Seriously? That's rule number one about respect: Don't wear a hat indoors. This is disrespectful to all Americans. I'm done with this fucking Jewish puppet. He absolutely fucked up his corona response and now this. FUCK TRUMP. I'm not voting in 2020.

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Other urls found in this thread:

its like when athletes have a press conference after they lose a game. they always wear a hat.

Dubass Americans think it's cool for grown men to wear baseball caps

You took the words right out of my mouth. I almost vomited when I saw him wearing a hat indoors. What a slap in the face to america.

His house, his rules

boring thread

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You know it's a bad hair day when he's wearing a hat inside.

Nice bait faggot

Attached: me_indoors_fuck_op_lol.png (1240x698, 1.12M)

Btw, that rule kinda doesn't exist anymore. Been to a restaurant in the last 20 years?

Freedom isn't free
Don't wear a hat in front of me

Fuck hats. Fucking absolute brainlet CUNT. How dare he wear a hat indoors? What the fuck, I wish I voted Hillary.

probably doesn't want his hair dresser touching him so it's all hats all the time

Am I having a stroke?

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He doesn't feel well due to whatever sickness he has and doesn't want his hair did today, chillax LMAO.

coronachan let me lick those feet uwu

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Btw, he's had the swiftest and best response to a pandemic in our nation's history. It will be considered revolutionary in how we address pandemics in the future. It will be a WIN for him, and the media basically helped him do it. Another fuckup by the left.

why the fuck does trump look like this and why does he look so pale?

Attached: wtf.png (279x316, 166.63K)

Awful lot of samefagging go on in this thread.
Cool bro, you have a vpn...

What a dumbass retarded tradition, how does wearing or not wearing a hat have anything to do with respecting someone? It’s so gay

Wow I can't believe this. We must impeach him immediately and make sure he can't get the nuclear codes.

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He's probably tired or on opiates to keep himself calm in these stressful times.

>getting offended by someone wearing a hat

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probably because he's been up for the past 72 hours and can't get any rest.
That would be my guess though.

He‘s hiding something with it you damn imbecile.

He doesn't look too well. closed mouth posture is a sign of illness, he's not as energetic. dude's 73, he might actually fucking die lmao.

Attached: tumblr_ndcck7fO9X1qhno7oo1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 303.48K)

He probably legitimately does have COVID-19 and is feeling sick and distancing himself from hair and make-up crews. This is his real face, without orange make-up. He wouldn't look pale normally no matter what, because he has makeup on at all times.

No one can do his hair or put on his makeup.

>1 post

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You'd have to be braindead to think Trump was ever President or that he's going to stick around in 2020.

Drumpf doesnt even exist. Its all just a big hoax and everyone who says something different is a jew, a NPC or one of "them"

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Take your meds

bad hair day because he only got out of his hospital bed to stand for that speech. guy is dying and he still puts on a brave face. hero.

Enjoy watching Bernie get his 4th and 5th house while jet setting to illuminati orgies. Your cope is pitiful.

Hes got Corona..why else get tested? Why so nasaly when speaking?

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Imagine all the goverments wearing baseball caps with their countries abbreviations on them?
fucking ridiculous. Hes appealing to the NASCAR crowed.

can't you read faggot? it says USA

Holy fucking shit your trump derangement syndrome knows no fucking bounds.

Almost 5 more years for you to screech and seethe you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock suckers.

Trump needs to get a fucking haircut and quit pretending his disgusting old man combover is a substitute for real hair. The guy needs to be scrubbed, washed, psych tested and put in a padded cell far away from good people.

>Wearing a hat indoors was the final straw.

LOL do you paid fucking shills really think anyone would take this shit seriously?

>people dying
Hats! That's TOO FAR

pedo Trump going down with the rest of the pedos.

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He can't keep getting away with this!

its a fucking press conference not a dinner you absolute mong

I'll be here when Trump gets destroyed in November. And we will rub salt in the wounds of these screeching nazi bootlicking cunts! Over and over and over and over and over..........

What kind of chump wears a hat with the letters "USA" on it?

He contracted COVID-19, no fucking joke.

If his test comes back positive, all hell will break loose. Would they actually admit he tested + ?

All we have to do as Americans is walk away from Trump. Just walk away. He'll topple into the abyss and be forgotten for all eternity. The worst President in the history of the United States, traitor, impeached, failed, horrifically stupid, useless, old, boomer, rapist predator.


>I'm a massive faggot
yes, you are.

What an inbred yokel.

This thread and every one made like it is proof that kikes hate Trump

No, same shit as Trudeau.

They'll just quarantine him for 14 days and say it's out of protection and safety.

Someone who wants to piss off the left.

Wear hats if you are against immigration

Attached: hat_right.png (800x698, 814.08K)

low energy pants wetter, thanks for memeing this piece of shit into existence

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They might piss themselves with laughter, I guess.

Btw, peeing your pants is based

>bad hair day

>he doesnt know youre supposed to wear your hat at all times while on duty in the military
Kek fucking neverserve.

Checked and boomerpilled.

Here's an El Fucko meme to share and make America a better country. Remember: Destroying the Trump Crime Syndicate is the Most Patriotic thing we can do as Americans.

Attached: elFucko.jpg (934x730, 241.22K)