazi Germany combined would've fucked Britain up.

>Because of competition.
WAS THE "comepetion"
This is litterally the crux of Marxist social theory
The idea that people do what is in their "Class interes"
the USSR threatened an EXTREMELY more dangerous world for the British Capitalists then Germany did
Yet they sided with the Communist to defeat Germany
the ONLY reason you could do this would be a reason inherently NOT based on class consiousness (which Marx assumes is the driving force of all human interactions)
It was logical
It was not strategic
It made no fucking sense what so ever from a self interested capitalist frame work
It ONLY makes sens if, for some fucking reas
England Disliked Germany MORE then the USSR
An i content this was because of the Jewish power inherent in the english systems, and the actions hitler took against jewish power in his own country
pic fucking related.

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Communists are moronic faggots that deserve to be shot.


Because it was the immediate threat. There's immediate and secondary threats. Britain's original plan wasn't to ally with the USSR at all. Stalin approached Britain and France and asked if they wanted to form a defence council against Nazi Germany, they said no. So Stalin went ahead with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Britain's plan was for Nazi Germany and the USSR to knock each other out and then Britain to come in and mop up. Hitler and Stalin knew this so they formed a defence pact. The USSR and Britain only allied after Hitler had invaded the USSR. If you have a common enemy, it makes sense to temporarily ally.

>The USSR and America did do that by forcing Britain to give up its colonies. But Britain didn't think that would happen and Churchill was depressed as fuck about it for the rest of his life.
So at least know we've come to agree that it was illogical as fuck for the Brits do what they did
Glad we're on the same page
But that doesnt deal with the inherent issue with the narative that the brits "just fucked up" itself
Are you seriously contending that all Capitalist Interests who controlled the UK government just had no fucking idea what so ever that the USSR could possibly conqure eastern europe if they armed and helped fight germany?
and if not
If they didnt believe the USSR could win?
>Why would they fight two enemies at once?
I dont know why fight Austa-Hungary And Germany at the same time?
You're argument is that The British empire was so fucking concerned abou jingoism and making sure no one else attained world power status
Yet did not apply this same logic to the US or the USSR
This is fucking insane.
This is reading history in particular way in order to explain things your bullshit world view can fundimentally not explain
It is intellectual dishonesty and it deserves to be mocked as the childish non-adult fucking western propagana tier bullshit that it fucking is.

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It wasn't illogical. Britain's colonialism was doomed whether the Nazis or the USA won. Being the sole super power in the world doesn't make you very popular. But Britain didn't seriously think the US would be able to force them to give it up, they thought after WW2 they would end up in a stronger position than before, they didn't.

>had no fucking idea what so ever that the USSR could possibly conqure eastern europe if they armed and helped fight germany?
I said that they did, hence D-Day. They also had a plan called Operation Unthinkable to immediately invade the USSR after WW2, but they didn't have the strength to after the war.

>I dont know why fight Austa-Hungary And Germany at the same time?
Because Germany and Austria-Hungary were allies that would come to each others mutual defence, the USSR and Germany weren't, they just a peace treaty. If the USSR had joined the war on Nazi Germany's side, then obviously Britain would be at war with them.

But the absolutely destroyed and sold out their entire empire just to crush some random upstart that didn’t even pose a threat to them and even wanted friendly relations.

Why is that so hard for commie to just admit.
>Because it was the immediate threat.
Oh yeah, right right.
a guy without a fucking Navy claiming realestate in eastern europe was more of a fucking thread then Marxist calling for an end to the british empire and supporting anti-colonialists the world over?
Give me a fucking Break you ideological hack
Litterally no one has a right to be this fucking historically illiterate or intellectually dishonest.
>Stalin approached Britain and France and asked if they wanted to form a defence council against Nazi Germany, they said no. So Stalin went ahead with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Britain's plan was for Nazi Germany and the USSR to knock each other out and then Britain to come in and mop up.
Any idiot with half a brain knew damn well pact wasnt going to last.
And it again ONLY formed because the brits refused to alley with hitler or at the very least let him relcaim the terriotry they stole from him at versailes
this an obvious inherently anit-german forigne policy that does not make sense with any marxist understanding of class self interest
It ONLY makes sense if you accept the brits hated National Socialism MORE then they hated Communism for some "arbitary" reason.
Again, i suspect the presense of jewish power in the British government
Which you want to turn blind eye to because it doesnt fucking mesh with your two century old jewish pipedream,

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>just to crush some random upstart
Well that's why, if you don't crush upstarts, they stop being upstarts and start being imperial powers.

You keep saying "oh you're being illogical" when this is literally what fucking happened. What, do you really think the USSR was going to say "one group of capitalists is invading, killing and enslaving us and the other isn't, but we don't like capitalists so I guess we'll just die". Obviously not.

Because its obvious it wasn't working. If Britain had just waited 2 years, it would have happened, but they weren't just going to sit about and watch Germany take Western Europe and Scandinavia and Italy take their colonial holdings in Africa were they?

>It wasn't illogical. Britain's colonialism was doomed whether the Nazis or the USA won. Being the sole super power in the world doesn't make you very popular. But Britain didn't seriously think the US would be able to force them to give it up, they thought after WW2 they would end up in a stronger position than before, they didn't.

They thought that spending millions of dollars to fight a massive military force and send young men to give up their lives would better off their empire? Instead of just yknow allying with them and defeating the Soviet Union and securing a better and more powerful position with a increasingly growing super power, maybe the British are retarded but even then, they aren't THAT retarded

>It wasn't illogical. Britain's colonialism was doomed whether the Nazis or the USA won.
Might not have been if they didnt get in the war in the first place dude
All they had do was take all the men they used to fight in europe and use it to kill half the military aged men in all their colinies
could set up manufacturing and slave labor from there like the commies in china do today.
> Being the sole super power in the world doesn't make you very popular. But Britain didn't seriously think the US would be able to force them to give it up, they thought after WW2 they would end up in a stronger position than before, they didn't.
This is so fucking Autistic dude
You are not engaging the primary issues of the argument and you're points arent actually discrediting anything i've said.
The only options are that the brits were fucking retarded
Or they were in bed with the reds
I content that no serious person cant contend the powers of capital are fundimentally "illogical" and they are the ones that dominate ALL democratic capitalists systems as you well know.
This is not a hard thing to understand, you just DONT WANT to se what is obvious because shits on your gods.
>I said that they did, hence D-Day.
Why the fuck are you incapable of understanding the basic format of an argument you retarded fucking mongoloid shit stain!?
>ey also had a plan called Operation Unthinkable to immediately invade the USSR after WW2
And you know why they didnt do that?

They don't. They just deflect and accuse you of what they themselves are guilty of. Need I explain why they're so dishonest or have you already figured it out?

But they didn’t crush the upstart of the Soviet Union when they would definitely be the bigger threat in every way conceivable.

This entire thread is so fucking eye opening, I always knew commies were ignorant retards, but the way they so blatantly lie to themselves and go against all logic in an attempt to never admit they were wrong is astounding.

Yuri bezmenov was so fucking right and this quote is incredibly related.

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>They thought that spending millions of dollars to fight a massive military force and send young men to give up their lives would better off their empire?
How do you think they got an empire in the first place? Through peaceful negotiations?

>Instead of just yknow allying with them and defeating the Soviet Union and securing a better and more powerful position with a increasingly growing super power
Because Britain didn't want Germany to become an super power. They would have stepped on each others toes constantly. Britain wanted to be the sole colonial power in the world. The thing with dying empires is they don't realise they're dying and they don't go down peacefully. They fundamentally act irrationally because they think the sun will never set on them.

>Might not have been if they didnt get in the war in the first place dude
It would have been. Any system based on exploitation is doomed. It might happen in a decade, it might happen in 100 years, but eventually, they always have to end. They couldn't kill half the middle aged men in their colonies and set up slave labour, don't you understand that people don't take this shit lying down? And do you really think the US would have tolerated Britain having slavery and not them?

> but they didn't have the strength to after the war.
stalin lost 20 million men in that war
the UK had twice their population
And by the end of the war the US outnumbered them a by a fuck tone
Let alone the fact the US had MUCH better mechanized warfare, fresh recruits and complete air domination over europe
"they didnt have the stregth"
what the fuck are you smoking nigger?
>Because Germany and Austria-Hungary were allies that would come to each others mutual defence
Sort of like the motov rimintrov pact?
Oh just blow it out your ass commie
The USSR invaded Poland Same as Germany
Stop selling fucking Allied propaganda you disingenious hack.
>You keep saying "oh you're being illogical" when this is literally what fucking happened.
Yes it is what happened
No one (at least i pray to fuck no one) is fucking disagreeing on the facts.
What we are arguing about is the MOTIVATIONS.
And you are (ironically) basically reguritating the allied propaganda lines about germany being a "threat" to britsh hegemony even though that is complete fucking horse shit and the USSR was ten times the threat
But rather then look at that narrative critically you want to larp and shill for war time propaganda from 80 fucking years ago.
Next you'll be saying their really WERE weapons of mass destruction in Iraq lmao!
>hat, do you really think the USSR was going to say "one group of capitalists is invading, killing and enslaving us and the other isn't, but we don't like capitalists so I guess we'll just die".
No you fuck no
Its not about STALINS motivations
Its strictly about the western motivations
And why the fuck
Any sane person would consider Germany to be more of a fucking threat then the USSR
ESPECIALLY when you supposedly want to view the world on the basis of class consciousness!!!
Yeah basically dude
You nailed the leftist double thought on the head
Glad i'm not the only who who sees this shit as fucking retarded.

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They tried to. Britain was one of the countries that sent an army into Russia to defeat the bolsheviks, it was called the North Russia intervention.

>It would have been. Any system based on exploitation is doomed.
for fuck sake just drop the retarded Marxist idealism.
"Exploitation" is at the core of all human interactions is the basis on which society functions.
The idea that this is going to end let alone is "unnatural" giving it some reason to end is retarded as shit and is one of the many
Reasons why marxism does not deserve to be viewed as a legitimate political philspophy but rather a fucking 14 year olds utopian pipe dream. kek.
Not to mention the fact you'v effectively given up defending any of your points regarding the war
Which is a comentary on leftist intellect in and of itself.

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Britain fought WW1 not but a few years earlier and it was a fucking disaster, hundreds of thousands of young men dead, billions wasted and just a couple shitty colonies to show for it.

Why the fuck would Britain jump into another war with a powerful nation that actually had positive views towards them and if you try to say that Britain merely thought it would be an easy war then I ask you why they didn’t accept one of Hitler’s genuinely generous peace offers even after Western Europe got wasted and Britain was left in an even shitter situation?

Going after Germany would doom Europe to the Soviets who were worse for the capitalist world in every possible way, how the fuck would replacing Germany with a hostile nation that was several times larger, far more populated and openly hostile to the capitalist way of life be better for capitalism?

The amount of mental gymnastics you are pulling is incredible.

>stalin lost 20 million men in that war
And yet the USSR came out of it better off with experienced generals and a fuckload of planes, tanks and military infrastructure. The UK on the pother hand was basically bankrupt with a bunch of colonies all demanding independence. The UK didn't have twice the population what are you talking about?

>Sort of like the motov rimintrov pact?
No because the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact wasn't an alliance, it was a peace treaty. Nowhere did it say the USSR or Nazi Germany had to come to each other's aid in a war. Saying "lets not attack each other" is a lot different from saying "lets come to each others defence".

History proves you wrong. Every class and empire have their day. If your system is based on exploitation, eventually the people you're exploiting are going to get sick of and fuck you up, just like Spartacus did, just like the peasants of England in 1381 did and just like the people of the Russian empire and China did.

>How do you think they got an empire in the first place? Through peaceful negotiations?

They fought other colonial empires like France to secure their global position, Nazi Germany wasn't a colonial empire not did they have any plans to become one, what rational reason would they have of dismantling a potential super power Ally and instead giving the USSR of all nations more power over the Eastern block and internationally

>Because Britain didn't want Germany to become an super power. They would have stepped on each others toes constantly. Britain wanted to be the sole colonial power in the world. The thing with dying empires is they don't realise they're dying and they don't go down peacefully. They fundamentally act irrationally because they think the sun will never set on them.

A blind person can see how giving an anti Imperialist and anti colonial nation more global power would be a bad thing for an empire, you are speaking as if the British are school children who could not see further than their feet, also they wanted to be the sole colonial power so they helped France, a colonial power regain Independence and power

Well spoken

Most of Western Europe sent volunteers into Russia and they did fuck all anyway as it was half hearted at best while they pulled every trick they had to destroy Germany even at the cost of the entire empire.

>and just a couple shitty colonies to show for it
They were still the sole super power, that's what they had to show for it.

>Why the fuck would Britain jump into another war with a powerful nation
For the same reason you did it last time, to stop them becoming a super power.

>why they didn’t accept one of Hitler’s genuinely generous peace offers
Again, because for the Birtish capitalist clas,s that's just sitting on your arse while someone else takes your money. You don't realise, these people are greedy as fuck. The entire point of capitalism is to accumulate as much as you can for yourself. So the fuck are they going to share it with Germany? If Britain's not allowed to invade Belgium and France, they sure as fuck weren't going to allow Germany to. That was their logic.

This is like asking why the USA and Russia aren't best friends now they're capitalist. Because they are competing powers, Russia going capitalist did fuck all to ease tensions, it turned them into rival competitors.

>And yet the USSR came out of it better off with experienced generals and a fuckload of planes, tanks and military infrastructure.
Nothing like what the US had dude
let alone what it could potentiall produce.
>No because the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact wasn't an alliance, it was a peace treaty.
One which the Germans and Russias BOTH used to justify invasion fo poland
Despite the fact that the UK only declared war on germany kek.
> Saying "lets not attack each other" is a lot different from saying "lets come to each others defence".
True but thats not all the treaty said dude
It was also a treating agreeing to attack poland and several other eastern european states
many of which were invaded by the red army
and none of which did the UK go to war over
Despite you know that bullshit about wanting to "stop the rise of a super power"
>History proves you wrong. Every class and empire have their day. If your system is based on exploitation, eventually the people you're exploiting are going to get sick of and fuck you up
And then a new system of exploitation rises dipshit.
Explitation by its very nature is what is necessary for society to function as we all need fundimental things from one and other
The fact that civilizations have a shelf life doesnt mean that one day when one falls it will create something other then the systems we've had all throughout human history.