Post what you're seeing at your stores and how your communities are reacting to CoronaChan Leaf bro's

Post what you're seeing at your stores and how your communities are reacting to CoronaChan Leaf bro's.

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

My local store was fully stocked earlier today, but I’ve heard other Swedish stores are out of TP, rice, pasta, canned food

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mama mia

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no beans

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steaks are running out

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Capitalism is over bros. This was my local Kroger at 8 AM this morning. I cant feed my kids bro, we need SOCIALISM.

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TP has been out for weeks

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Tired pasta is tired

>$70 for a bag of walnuts
Capitalistic society is a plague on the poor.

And the countries with the most toilet paper will shift the balance of power in the world. People will start talking about the toilet paper gap between the USA and Russia.

Went to Sam's Club the other day - white people had one package of toilet paper in their carts, but blacks and spics had those big flatbed carts stacked with six or seven packages of toilet paper. What's with that?

some food getting extremely marked down. $5.50 off an $8 non perishable item?

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Everthing at the store was in stock except TP. I don't get it, corona doesn't give you violent diarrhoea ? It's bizarre

How can CAPITALIST ever recover?

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The guy from WHO said to stock up on essentials like TP and all of the retarded lemmings went "Ok"

Tired pasta needs a rest. Seems to have caught the COVID.

Only niggers and spics are poor so who cares.

So far our grocery stores continue as normal.

>going to the store
in the US you can order delivery from almost any store

They were probably scheduled to be marked down anyways, the store can’t back out of marking down an item when a panic is happening. It can legally be considered price gouging
They probably regret it

Raising the price?

Ive been shopping at this store for years now. Never seen a 75% markdown on nearly anything, let alone frozen food. It was the same thing with the pasta, over 50% off

It wasn't like this all over the store, but this was the packaged meats section this morning.

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>worried about feeding his kids under this system
>not worried about being able to feed them when the only food is state sponsored and people eat their pets and boots instead

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>omw to get some toilet paper

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same as always except there was a bunch of fat fucks pushing out carts of toilet paper and ramen on flatbeds.

The store is making a good deal, they probably never sold so much stuff in such a small time frame, their biggest concern is to find enough waggies to empty the trucks and stuff the shelves.

Good luck anons



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Costco in Kansas City was well-stocked and not too crowded this morning.

Online things out were TP and hand sanitizer.

Was at superstore this morning in Calgary and it’s probably empty by now fukn panic buying nigger in front of me literally had a cart full of Lysol wipes it’s fuckers like that who get the rope first if shit really goes down

All out of unch meat... what a shame

Just got three trees worth of this.

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Just got back from the dollar store. I bought mostly canned stuff, seems like the only stuff sold out was toilet paper


woolies and coles (main supermarkets in australia) are refreshing the TP on the shelves at specified times, so hundreds of people don't loiter around the TP aisle all day.

but at the times they put more out it is fucking chaos.
there was a viral video last week of maori women fighting in the TP aisle at coles, but that is literally happening thousands of times each day around australia.

security is now in the TP aisle at all times, and there is still massive brawls every day.

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Are people too stupid to realize you can wipe your ass with Kleenex?

because they will take advantage of the situation to resell it. remember during WW2 whites all over the world rationed and helped each other out and didn't hoard shit for years of conflict. yet add in minorities and now our societies fall apart and people out there trying to make a buck instead of helping out the community

>beep beep beep beep beep

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kek not anymore. there's virtually nothing left and they'll just cancel your order.

This pasta got stale really quick.

welcome to england lads

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Honestly you people laugh at nigger hoarders, but you really don't have enough niggers yourselves. The average person uses 1 nigger per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 niggers a week. Over 100 a month. Niggers will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.

No wonder you beat the soviet union...

kek have a (you) fren

weird got all mine monday. Sucks to suck.

I thought we had a war over using niggers?

Now post pictures from after the corona scare happened.

Imagine not using this opportunity to exploit low prices at your local Asian supermarket while retards fight over toilet paper and canned chicken next door.

nigger I got all my stuff in january. i'm not an unaware retard whose trying to make due now

>this is them cleaning the store
Fucking liar

>nothing left
Just bullshit like toilet paper and tissues and cleaning supply that i have stock piles of already.
I just ordered a bunch of normal food stuffs, chicken, beef, eggs, bread, and pork, and other food stuff a couple hours ago from my local grocery store.

I had no clue these tards would actually chimp out lol. I ran out ordered it. it came im stocked for months

just use water like what a civilize country do.

We are using Mexicans now.

I have been amazed by the amount of meat that has been sold. The vast majority of people have very little freezer space.

Two stores today in CA. Fully stocked except for TP and paoer towels. Plenty of napkins.

Lol shit gear

People got smarter is all. Used to be you could just tell people to go overseas and die and they'd just do it.

now they'll tell you to fuck right off

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>I got all my stuff in january
same I got all my non-perishable food stuff months ago as well as paper products and cleaning supplies.
But I still use online shopping for fresh meats, because i not eating my stock of non-perishable food stuff unless i have to or when this thing is over

>your communities
you mean cluster of apartments full of spics and ginger hipsters. yeah they took all the pasta, gatorades, ramen and peanut butter. plenty of tuna and pastries though

>remember during WW2 whites all over the world rationed and helped each other out and didn't hoard shit for years of conflict.
What do you mean "whites all over the world". We, the Axis, were mostly in Europe.

6 walmarts i went to to find water, all empty.

I hate you fucking preppers so goddamn much. I hope you all die.

Its 70 SEK, which ~ $8.

Dude, I haven't bought any water in weeks. I'm not the one that caused the shortage.

Fucking kek. You deserved it for being a shitty normie.

you fucking retard you know that Americans literally were issued ration books because we were feeding ungrateful fucking euro trash like you both during and especially after the war

>6 walmarts i went to to find water, all empty.
>I hate you fucking preppers so goddamn much. I hope you all die.
we will but long long after you die of thirst

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Exactly how big is your ass? Holy shit.

head down to jones' website for a water filter

Retards like you are the one causing the shortage, while preppers were prepped weeks ago.

Out of curiosity, why were you out buying water? And how much were you looking to get? You're not a hypocrite panic buyer trying to prep are you?

It's all the retarded normies who only started to panic when they said professorial sports would be canceled
I have had my water stock pile for a month or so.

That's the kind of person you walk up to and cough all over the shit they're carrying

why are you doing it on a saturday if you arent shit posting
just go monday or tuesday morning, at all walmarts roughly at 10pm start stocking shelves so go maybe at night like 12midnight to get shit that's out

Almost no laundry detergent
Almost no canned fish
Almost no TP

No hand sanitizer
No Clorox wipes

Additional black people in the suburbs

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