It's over, Asymptomatic 16 year old in ICU

NETHERLANDS: A 16-year old #coronavirus patient from Breda, The Netherlands is now in ICU.

He reportedly has no other medical conditions.

His parents don't even remember him having a fever.

Their message: 'Please, don't joke about this virus.'

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Look bud, this is honestly a nothingburger flu being drummed up by fake news videos on wechat/twitter and lonely happeningfag neets. You'd have to be a retard to not spot that.

Let's look at this objectively without emotionally manipulated manchildren screeching about muh 10%+ death rates, muh bioweapon leak, muh elite depopulation conspiracy, muh ccp shill coverup, muh so2 from burning bodies and otherwise retarded shill narratives.

>b-but muh mass quarantines in Italy and China!1!1! It's the beginning of exponential growth that there is no evidence for being possible to begin with!1!1!1!
>b-b-but muh 28 day incubation period, just wait 4 more weeks™ and we're all gonna be coughing up blood!1!1!1!1!

It's killed only 5400 people after several months. SARS, MERSA, MERS, H1N1 etc etc were more deadly and viral. The common cold literally kills more people every year than this "pandemic."

China has it under control. Italy has it under control as does every other government around the world. By April, this coronavirus outbreak will be nothing more than a meme, and the world economy will keep going as usual.

Happening canceled

Sehraz (16) from Breda is in intensive care due to coronavirus, family warns: 'Take this seriously'
7-10 minutes

Kept asleep

34 minutes ago Modified: 16 minutes ago

Sehraz (16) in the hospital. Due to its privacy, the photo is of poor quality. Image © Private Photo.

A 16-year-old boy from Breda is infected with the coronavirus and is currently in the intensive care unit of the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital. The GGD confirms this after questions from RTL News. The boy's family calls on the whole of the Netherlands: "Wake up and take this virus seriously."

The father and mother of 16-year-old Sehraz from Breda are anxious and stressed. Their son is on a ventilator and is artificially kept asleep in the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital in Rotterdam. He was not bothered by underlying health complaints, so that the serious consequences of the infection unexpectedly arrive in the family.

They are in quarantine themselves, together with Sehraz's sister and brother.
"Don't joke"

Brother Babor (24) and sister Razia (23) tell their story to RTL Nieuws because they want the whole of the Netherlands to listen better to the advice of RIVM. "Our brother has been affected, but I hope that the whole of the Netherlands does not have to experience this. Stop making jokes and don't think about it too easily."
GGD response: Sehraz is the only young person in IC

In a response to RTL Nieuws, the GGD GHOR Nederland has informed that a 16-year-old boy is indeed on a ventilator because of the coronavirus in intensive care. As far as we know, he is the only young person in the Netherlands who is in this condition. However, other young people have been infected with the virus, such as a girl of 5 years old and a boy of 10 years old.

Sjaak de Gouw, national spokesperson for infectious disease control of the GGD GHOR Nederland, says that young people can become infected with the corona virus. But with an infection, most young people hardly get any complaints. "The juvenile cells are better able to process this virus. They often have no or sometimes mild complaints. So most young people will not even notice that they are sick if they are infected with the virus."

Statistically, more than 80 percent of all people who become infected in the Netherlands will have mild complaints and will be free of complaints again within three days. "That percentage is even higher among young people," says De Gouw. In addition, about 95 percent get mild complaints and are better within three days.

But then there is still five percent. "There may be individual situations where someone gets more serious complaints, but there aren't many."
It started with headache and nausea

On Thursday evening March 5, Sehraz, who works as a hairdresser, fell ill. He suffered from nausea and got a big headache. The 16-year-old boy is never sick according to his family, they could not even remember the last time he had a fever.

That is why Sehraz made an appointment with the doctor to be sure. He was allowed to drop by last Friday.
Sehraz was no longer himself

"It's just a stomach flu," the doctor said to Sehraz. The boy went home again, but he was getting worse. So bad that Babor and Razia thought their little brother was no longer themselves. Razia: "He had been in bed for days, and normally he always goes on with a cold. This was not for him."

From the first day, Sehraz's mother wondered if her son had no corona. With that thought, and the deteriorating condition of Sehraz, the boy was taken to the out-patient post by his family on Sunday evening. Razia: "We had to wait outside, because we had indicated that it might be corona. But they also indicated that he just had to look good."
Thumbnail example

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Medical specialists, FvD and PVV want to close schools

That night Sehraz called his family again: he was constantly bothered by heavy stitches and had difficulty breathing. "Then my father got really angry: he wanted Sehraz to be checked more closely. After all, we were taken to the emergency room via our doctor and luckily they saw that he was not doing well."
"He panicked completely"

The boy was tested for all kinds of diseases, including an examination of whether he had the coronavirus. The final result came on Wednesday: Sehraz appeared to be infected. It is still unclear how he contracted it. "When they told my little brother, he panicked. He started crying and wondering why he had just contracted it."

Sehraz was put on a ventilator in a hospital in Breda, but because of his condition he eventually had to be transferred to intensive care in Rotterdam. There he is now artificially put to sleep.
Family can now only wait

Razia, Babor and all other family members now have to wait. In the meantime, they want to spread this story

Its not a nothing burger you fucking nigger. It want from soulless chinkey-eyed insectoids eating bat soup to people dying all over the world in just a few months. Stop comparing this to the 'flu' which has been around forever.

intravenous cow poo

I've also know of 16 year olds dropping of massive heart attacks out of nowhere. No know conditions. The exception does not prove the's an engenered panic.

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Just a case of weak bitch genetics.

Shit it's true he's a sandnigger so you know it's accurate

There are over 200 people dying from corona every day in Italy alone, and that's actually kinda low because all the Italy is on lockdown. If Italy was not on lockdown that number would be in the thousands already.

In some Italians cities, bodies are piling up. Crematoria do not work fast enough. Funerals are too few to take care of it so yes, bodies are piling up. Full coffins, waiting.

People die in their homes, inhabited by other family members and nobody takes the bodies out. There are people that have to live in the apartment with a dead parent.

And they would have it much, much worse if the stuff wasn't kept down by the government.

Flu does NOT compare.

Then what is he suffering from?

>plebbit spacing
>meme flag
can u be any more of a faggot

Make up your fucking mind wtf

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a muzzle not a dutch

I was excited about the virus because it was only cleansing the Boomer infestation. I'm not sure what to think about it if it's killing people who actually matter. I kind of don't want to believe it

Ye that's bullshit

Yeah but he's not white, so it's still sticking with the ktfo non whites and white boomers! I hope he pulls through ok though. Stay strong sandy bro!

>200 dying a day! You must panic goy!

I've heard reports of them kicking people out of their "hospitals" too...why so many empty beds?

And who did you hear this info from? The MSM right?

Why no videos or streams from ANYWHERE from regular people saying how bad it is?

I mean in the US you see all the empty shelves and such, but that doesn't prove a proves people are gullible sheep for sure.

It's all so tiresome

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who is this shitskin and where did he come from

>Asymptomatic 16 year old in ICU
why he in the hospital, let alone the ICU if he don't got any symptoms?
Asymptomatic = no symptoms, so why he in hospital?
lazy poo

Mfw when everyone realizes it’s a dangerous bioweapon that kills indiscriminately and zoomers get eternally BTFO’d

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I cant wait this shit will hit you hard.

>no possible evidence for exponential growth
figures that a person on Yas Forums wouldn’t know elementaty properties of reproduction

how many people have influenza at the same time , today, worldwide user

>Why no videos or streams from ANYWHERE from regular people saying how bad it is?
It's almost like
like a
lockdown is in place

Newspaper in Italy!!

He has the underlying condition of being a T*rk

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it hit 3 months ago while no one was looking, flaggot. its nothing and soon that will be obvious to everyone and the panic will subside

no one is trying to kill you. well i should. i should get the virus and go to bingo games

Yeah, because there is no such thing as outliers or anything, right?
It'll be okay, pajeet my son.


quite the head of hair hes got too

Serious question, are you sure he doesn’t have MERS?

Nah.... he would be in isolation. Nice try though

Absolutely terrible, if he recover his life will never be the same.

If I was a doctor, I would have a lot of questions though. If he is an immigrant, I would ask the parents, did he have access to adequate healthcare in his country of birth? Did he grow up in an area/ with a lot of air pollution? Did he smoke/vape?

Another question to ask, does he have an immunodeficiency that was never detected?

no need to panic retards, as long as youre white noone here should worry. its the nigger's fault for being a nigger, white people are immune to this shit

we knew this since the beginning lol

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>Brother Babor (24) and sister Razia (23)
lol, I hope the shitskin dies

Doesn't look very Dutch. Probably one kf thise "16 yo refugees"

It says right in the article.
>Their son is on a ventilator and is artificially kept asleep

the virus attacks people with hiv

>takes a meme flag reddit spacing shill seriously
lurk for at least five more years before you post again

习近平的阴茎很小。每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。Wuhan Biological Weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 rRT-PCR RT-qPCR 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 Huoshenshan hospital 火神山医院 Quarantine Hotel collapse 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 Emperor Xi Jinping 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 50 Cent Party 五毛黨 強制斷種 Five Dime Party 強制堕胎 Internet commentators 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 Organ Harvesting 獨裁 專制 壓制 Forced Abortion 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 Human Trafficking 侵略 掠奪 Wei Jingsheng 破壞 拷問 屠殺 Ethnic Purification 活摘器官 Hu Yaobang 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 Zhao Ziyang 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Sehraz doesn't sound very Dutch

Look boomer, you're gonna die from corona in a matter of months. Hurry up, and do it quietly.

>the common cold
The cdc purposefully chose to catalog flu deaths in with the common cold so no the common cold does not have a death rate tard breath.

>Now people have nothing but time and internet access

Really makes you think...well maybe not you, you have clearly shown you do not have that ability, oh well

He's called "Sehraz" so it's definitely a sandnigger.

Turk with shit genetics.

Ok burger manlet. You're too stupid to even read that his name is Sehraz. Not Dutch

>needs a ventilator

Okay so that was a lie

If corona starts killing shitskin invader kids then it is truly a gift from kek.

You can say he got a surprise kiss from Corona-chan


omg please live kid, if kids start dying i dont think we wont lose our mind

The Covid mortality rate is at least 35x as large as the flu, in some places such as Italy the death to recovery ratio is around 50%
This is common knowledge boomer stop being in denial and accept you and the whole seniors home are fucked

Based burger

>in ICU
don't even ask. just go to sleep.

>He suffered from nausea and got a big headache.
>he was constantly bothered by heavy stinging sensations in his chest and had difficulty breathing.
so it's not asymptomatic then, but what do I know..

I bet he was vaping Wuhan bat soup.

>still thinks it came from bat soup

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I think we are likely looking at an "open air" cull, using the pretext of quarantine, treatment, and features of a pandemic in order to provide cover. I think it is a plain-sight cull. There are no "mistakes" on the level of management that develops bioweapons. Not that they don't ever happen. It's just that it is far far more likely to be a cover for an asymmetrical warfare operation or a dozen of them.