There seems to be yet another shift in the timeline.
Anyone else feeling really positive now?
There seems to be yet another shift in the timeline.
Anyone else feeling really positive now?
Other urls found in this thread:
We’re fucked. Check em
Nah ZOG is fucked
There’s Something in the air digits confirm
I feel it too. Good times are coming for most. The elites are getting the boot.
Betelgeuse, the brightest star in the night sky, is about to explode according to astrophysicists
I started feeling positive yesterday. Virus is a cold. When this panic is over it will finally cause us to self-reflect on our institutions and society as a whole.
I hope so.
Yes but that's because I just pulled myself out of a rat, went to the gym and worked myself hard. Feel great now.
Pence advanced time travel changing outcome
its happening.
The Pences are coming for the deepstate, the storm is here :DD
its funny how these threads always give me that feeling, even though I know they're just meming larps or maybe I'm wrong
You’re wrong
Ok so only, I didn't understand that timeline shift.
Brainlet here can you explain?
literally this. Mass media will be hung for making people panic.
the fuck is that lo-res pepe gif?
here's the original from my private collection
>bipolar schizo's mood changed
thanks user. Will replace when time travel becomes available.
The magnetic poles are shifting more and more rapidly, the flip will happen soon and might be triggered by Betelgeuse going supernova or the coming coronal mass ejection.
We are entering interesting times.
>Virus is a cold
Nigger, do you know what virus causes “the common cold”?
le reptillan invasion has been repelled
Oh, yes.
The end is near
Yes, I’ve felt in the last few days as well. Very little sleep but I’ve felt more alive and energized than I have in years. The normalfags will finally understand true suffering in this timeline. I can’t believe justice will finally be served.
Things are looking up for us.
Enjoying the movie user?
>coordinates: 13 50
Yelling fire in a crowded movie theater user. They caused the crash.
The world was ending ever since the day I was born
i had a dream a huge perfect white human came from the sky snapped his fingers and all the niggers vanished then he snapped again and i woke up
a family member just tested positive. It’s not a cold and it’s not a flu. It’s new to our species. So far they just have a fever. Not saying panic, but please stop with the stupid bullshit.
Always on the move. Honestly never thought about that. Thanks for sparking a brain cell fren.
It's cause cernanon is posting.
checked and fire rising pilled.
My unrelenting optimism seems to be making waves
checked/pence pilled
Flat earth threads have been getting censored by Yas Forums jannies recently. No idea why they're doing that.
If the timeline shifts, it's because an optimization function is seeking a least contradicting scenario. If it shifts repeatedly, it's because all the contingent scenarios fail to produce the status quo.
It's happening more and more, I'm amazed at the mastery the steersman has at the controls.
We are truly blessed, I'm feeling better every day.
I feel an unsettling sense of uncertainty, but also the potential for something extraordinarily good to happen. There is something large at play going on. A large gamble is being made.
I felt it too, user
Do you know what package that is? I want a nodding pepe to go along with my cmatrix and asciiquarium
because you need to take your cancer to /x/ with the rest of the schizos
Hard to say..
What does it feel like? A boner?
You might be shifting again, my timeline is fucked,Trump has Corona,Hillary is free,Obama still an American Citizen
No shut the fuck up
Life is fun.
It's cranial, some central lobe, something like a soft slow breathing pulse rising gradually to an apex and then shifting back down, only to rise just an infinitesimally smaller amount higher each time.
It's not connected directly to your internal monologue thoughts either, you can't convince yourself it's real or not, like tinnitus.
You FEEL it, not THINK it.
Conflict has happened before, we call it a "Happening" because it's a vague, difficult to describe inflection in reality. Humanity has been greedily and vainly trying to prevent these inflections, but there's only staving it off to let it grow larger.
There are a lot of people alive today Anons, and while the durability of the human body has not changed drastically, our ability to harm it has increased to an unthinkably exponential degree.
It's never a bad time to connect with the ones you love and care about.
Timeline shift confirmed.
Yes. Light is calling.
Time for the Green pill.
For now.
The fall of Trump? Digits will verify.
I feel amazing, best times. I got to fuck a 9/10 Chinese girl from Tinder last night who would normally be way out of my league. I’m walking on a cloud. I fucking love this Coronavirus shit. Seeing her again tonight. Might get to work from home, should find out early next week, fingers crossed. Bought a bunch of cheap stocks on Thursday. This is the best thing that ever happened to me.
> (OP)
user, this is so far beyond Trump.
Fixed that