@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/20
>NCIRDDir Messonnier Conf Call on Corona-chan 3/14/20
>Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on Dobbs 3/13/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/13/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/13/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on EWTN 3/13/20
>Justice Gorsuch on SCOTUS 101 3/13/20
>CMSAdm Verma on Tucker 3/13/20
>CMSAdm Verma on FoxNews 3/13/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on F&F 3/13/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on MSNBC 3/13/20
>ACC Comdr Gen Holmes on Corona-chan 3/13/20
>CDC Briefing Room: Corona-chan Update 3/13/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (CENTCOM Comdr USMCGen McKenzie) 3/13/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (USFK Comdr ArmyGen Abrams) 3/13/20
>This Week@State 3/13/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: Wash your hands this is a threat.png (512x512, 15.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Did Trumps test results come back yet?

how much time he got that man is sicksicksick

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Now the UK and ireland will get cock blocked by Trump too LOL

We're saved!

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Attached: trump bat soup painting.png (1200x1436, 3.28M)

Results will probably come tomorrow (or monday depending on how fast the lab is).

RNC is fucked Trump gave them all coofer.

>how dare you bring up the outsourcing of your domestic manufacturing and industry to subhuman shithole countries at a time like this, goy-I mean China Hawks!!!

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danke and MAGA and checked

Hint: they already know.

reminder that there will never be a vaccine for this coronavirus and trump's task force is a sham that will never do anything to help the situation

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>*coofs on mitt*

Attached: 1577087996292.jpg (200x178, 5.97K)

reminder that the tests give false negatives up to 80% of the time

top kek

Attached: aDzznpB_460s.jpg (460x616, 44.33K)

>have coronavirus
>jury duty on Monday
Can’t wait to tell them why I shouldn’t be there

Why is he contradicting himself? Why won’t he just resign or kill himself? I’m riding with Biden now.

Attached: B028045C-94DB-4A61-B63E-7F9209866107.jpg (1337x185, 198.7K)

based sociopath

We do it everyday here
Why do you think we have the so called "feminicides" here


Attached: file.png (594x849, 585.98K)

If that's true, then he gave every journalist at the press conference yesterday it too.
I, for one, am willing to accept that sacrifice if it means I can see some dead journalists.

ohh shit we really are in bat country. fucking based hunter knew.

Attached: 1580662906817.png (2627x1495, 2.18M)

Indawoods I go indawoods I go, hide low indawoods I go.

The niggers all around me are starting to freak out

>it’s a finncuck makes stupid predictions episode
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

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Because trumps a retard. They already know the results, he has it.

It's still just the flu though.

Attached: 1583577252953.jpg (1024x640, 146.2K)

He let poor gizi in with the rest though.

You’re still just making shit up I see, when will this bot be banned

Anybody wanna wager that El Fucko is a carrier? I say yes absolutely 100% positive he's infected. Nobody on this planet is as stupid or as old and out of shape, so he's guaranteed to have contracted it.

Attached: elFucko.jpg (594x496, 59.11K)

Last night I had the strangest dream...

I am terribly sorry for the lateness. Captcha is being an uppity nigger who needs to be shot and sent back to Africa.
The U.K. still has free travel from the EU.
This was my first bake on my new os. Hope you enjoy the mint flavored bread.
I love this dumb meme.

>uri friedman
Every goddamn time

Why are you faggots still using this site?
If you were a real Chad like me, you’d be getting laid and smoking meth with Andrew Gillum.

Attached: 9D4C434D-4947-4931-A557-901801BCDEEA.jpg (480x349, 33.15K)

And yet I’ve heard no concrete plan to bring everything back which is what we need most. I know they’re working on it but it needs to happen ASAP.


Attached: 1512268739568 - Copy.jpg (234x250, 21.88K)

Stop spreading this cringe bullshit.

don't worry goy, israel got your back!

Attached: pure_luck.png (587x690, 417.87K)

A N N O U N C E M E N T:

I will trade 4 bottles of sanitizer and a 24 pack of TP to whoever has Rachel

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Journalist scum

If someone identifies who patient zero was in Washington State that led to the deaths of the people at the nursing home?
If they're undocumented?
If the story is broken by Breitbart, or Tucker Carlson? We are going to have a massive issue.
Can you imagine if that's released in October?
People are going to go ballistic.

Attached: 1584198002741.png (2226x596, 141.04K)

>contracted it
>no problems
imagine undermining your own shilling so badly?

He probably is and hes infecting everyone around him. Is this impeachable?

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I'm interested in figuring out who the board in general believes populates /ptg/ or just supports trump fervently in general right now.

Do you think it's all ironic? Do these people actually belong to a personality cult of trump wherein all of the dumb memes in the 2016 election were taken sincerely?

Even if you are on the right, his purposeful mishandling of at least the coronavirus situation in an attempt to salvage an electoral talking point has to perk up the ears of some of his cult.

oh them sandniggers, boy I tell you

Why wouldn't the bread have a mint flavor when my computer's os is Linux mint?

I don’t want to smoke meth. I wanna smoke this turtle

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Without a doubt a lot of the people got infected from undocumented Chinks in WA and CA. Anyone who says “community acquired” or they don’t know where they got it from is hiding the identity of an illegal.

What are they doing? Please describe the situation giving specific details.

Attached: wut.jpg (480x360, 13.36K)

vaccines are impossible. this virus has ADE. you'll die from a cytokine storm as soon as you encounter the virus.

>muh toilet paper
kek, plebs

Attached: $30-ish bidet attachment.png (280x249, 67.52K)

>tfw your intern gets coronavirus

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>you'll never get rid of it
> you can "manage" it
> takes $100/mo
>"b-b-but the POOR can't afford that!"
>gov must pay/control medicine
>dissidents randomly seem to not get their meds

God damn you bernouts are going all out since your classes got cancelled

>I'm interested in
No one gives a fuck.

half the bullets

>pure luck
What a coincidence

Attached: IMG_20200109_082829.png (244x244, 20.15K)

>pure luck

The US government should be held accountable for placing the US population at risk

For decades the US government and corporations have scolded Americans who disagreed with trusting China or any other country when it comes to trade or travel. Now the US population has been put at serious risk of a pandemic spread by the Chinese and the Chinese hold some of the important parts of the US supply chain of products

The US government has supported globalist and open border policies that have put the US population at risk. The US government and corporations should be held personally responsible for their terrible actions

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>so the test result came back and it was excellent, perfect. The doctor came to me and said “sir, this is the best result we’ve seen yet from any test we’ve done” Can you believe that? So yeah it’s quite a good result, great result even and quite a beauty and I bet some of you, not naming names you know who you are, are disappointed it didn’t come back with a different result. See I don’t feel sick. No fever. No temperature. All good. Now you probably aren’t going to report that but when you look at the markets, way up by the way yesterday big jump, they are probably gonna like that. I like that too so I guess in a way we like it. It’s good news. Now what was your question?

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An immigration reporter needs to chase the story.
It'll make the Trayvon martin news cycle look like a joke.

All the stores are filled with niggers freaking out trying to figure out the supplies they need. I went to Home Depot and one employee said she was screamed at that they didn’t have water there. At the actual place to get water a sheboon had a shitload of the single gallon jugs talking on the phone how she had 6 more trips to make to fill them all up

Kill yourself bot

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Better start with Carter and work your way up

We need to quarantine America's idiot.

Attached: elFucko2.jpg (900x479, 44.51K)

stale pasta already

>The average person uses 1 roll per day

Attached: kagome.jpg (284x332, 22.97K)

>fourth asterisk
He gets my vote.

assholes are for exit only

Attached: 1557320143301.jpg (256x197, 7.88K)

>The average person uses 1 roll per day

what the fuck

Fine with me. All living US government and corporate leadership should be held accountable for putting the US population at risk for the sake of their globalist open borders policies

>doomer paki dailymail intern is back
Well I'm going to go make some lunch.
>TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
This is funposting.

Attached: Clean-Up.jpg (867x922, 92.09K)

so do we know who patient zero was at CPAC that was somehow able to infect literally everyone there?
I mean we just saw a Chinese reporter trying to get in to the white house press pool with a fever

Attached: mystery meat.jpg (640x801, 49.08K)

>tfw single squares of TP are selling for $2 on ebay
Shoulda bought low

Attached: 1517288891550.jpg (491x488, 18.55K)

>be you
>want to bake on new linux meme os
>can't access internet
>run update
>update has root problem
>update kernal
>kernal missing uber specific file
>go on laptop to download file
>pass file to computer via usb
>usb port doesn't work
>have to update kernal to make usb port work
>update kernal
>plugin usb and update kernal
>finally Yas Forums!
>decide to bake
>c&p pastebin, edition, etc
>try to upload OP pic
>can't see thumbnails
>need to find retarded program to see thumbnails
>find it
>download it
>1 hour later
>install it
>more root problems
>update kernal
>try to install again
>missing file
>find file
>update kernal again
>install program finally!
>1 hour later
>finally upload OP pic
Fuck loonix.

Attached: cynical.jpg (288x325, 14.34K)

>1 roll a day

If your ass the size of a fucking u-haul?

you don't stick the bidet up your ass.
It just sprays water to get the shit off you in a more thorough hygienic way than just smearing it away with dry toilet paper

>w-why do you support him?!? Just stahhhhp!!!!

>“community acquired”
That’s just medical jargon for they didn’t get it at the hospital.

Niggers freaking out? That's a daily thing

> there was also plenty of mockery levelled at Hand Angel. Internet users starting posting comments like: "Do they also offer 'Mouth Angels'?"; "I'm retarded; can I apply for Hand Angel service, too?"; and "Only three times in a lifetime?"

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I want you understand. I have no respect for your opinion. I barely graduated highschool and even I can see you have zero medical training.

None, zip zero.

I have little trust for the scientists or doctors that work for the government, but I have no trust in what you are saying.

We might end up with a vaccine relatively soon. There have been experts- top shelf guys who claim that a vaccine is not only possible, but likely.

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Threadly reminder to bleach your local MENA girl.

Attached: IMG_20200131_080054.jpg (1152x2048, 203.54K)

Completely normal when a healthy 28 year old collapses and hits her head on the corner of a desk and the autopsy examiner lost his license for lying about autopsies.

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The angry Left just can't stop attacking

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>I mean we just saw a Chinese reporter trying to get in to the white house press pool with a fever
Some Trump supporter from Tel Aviv.

Honestly you people laugh at pasta hoarders, but you really dont have enough pasta yourselves. The average person uses 1 package per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 pastas a week. Over 100 a month. pasta posts will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

fucking faggots.

Attached: original.jpg (600x375, 25.94K)

Aw gonna cry? Boo hoo nigga

Attached: IMG_20200313_074227.jpg (768x1024, 167.46K)

I thought john bolton was already an idol of liberals

>Rubio has previously warned of the risks that China poses to the U.S. health-care industry and challenged Beijing on numerous issues, including its efforts to suppress pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. He told me that “the depletion of America’s manufacturing sector has left us with a huge national-security vulnerability,” necessitating “a 21st-century, pro-American industrial policy

When did Rubio become so based

The bidet is WAYY better. Mutt's don't know what it's like to have a clean asshole. There is no going back.

Attached: 1512204692587.png (1012x1036, 595.04K)

>When did Rubio become so based
When mccain went to hell

Just another El Fucko meme to have fun with. ENJOY!!

Attached: ElFucko3.jpg (920x522, 60.19K)

2 slices of tp plus 1/4 slice of wet paper towel to polish it. Or don't you make a perfect turd with a tail everytime (yeah I look)

>There is no going back.
tried it once, had to get one for myself.
anything else just seems barbaric and crude


Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-14 um 20.08.17.png (1500x2054, 1.78M)

it's only a matter of time till trump picks a fight with rubio, and then rubio becomes the pariah of the party cause he refused to fall in line

Im waiting for the 23rd. 9th was CPAC so that'll make it 2 weeks.

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Calm down John, you can’t bomb a virus.

>so do we know who patient zero was at CPAC that was somehow able to infect literally everyone there?
Kike super donor from NY who was exposed at a bat mitvah the week prior (and knew it, and was supposed to self quarantine for 14 days.) Was a gold ticket holder so he was in all the VIP shit. I can’t recall the name, but all this is known and this guy was outed by a reporter from the Federalist (?! I think).