Farewell, white amerika

Farewell, white amerika.

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Yeah because non-whites don't live that long you Double-Nigger.


are you retarded?

Its the end

Love it or leave it, junior!

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Fpbp, see you in the afterlife anons

"Most common age" is a weird thing to measure. You should look at average age, or median age.


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I'm in cali, there's white babies everywhere, sorry to disappoint you

Boomers invited brownskins in
Boomers exported jobs
Boomers encouraged racemixing
Boomers raised weak sons and naive daughters
Boomers are the best goys, puppets to the Jews.

Whites should go on a rape spree right now, moral doesn't matter, nor does the white race have any more time to do this carefully, either white people mass impregnate woman this year or there will be no more white race in the future because corona

Hey coon, what's up?

As a spic I would like to thank the Jews for pulling such a great con on the gringos. You gave gifted us several Constantinople's and we will gladly take them and never give them back.

guess we will be brazil tier in like 20 years

Its basically over at this point.

Non-white dominance is inevitable.

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I got stuck behind a school bus the other day for a few stops, and I was watching the kids get off and there wasn’t a single White kid that got off that bus. This was in the area that I grew up, and 10 years ago, 90% of the kids getting of off that bus would have been White. It was a blackpilling experience.

These numbers might be a bit skewed. I, along with most of my friends, always mark hispanic on surveys because it leads to having a higher chance of getting grants and what not.

Id'e be happy to leave but you retarded geriatric fucks managed to ruin every single formerly white industrial nation.

There isn't anywhere to leave to.

minorities just die younger

>white babies
>x doubt

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They probably thought the mode was more interesting as a headline than the median, which may have been skewed to be younger.

How is this a bad thing? Once whites are a minority, things will rapidly collapse. I'd rather things go to hell than share my birthright with non-whites.

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What region?

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Fewer of us will fit perfectly in our Northern Ethnostate. We need to meme this and make the mudpeople demand it.

FUck it, i'm moving to Maine

They are going to puke under their desks when they realize their Asian slaves are building up their numbers to take over the West. The average white self hating gentile will cheer wildly but the rich white Good Goy will die from despair. HE was going to be Lord Of The Darkies. THEY were supposed to be more obedient, not over throw HIM.

finally! a white genocide I can get behind! those old ass crackers are about to succumb to the fate of the BOOMER REMOVER

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Of course. It just doesn't really say anything. Last year the most common age was probably 57, given that the mortality of 58 year olds is not that much higher than the average.


Yep enjoy being triaged into a death ward when you're an old man by a cohort of brown nurses and doctors
The more white an area is the more you have the phenomenon of rich white liberal dipshits cucking themselves


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Fake map with no source
How’s that possible when the at state is over 90%+ white? It’s not

>The more white an area is the more you have the phenomenon of rich white liberal dipshits cucking themselves
Fine then, I guess West Virginia it is. Id'e rather be fucking broke and living in a meth addled shithole surrounded by my fellow whites than in a non-white shithole.

young liberal spic women are taking responsibility

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get rekt you weird albino monkey. go cry outside and wipe your tears with unsanitized hands

most recent death was 81 years old and had emphysema oh no its over. HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE THIS POINTLESS THREAD.

Yeah it's not only yanks that think you re off the chain.

When does the country turn into a free-for-all warzone?

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Well Montana isn't 90% White anymore. As for the other map, I saved that a few years ago and the guy linked the source in his post.

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white women are less fertile because they have less gene diversity. the less diverse your genes the more fucked up genetic diseases you get like scoliosis, anemia, psoriasis, you name it

u mad bro?

Latino here

White people are good people. Racist white people fuck em!

This. Even in fucking Oregon, the schools are all black or brown with a few white kids and asians. America in 15 years is going to be a true nightmare hellscape. (More than it already is)

Thank God for the Amish and the Mormons, hard at work while the rest of us have fallen victim to the jew.

The second most common age could be 17 for all that headline says

>Yep enjoy being triaged into a death ward when you're an old man by a cohort of brown nurses and doctors
I'll wheel myself into some brown area gunning down as many as can before offing myself before I let that happen.

No. Because i know how your life is going to without even having to see it first hand. in the trash

Except the issue isn't fertility, it's just wanting to have kids.

Why don't white people breed?

Too bad Mormons are pro-refugee retards who will end up a tiny minority in a sea of brown and black, before they are inevitably murdered.

Christcucks are the most disillusion people on Earth. At least the Amish are somewhat xenophobic.

roastism, feminism, dogism

Yes, U.S. is doomed.
Other countries should make proper conclusions out of this with purpose not to repeat they mistakes.

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Whatever. Making human babies is a priority right now.

Lol this all kids I see are brown

Mexican Americans live on average 3 more years than White Americans, look this shit up retards, mestizo blood ages slower

yes, Retard, that was the Generation called the Baby boomers, i. e. the biggest Generation in the last decades, of course those outnumber the other Ages

why the fuck can you allways tell from the flag that The People posting this shit are buttfuck retarded ?


White americans are subhumans and religious retards that got expelled from europe, they are worse than niggers.

>It's the Mormons and Christians bringing all the refugees in

Nice try Shlomo

cant wait to see what happens to usa 20 years from now

It'll soon be a country of retarded violent mutts. It was good while it lasted, but they unfortunately decided to hand over their country to the jews.

kek most common spic age is 11.

so many goblinas running around. usa will be venezuela tier in 15 years max. imagine AOC's in every aspect of government.


Huehuehue go fuck a monkey


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usa in 2100

10% non-spic white
25% asian
15% black
50% spic


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AHAHHA nice one goldberg, but we all fucking know theres no white babies in california of all places

infact there might be less white babies in california than there are in the congos

>b-but muh white liberals
>muh mud sharking race mixers

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No. Only the most brave and bold left europe to create a new homeland. The wheat left the chaff.

im starting to think it was all the cuckolds who left europe

Holy fuck i forgot about mormons lmao.

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But you know better, Ahmad.

Because they allow polygamy. Face it polygamy is based when it one man and many wives. When one wife gets pregnant he can just use another for his sexual pleasures then get her pregnant. Instant baby making

we'll see who starts disappearing when white gibs start not being there for you brainlets

there was no unanimous decision to do this. It was done in the middle of the night with 3 jews in the room.
The immigration act in 65 was merely a post verbatim to the goyification of america after WW1

idc most of them are white niggers and spics had a boom now they get a bust.
Whites still going to make up over half of newborns in America and there is nothing they can do about it expect rage and seethe.

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If America ever goes nationalist, you gubment teat sucking browns will be fuct real good.


America is 50% non-white buddy

pure cope, mormon and amish tfr's are coming down. whites are going e xtinct. BTFO whtoids

Why is someone from Brazil talking about whiteness?

LUL shut up schlomo

How is it possible that you're this stupid?

>pure cope
meanwhile in reality they are out breeding everyone while spics are plummeting like Black American birth rates.

Stay mad.

You have to understand that without whites you niggers will starve to death

>Less gene diversity
Try again. Whites have the second most diverse alleles outside of sub-Saharan Africa.

your not even white, italian