It’s an actual panic
It’s an actual panic
Other urls found in this thread:
Causually waiting in queue
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>1 roll per day.
How much are you shitting...
in a week or two the only thing that won't be forgotten about this is this glorious copypasta
>glorious pasta
It really is the best to come out here in years. For me, it's already right up there with my Dad works at Nintendo... and Three For Free.
Meat dept at Trader Joe’s.
Water section
This is bait posted on another thread that shut the entire thread down.
Please link
>1 roll a day
fucking amerisharts
that thread last night was the hardest i've laughed in a long time
>I wipe and I wipe but it always comes back brown
>like i've got a brown sharpie in my but
Mes chers compatriotes il nous faudra demain tirer les leçons du moment que nous traversons, interroger le modèle de développement dans lequel s'est engagé notre monde depuis des décennies et qui dévoile ses failles au grand jour, interroger les faiblesses de nos démocraties. Ce que révèle d'ores et déjà cette pandémie, c'est que la santé gratuite sans condition de revenu, de parcours ou de profession, notre Etat-providence ne sont pas des coûts ou des charges mais des biens précieux, des atouts indispensables quand le destin frappe. Ce que révèle cette pandémie, c'est qu'il est des biens et des services qui doivent être placés en dehors des lois du marché. Déléguer notre alimentation, notre protection, notre capacité à soigner notre cadre de vie au fond à d'autres est une folie. Nous devons en reprendre le contrôle, construire plus encore que nous ne le faisons déjà une France, une Europe souveraine, une France et une Europe qui tiennent fermement leur destin en main. Les prochaines semaines et les prochains mois nécessiteront des décisions de rupture en ce sens. Je les assumerai.
>1 roll per day
1 roll a day
keeps the POTUS failure
Why don’t you paste this in your ass?
The only logical conclusion, there is just something wrong with Americans when it comes to shitting, I wonder where this comes from.
>mass gathering in the store
I think you've never been to Costco before. The lines are already ridiculous there, this is just an extra 50%.
In the Mexican market they hoarding the masa.
That's just a parks and rec reference
Fuck normie boomers and their inability to forecast. They deserve to wait in line for hours.
I hope you don't actually believe Americans poop more than anyone else or that Americans have a proclivity to ultimately bowel movements
I stocked up weeks ago. 3 months worth of food. Thought I'd mask up and wander Walmart for the keks. In hindsight, I should have worn goggles. But I am a 22 year old athlete whos never been sick.
Just another day in shithole america
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>average person uses one roll of tp a day
gloved hand + saucepan with warm soapy water. stand over toilet, clean yourself.
no toilet paper needed.
sorry, i don't watch "it's funny cause it's awkward" comedies like the office and parks and rec
makes me seethe
it's a good joke tho
I hate normals so much
>1 roll per day.
Son, you need to see the doctor. Do it before they get overcrowded by corona patients.
>these fucking pricks taking up all the flour who dont even know how to bake
assholes are probably just gonna use it to bread their fucking pork chops
>Surgical mask
You look like a trap version of Tim Pool. Also, that surgical mask isn't going to do all that much, although it is better than nothing.
It's pasta.
Kek. 1 roll per day. I could actually imagine some obese mutt needing this to clean all the shit off their yuge cheeks.
14 squares per day master race reporting in.
>walmart knows there's gunna be huge crowds
>has 20+ checkout lanes
>3 are open
god I hate that shit. Self checkout is probably even slower with dumbfuck boomers constantly needing help scanning everything anyway.
Idk what you mean by its funny cuz it's awkward
Dry humor? How do you rate napolean dynamite?
But I think that "awkward humor" stuff is used mostly in the first season
But after the first season it gets really hilarious
It's honestly one of the funniest shows I've seen
A long with scrubs and malcolm in the middle
And nichijou
I went to the supermarket today : there was no panic, no empty shelves, no line at cash desks.
Surgical Masks are absolutely protective against respiratory viruses.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Dude, our chavs don't shit themselves the way your Walmart chavs do. There is something wrong with Americans in certain states or age groups. I have no idea whether that's obesity or degeneracy or something else, but there is something going on there, no question about it. I have seen few sharting examples outside of the US, so it either happens more often in America or it's merely overreported for some reason.
Garbage people acting like garbage. Colour me surprised.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
How fat is you ass Burger?
Yeah, sadly, a lot of Amerifats eat so poorly, wiping their hairy asses is like trying to get peanutbutter out of the carpet. Sadly, the meme is real. Literally the worst thing about this country is the large quantities of cheap "food" and how readily available it is. A roll lasts my family (wife and 4 kids) about a week.
>1 roll a day
Nigger do you have fucking ass cancer
Holy shit the whole store is sideways
Kill for toilet paper!
amerisharts are so pathetic
Based. I use 2 rolls a day
Everyone has their Toilet Paper Totem constructed in this thread right? I hope none of you are left unprotected in this hour of the plague.
> Go to the store at 1 am
> You can go directly to the checkout
Fucking boomers.
Also, they are now selling here toilet paper produced in Finland but meant for other markets.
Not really optimal. It lets through ~5% of particles under whatever it is, 0.3 microns? You'd need N100 for a more fair study (a HEPA filter, 99.95-7%). Also, the linked study doesn't mention enough parameters. For example, the surgical mask wearers might be nurses who only do specific tasks with less exposure to patients, while the N95 mask wearers would be front-line, manning desks etc. if it was actually true, why would government agencies rate the surgical masks as unusable for the task, vs. ones with an N95+ rating as acceptable? Do you think they like to spend the extra money? I'd want to see controlled studies before I believe it, this just looks like a statistics manipulation with no actual control group, environmental considerations or anything.
I use up 2 bidets every day myself.
7 (seven) limes lmfao
What the fuck, fix this
What are we gonna call this after a few years?
Forget the prep - just give me those milkers.