Why are they saying that Vitamin C won't strengthen your immune system?

Why are they saying that Vitamin C won't strengthen your immune system?

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Because it won't retard, lmao, why do you believe this shit it's like your children, anyway, I can predict what you'll say in response to this post

>c-cover up!
why on earth would any group of people want any portion of the population to die?

It’s not a miracle cure but it does improve your immune system. No idea why they would say otherwise.

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Then why are people with weakened immune systems more susceptible to CoronaVirus?

Because it won't. Having more of a vitamin doesn't improve anything, you only need enough to not be deficient.

Vitamines are for people with poor eating habits.

Fuck Vitamin C. Look into urine therapy

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Most people are deficient, though. Why not tell the public other ways to boost their immune system?

I grabbed a bunch of one-a-day vitamins because if I'm going to be hiding out in my place for a couple months there's no way I'll get the proper vitamins from canned food and ramen.

i just looked it up and guess i was wrong, damn

vitamin C poisoning is a thing you know

Fuck urine therapy. Look into feces therapy.

Due to an evolutionary glitch, we can't properly metabolize vit C. This vitamin is recommended to supplement. You can also treat and cure gout by megadosing vitamin C

You can die from drinking too much water. Why not take a Vit-C supplement just to be safe?

Because you need vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb vitamin C. This is why you get the flu in the winter, lack of sun. Sun helps body produce vitamin D.

Because it is being shilled HARD as a cute
>muh mega dose vitamin C fixes it they dont want you to know this xDDD
>Also use some magical crystals XDD
When lies are spread, then some try to publish stories explaining WHY it won't work
but then vitamin C fags go
>l-look they're saying it won't work, that means it will for sure!

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Stay in the sun and take your vitamin C. Checked. Also take Zinc.

>vitamin c
>wont boost immune system

Can you at least try to troll better?

Why not take the middle road? Play it safe.

You can buy vitamin D supplements.

oh look no one believed his first thread so he made a counter thread. Who woulda saw that one coming.

>t. dr. reginald, brownpill MD

>why on earth would any group of people want any portion of the population to die?

to better control the rest
(((they))) think they no longer need the masses anymore because of automation


So they'd kill off the people who buy their products?
that doesn't make any sense, retard

Nobody's gonna wanna hear that the best way to boost your immune system is to be healthy, fit, and eat right. Us burgers would shit ourselves in anger and confusion if MSM said that.

Who /fecal transplant/ here?

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Boomers are overwhelmingly conservative. Younger people are more supportive of big-government like communism and socialism.

entirely because of student loans

>need enough to not be deficient
>skips over telling you that most animals produce their own vitamin c specifically for immune system reasons and humans do not

There is no, “I happen to be deficient in vitamin c rn!” There is only, “I must take vitamin c from some sort of consumption to boost my immune system like all the fortunately evolved animals who exist so I can know to take my vitamins!

>all media and pharma and science and academia on this topic of course involving their industry of death and lies.
“No, vitamin c does not help your immune system. Doesn’t matter if you take it. It’s cheap! That’s how you know it’s not gonna work. Instead use X solution I have invented for 40 dollars and then next year you gotta buy another one to stay up to date with our latest flu! I mean THE latest flu silly me.

Why? It does not cure it, and randomly trying to shove vitamin C in your veins might fail badly
and gobbled up huge amounts daily will dehydrate you as you shit yourself to death
>n-n-no bro, just gotta let your body get used to it
You can't win here, either you SAY NOTHING as they spread this "cure" or you try to explain why it fails, and make them twist it into
>They wouldn't write that it doesnt work, UNLESS IT DOES
No matter what is said or done, nothing will change their minds
This garbage was pimarily spread in facebook to heavily religious groups of people (aka low IQ)
There is also a lot of money to be made by tricking people into buying certain brands

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exactly. even wikipedia says Vit C boosts immune system. they are shilling hard to get everyone infected

Fuck off back to (((read it))).

they cant profit off of people with good nutrition and preventative "alternative medicine"

I've been taking 2grams of vit c per day for the last week, and now my pee smells like a diabetic's. Is this normal?

Yeah and because it has been proven to be effective against many diseases, specifically respiratory ones and they make billions off of the misfortune of others. Vitamin c is very cheap, if they use IV vitamin c for even flu dying boomers they be good really fast. But then the bill would only be 1,000 for a day or two instead of 20,000 for a couple weeks of “intense care.” One of the hidden truths of our world.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Expert consensus on comprehensive treatment of coronavirus disease in Shanghai 2019 - Shanghai Medical Association

treatment of light and ordinary patients: Heparin anticoagulation and high-dose vitamin C are recommended. Low-molecular-weight heparin 1 to 2 per day, until the patient's D-dimer level returned to normal. Once fibrinogen degradation product (FDP) ≥10 µg / mL and / or D-dimer ≥5 μg / mL, switch to unfractionated heparin. Vitamin C is administered at a dose of 50 to 100 mg / kg daily, and the continuous use time is aimed at a significant improvement in the oxygenation index. If lung lesions progress, it is recommended to apply a large-dose broad-spectrum protease inhibitor, ulinastatin, at 600 to 1 million units / day until the pulmonary imaging examination improves. In the event of a "cytokine storm", intermittent short veno-venuous hemofiltration (ISVVH) is recommended.

Prevention and treatment of cytokine storm: It is recommended to use large doses of vitamin C and unfractionated heparin. Large doses of vitamin C are injected intravenously at a dose of 100 to 200 mg / kg per day. The duration of continuous use is to significantly improve the oxygenation index. It is recommended to use large doses.

Source: mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bF2YhJKiOfe1yimBc4XwOA

You don't even know how the censor works on Yas Forums because you're so fucking NEW
Kill yourself, but first fuck off back to󠛡 reddit
Protip newfag, its "to󠛡 reddit" that is checked for, not "reddit"
I shouldn't need to explain this to you, but I guess you've only been here a fucking hour

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When I was a kid, every time I got extremely sick the doctor would inject vitamin C into me.

They're shilling hard right now.

yeah your pissing it out. supposed to split dosages throughout the day

they are satan worshippers and care about power, not about selling things

not only the boomers will die

there are plenty of scientific sources that it helps tremendously against all sorts of viruses and to bolster immune system in general
while all the "debunking" is coming from shit-tier sites


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Because their pharma friends will not profit too much from it.

Kiss my ass, zoomer.

>why on earth would any group of people want any portion of the population to die?
Sorry you have to be at least 18 to post on this board

>they're evil...
>because they're evil...
what are some other fictional characters that do this?

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were you a bat-eater that had corona virus as a kid?

base and red

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Okay I know you're from Bhutan so you probably don't understand this but a large portion of the Northern and Western Hemispheres people have vitamin C deficient diets with vitamin D deficient lifestyles. So nothing you are saying is remotely relevant - no one in the west is overloaded by vitamin C.

Same reason (((they))) don't want you to get n95 masks

You don't think it's a bio-weapon that was released on purpose?

How old are you?

If you have to call it evil you're probably too impotent to understand the mindset in the first place.

>all these vitamin c fags shilling
>I have oj on deck as I sit on my tp throne with a handful of zinc pills.
Zinc niggas get some.

The worse it gets, the better chance Dems have in 2020. That's why

He's not from Bhutan, you're responding to an American tranny.

I know this because I have actually lived in Bhutan and whenever I see a Bhutanese flag pop up on Yas Forums I grill the poster to find out if they're actually from there or have been there. So far it's all been proxies, LARPers and discord trannies.

megadosing c worked for me.

those who say it wont are trying to kill you.

linus pauling took 12 grams a day. start there.

What if black men's semen was the cure all along, haha

Because vit c will become the new toilet paper

because all the processed filth that poor people eat is loaded with Vitamin C and they will think "oh man I am protected I am drinking dollar store fruit soda!!"

All coordinated reporting is for retards, not for sapient adults.

Same reason they tell everyone you only need a mask if you're already infected

my family doctor has been offering vitamin C injections to quickly kill an upcoming cold ever since (and it works). So fuck those shills

It's so frustrating. We know the MSM lies and yet the plebs still eat it up.

money isnt real to the people who print it. it was just a means to control the population. now they are ready to downsize and reintroduce a new currency to control the entire planet with 1 coin.

Those 200 count 250mg Vitamin C gummies are flying off the shelves before they can restock them, fuck what (((they))) and Chang have to say.