Has buddhism ever killed anyone?
I read wikipedia, and there has only been some uproars, but never any real massacres etc.
Is buddhism the true Buddhism?
Has buddhism ever killed anyone?
I read wikipedia, and there has only been some uproars, but never any real massacres etc.
Is buddhism the true Buddhism?
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Buddhism hasn’t. Buddhists have, many, many time.
Yes I have heard of terrorist like Buddhist cults and sometimes they go at it with Hindus (such as Sri Lanka) or and Muslim in other places, pretty sure lol. But then people re-use old photos of say like a child hanging and can create false uprising. And some monasteries can be like cults. They fuck up too, it's really difficult to do the full practice of renunciation as laid out in Pali Suttas, the five Nikiya's, which is also the Tibetan Tangur and Kangur and Chinese agamas.
it kind of kills your soul
my favorite monk killed himself :(
i left the sangha not long after
They killed muslims and chineses
>inb4 they're not wrong
I did not give an opinion
i am buddhist and i can confirm
true buddhism is meditation. how can you meditate by killing people?
it killed this guy
You can actually kill "people" without even touching them.
The thing is. You teach them something. They learn. It is like changing the frequency of cognition. You learn something new. Old you dies.
Most people are npcs even monks hurr durr meditate till they fucking dddiiiiiieeeeeeeeee wait npcs cant meditate
Real buddhists rape buddhist nuns so they can no longer have a celibacy vow heh
Buy seriously buddhism is only about thinking happy thoughts to keep the energy field clean and attain power overwhelming positivity
What happen? The story?
I cut down my enemies with with a tai chi sword daily.
Christ ftw
Having a clean body and energy field results in nirvana and the discernment of who to actually kill
Feels good
watch those off-shoots, OP
Buddhists do not see meditation as meditation but as living.
In it's mainstream interpretation, absolutely not, Tibetan sect yes and cults also.
Regardless, it kills your soul. It is giving up; the religion.
Buddhist Nationalists led the Rohingya genocide, and ones in Sri Lanka attacked Muslims there, which eventually led to the Easter Bombings (which actually targeted Christians, but that's because Sri Lankan jihadists were signaling to ISIS that they were srs bizniz)
Buddhist Nationalism has been pretty fucking violent over the last decade, especially in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and I think Thailand.
Someone who knows nirvana would soon advance to a state where they could never kill again, it would be impossible. The basis of greed, lust, malice, and delusion required is permanently diminished. There is a short window however that this question is valid, if they could get away with it and suffer say, a broke leg as a saint instead of an aeon in Hell like a puthujjana.
>Imagine following a religion that's a branch of another religion.
Buddhism is cucked religion.
if you read about sri lankan politics, you'd know who was behind the easter bombings
>Imagine being a branch of another entity
Humanity is a cucked race
Sigh. Whatever. Everything is error and correction. Religions etc. Whatever. The thing is; what makes you tick, what makes your reality.exe work as intended. Nothing else matters?
buddhism is not about teaching tho.
buddhism is top tier religion because of that
Buddhists and hindus rioted the fuck out of Mughal Empire towards the end
you mean "christianity" and islam, aren't you?
or roman paganism?
he was old, his father had recently died
it was with peace but it really activated my almonds. as in if he didn't have the answers to deal with his suffering with all his advanced wisdom and experience over mine (was less than 2 years in), maybe i wouldn't find it either. not sure that's the effect he intended, i don't have ill will for his choices.
buddhism is still awesome philosophy/religion and worthy of everyone's study at least for a bit. too many americans are incredibly dumb about buddhism "why do you worship the fat guy?"
That practice is a self sacrifice. He did it to protest Communism and the massacre that was occurring in Tibet.
You a lie
Lol stfu u dont know anything a nigga gotta EAT IIIGHT
Its more about mercy killing annoying pests so I can go back to feeling my microcosmic orbit
No don't make whiny little passive aggressive noises at me
Been to sri lanka terrible place like your face
Om mani padme hum
It's violent because they're defending their holy sanctuaries. Think about what would happen if Hindus went to Jerusalem and started putting Hindu god status around Mecha. Don't you think there would be really angry people protesting at practice? I think Buddhists have a right to defend their land.
Here's some potent Buddhism for you frens:
Mindfulness of your hands.
Know if you are touching your face or not.
oh is that your native?
Thanks bro.
I wear a mask to prevent myself from touching my face. I'm not too worried about the virus being airborne but you don't know what you touch throughout the day.
For a while they killed Christian Asians
I do not enjoy the natives, no
Do not speak, dahlit
You should give a bite of your Eats to the beggar who renounced killing to remember that you'd prefer to not have to kill, nigga.
no i asked if sri lanka is your native/home country?
Has no one in this thread heard of Myanmar? Not saying the Buddhists are wrong in this one by any means though.
>You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog
Buddhists don't kill, they just give you enough rope to hang yourself with.
Animals are part of a sacred spiritual food chain okay
No I only went to get downloads at the ancient buddhist temples otherwise the place was like the rest of the subcontinent and not the nicest place okay
R u new?
Monks experience death sometimes hundreds of times during sleep via lucid dreaming. This is how they navigate the bardo and eventually obtain Nirvana.
nothing is the true buddhism
The man you're posting there is a hero, as I'm sure you know.
I doubt it
why do you deny your coal-skin sri lankan genes?
You just had to say "I went there to see the mud hut I was raised in"
>most retarded religion on the planet based around being absorbed into the great ‘thusness’ by removing all distinctions
>differences are an illusion and your conceptualization of the ‘one’ is also a illusion that keeps you being absorbed into the great ‘thusness’
>started by retarded, spoiled brat that neglected his family because he was a depressed faggot and fooled other, retarded, depressed faggots into thinking they can achieve ‘le enlightment’
>literally the dumbest and most incoherent religion possible; anti-logic, anti-math, anti-empiricism, anti-philosophy, anti-science, anti-morality
>only appeals to try-hard Westerners and is usually rejected by far-easterners when they’re exposed to any alternative
>the only major branch of religion that is shrinking
Buddhism is braindead.
You are all coalskins until you get to Tibet
Let's rate hinjew whores
Sri Lanka - very bad fat nasty thief
India - rude village hut poo hole
Nepal - prude ew make it stop
Of course it's really all the same with you natives isn't it
>>differences are an illusion and your conceptualization of the ‘one’ is also a illusion that keeps you being absorbed into the great ‘thusness’
If you create the conception of thusness, you create its opposite at the same time. Tall can't exist without short, good can't exist without evil.
To create the conception of a Buddha is to miss the Buddha. This is one of several reasons why they say in Zen, if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.
Spooky but based video. I rate it 6/5.
Hmm how so?
>Abrahamic schizo has posted.exe
Who pissed in your pancakes user?
>buddhism is still awesome philosophy/religion and worthy of everyone's study at least for a bit.
Are you from Reddit? I study this type of shit for a living, and I can tell you that Buddhism is most certainly the least ‘awesome’ religion that exists. It’s fucking nonsense with no redeeming qualities used to put depressed faggots into leper colonies.
>too many americans are incredibly dumb about buddhism "why do you worship the fat guy?"
Why learn about a garbage religion that’s lower than scientology? I’m glad they’re ignorant and hope that they stay that way.
You are probably pretty low on the scientology emotion scale, aren't ya?
I could tell
Are you seriously trying to tell an Individual to be like you? Every Individual has its own preferences. That is the nature of Individual realm, where coherent vibrances are shunned upon.
Sometimes when I go on Yas Forums I think I'm talking to legit angry spirits of anger.
Then you got western hippy losers thinking its cool or good. No shit they think its good when its telling you to shut off any logical thinking. It is just organized atheism.
>I study this type of shit for a living
Oh, are you an indologist?
Buddhism is corrupted like modern christcuck stuff and probably 80 percent just bs like the 8fold path bs they changed the definitions of..
Buddhism looks to me like opposing day Raja Yoga.
Advaita is better anyway, buddhism is just a beta version
Idk I'm a satanist european israelite toaist immortal
>Tall can't exist without short, good can't exist without evil.
>Creating nonsense dialectics for no reason without realizing that dialectic concepts can’t have their own dialectics
>The dualist equivalent to the Law of Non-Contradiction is...what?
Even Hegel would say that you retards take it a step too far.
Monism is retarded. That’s all Buddhism is, and that’s all it’s ever been, and all monism is the same nonsense.
When somebody is smarter and knows more than you, it’s better to just ask questions rather than remain an ignorant faggot and defensively name-call like a retard.
>Monism is retarded
You don't earn a living out of this confirmed.
and it doesn't work. it never worked.
Buddhism is only better than Christianity if you simply look at it from a secular angle. Maintain the practice of the philosophy and the meditation but don't get so deep into it that you start neglecting your life. When I meet buddhist teachers I often wonder if they're heading for a road of regret because they're dedicated so completely to the religion that other aspects of their life are being left behind. On the flip side I don't believe Buddhism could exist without that level of dedication.