Toll paid

>Be pretty white girl
>Fuck nigger
>Have mutt
>Single mother

Every Single time. It's da white man's fault.

Attached: 20200314_134757.jpg (1080x1500, 675.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Wow, he disappears in the photo!

its boring at this point, the only upside is her life from now on is going to be shit

>have biggest fear
>increase chances of realizing your biggest fear by 100%


Madam, as an employee of based department, I'm sorry to inform you this is only partial payment of the toll.
Full payment is expected in 2-5 years.

Attached: 1583476282441.png (300x250, 38.79K)


> it's boring at this point.
it won't ever get boring

i'll look up into the prospects of giving her an award for really facing her fears.

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It's whiteys fault!
>It's a white man's world

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heh women

The toll is only 1/2 paid, we need another pic of her with a black eye for it to be 3/4 paid and then another one of the Nog's mugshot after he strangled her to death for a full payment.

Attached: 1515202286737.jpg (1280x1280, 264.59K)

this is now a mutt thread
post pics of mutts

Attached: ugly mutt.jpg (3264x2448, 1.48M)

> checking the dates
19.11.2019 - 28.02.2020
Dios mio...

Attached: ugly mutt2.jpg (480x720, 36.84K)

das riiite

> 10 minute mail
you know what to do.

They have no shame anymore, it means men gave up their power on society.

That was fast.

The CCD in the camera detected he was leaving before he actually did. A quantum time displacement affect.


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Lmao, check out that nigger's vernacular

>The plot thickens

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shit parents, natural selection

This nigger is going to start a race war! Holy shit

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> they rayciss
> das rite
> das why i won't be 'round
> they knew i was with the coalburner, but whateves
> those niggas be rayciss
> it's an isolate phenomena
> das rite

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white men don't love their daughters

Attached: 20200314_142224.jpg (1075x890, 216.27K)

Hard to be a father from prison.

>Date white girl
>Fuck White girl
>White girl gets pregnant
>White girl has your mutt child
>Seem to Marry(?) white girl
>Play along with her little gender reveal pics
>Child Born
>Ay yo hol up mah nigga
>Smacks lips
>Chucks and Jives
>Sucks air through teeth
>Flairs up nostrils
>Grabs crotch
>Hol up mah nigga
>Resists arrest after being stopped in the act saying I dindu nuffin
>Hol up
>Beats the shit out of an old person for their wallet
>Hol up nigga
>That white bitch be racist n sheeit
>I'm the real victim mah nigga

Part of me wants to just call this niggadry and placing the blame on other people, then again with a sub 85IQ it may have actually taken him that long to figure something out.

She is still sexier than a sheboon.

kek, which one of you fucks did this?
dump stats now!

Based Knight Boxx telling it like it is

Many such cases...
It's all so tiresome


Attached: 1485191173368.jpg (600x600, 110.71K)

Aaahahaha. Fucking BASED.

>picture of hitler
>talks shit on niggers
>on twitter
>on a roastie s twitter feed
>still gets 33 likes

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The virus is spreading.

The toll is about Thirteen fiddy.

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why does this shit happen everyday in mutt nigger land and why does the whole world have to pay attention to their niggerism? we get it you mutts love niggers no need to tell all of Yas Forums about it

It's rare to see a reasonable voice on twitter

I unironically hate niggers.

Many such cases.

I'd hate to think it's as bad as this website makes it out to be, but then I go out to shop or get something to eat and it's all true. Pretty fucking sad eh? Little Ronald McDonald haired unidentifiable shitskin things all over with some depressed white single mother stumbling around.

Don’t hate too much on them. The same stuff happens in other countries in Asia and Europe with savages. The native men always win out by getting with the women while the women get raped and murdered by the savages while screaming at the native men. It is a tale as old as time at this point.

You're not allowed to show your daughters the truth, they're only allowed to see netflix's racemixing.

That being said I would like to sample my own Ebony kween someday perhaps.

because you lost.


This is considered white in USA

Where have all the good white men gone?

Sad because now that she has a black baby, no self respecting white man will be with her and thus she is marked for life.

Based CJ, kill the jews!

Man, why don't twitter bitches like nice guys like me. Lucky if I get 4 likes on a thoughtful post. Fucking bitches.

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>The same stuff happens in other countries in Asia and Europe with savages
wrong. 98% of people in europe still marry within their own races. americans have been race mixing since the end of their civil war hence this non stop nigger dad running away drama coming from there

>But niggers aren't?

Attached: 20200314_143757.jpg (1080x810, 239.67K)

>he didn't disappear in the cloud of smoke
niggers fail at everything, huh

Based Department?

it's probably not to late to make her abort

Attached: bright_future.png (392x214, 25.6K)

>98% of people in europe still marry within their own races
Haha, maybe in the east.

Pretty sure she’s tiptoeing around saying it

bitches are fucking stupid, what's new?

wtf looks like me

The shirt says natural selection

yeah no...

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 3.39.53 PM.png (1198x702, 1.24M)

>things like this happen
>people still question if there is a god

>no filter is bad
>has a child with a nigger

Yep. Once they go black we dont take em back.

>one headlight out
The attention to detail is impeccable.
Here's some more mutts for someone's folder.

Attached: Screenshot_20200228-224959_Hily.jpg (1080x2280, 756.33K)

No it's not

God.... please silence this nigger lover.


I read through some of her tweets, and it's so ridiculously predictable. Considering she's Christian, I guess he must've at least married her before splitting... right? RIGHT? None of the tweets imply that though. And some tweets seem to suggest she expected him to become more responsible because of the baby, which in turn implies he wasn't that before it, which in turn implies she's practically retarded.

Clown World rubber-stamped.

Because the retard who posted this, shared it the other incels in his discord

That nose isnt even close to white.

Based AF

White men need to STEP IT UP and take care of this LITERAL GODDESS


>shes too dumb to go the route of the thot to make money

>And some tweets seem to suggest she expected him to become more responsible because of the baby
>a nigger
ohnonono aaaaaaahahahahaha

Wish we could say stuff like this on twitter. The world would be a better place.

It's either fake or deleted. that account "hasn't tweeted" according to twitter.

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jesus christ lmao, hello?, based department? id like to report a slaughter

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Imagine being her right now sitting alone at home having all the trolls tell her the truth right to her face and the moment she finally got done reporting/blocking all the evil doers the nigger goblin in the next room starts screaming again reminding her that her nightmare is about to continue for the next 18 years

lol what a name for a mulatto

click "tweets and replies" dumb dumb

She's like Katie Price (kind of)

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LOL this pathetic bitch gets everything she deserves.

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In a bout 15 years her mutt will be shitting on her whiteness too

I'm about to message her and link this thread and explain that everyone is a lonely incel and to turn off her twitter for a few days. I'm sure her boyfriend and her will work it out.

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>Mass replying with this retard tier post
you really are a dumb nigger

I don’t have a Twitter due to bannings.
Can someone please comment that her baby looks ugly.

topkek, BASED as fuck

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supremely based

i think i'm going to make a twitter just to join in

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... and stealing from her.

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So raid on the niggers twitter?

i'm perma'd aswell. fuck twitter. baby looks nothing like her. someone please comment that.

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>Considering she's Christian
Found the problem