How long till people start breaking into houses to steal food?

How long till people start breaking into houses to steal food?

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I'd love for someone to break into my house, give me an excuse.

If the shelves stay empty it will start after a couple days.

>shelves stay empty
they are already empty here.

nigger please, you know damned well if you use anything beyond harsh language on an intruder youll end up behind bars

To do what bonger. You gonna ask for their b&e license?

I don't care about laws, I mean a moral one.
Oh and obviously death for all who dare enter my abode.

9 meals, 3 days.

Stores will be hit first that will be the que that houses are next

Food shelves? So far my local groceries are mostly out of paper goods, cleaning supplies and now canned goods

I don't own a gun so I hope never

>I don't own a gun so I hope never
You can form a mob.

It will be packs of niggers.

I can't wait.

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Got your spoon loicense ready there champ?

Bacon and eggs?

Gonna have some pretty humans in my basement

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Castle Doctrine & Stand your Ground bro checking in. Wish you the best of luck in your courts bong bro

I've been doing it for years

165 grain jhp underwood 10mm will make it short lived. I have 200 grain hard cast if they wanna play hide and seek behind concrete.


>Be British
>Go to jail for threatening a home intruder

Those under my basement won't be.

Well, find out if it's happening in northern Italy, if it is, there's your answer. I imagine it would take a couple months of total lock-down quarantine for it to actually start taking off though.

I think people in cities will loot the shops first.

what if you get killed instead

You have to make them pretty by finalizing the marriage

When do we get to the book burning portion of this program?

Soon. I'm not a panic fag but was unable to shoo due to all panic fags buying everything. Can't even buy dinner for the night because people are ur muh gawd. I'll raid you for causing the downfall due to mass hysteria faggots.

Jokes on them, all they're going to find is toilet paper.

to suck him dry?

they break in, make you watch them rape your wife then blow her brains out right in front of you

theyre also black

Italy still has the buffer of the rest if the eu and economy functioning (almost) regularly, which can change quickly with how things are looking

The forced quarantine lasts for months now, a few days ago I started listening to a neighbor's baby cry, it was a constant, bitter cry, from someone who knew he would not have the chance to make mistakes with his age and wish for things he could never have. The child cried with the agony of someone who was sick, maybe that was it, I just remember the night the mother started screaming, the father tried to console her, I couldn't understand what they were talking about, I was not so well because of the rationing of food that I also needed do. The next day, I smelled a familiar smell, it was barbecue, how could this family, who had just lost a baby, keep meat for so long? A question from someone who tries to maintain innocence, while the mother cried, heard the noise of the flesh being torn by thirsty teeth, at night, the mother kept crying, the father tried to console her in every way. Some time passed, I don't remember, I was too weak, I heard the father crying but trying to keep the volume very low, I heard the noise of what seemed to be the separation of tendons, bones, meat, after a while, again the smell of barbecue, but this time, I believe, I will have to pay a visit to this neighbor, he must be very fat for his own good

Can you Brits even own knives like this?

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That comes after the Day of the Rope.

You're gonna hear that a lot.

Ok bong

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Everything is still in stock here in Florida and no one gives a shit about the china flu

Lol commie niggers

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Michigan fag here. Wanted to make chili or ribs this weekend but panic fags are ruining the grocery stores up here. Felt like telling them that ill3 be the one who comes and takes your shit for causing all this panic.

Alabama here, just got done doing some weekly grocery shopping, they had cleaned out the paper goods aisle, but everything else was fine lol. Bought plenty of fruits and vegetables and canned them up, checked all my ammo and cleaned all my weapons. Should be fun.

if you cant have a gun get yourself an axe
go chop chop on the home invader

niggers already do that

You’ll get your ass shot off, you ill prepared faggot. I hope you bring your small sons along for the ride.

>the past 5 years

The moment there is none left in the shops to buy

I'll burn you out faggot. No need to enter any residence

4 missed meals
so... tomorrow night, monday afternoon?

I have no kids so no worries faggot lol

Went shopping this morning, nkrmal weekly trip. Produce section was nearly empty, meat department stripped bare except for some canned hams. Toilet paper, paper towel, bottled water all gone. Good thing I stocked up weeks ago.

Oi mate you gonna make him some tea and biscits? Try to butter knife the lad?

wait you guys aren’t breaking into houses?

Soon, I hope.

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When its far too late and no one has any you fucking idiot

picturing the face you make when you realize most "panic fags" were normal people buying reasonable amounts because they knew there would eventually be a panic

depends on the amount of niggers in you neighborhood I suppose

Not yet dude. Put that shit on pause

Luckily I live in a rich neighborhood

>Burn it down
>Looking for food

Check this tough guy internet nigger out

Pro tip. Reference gun ban petition lists in assessing your targets. Your welcome

Give it 2 weeks

SOON, hopefully the usa maintains some sort of government with their kikes, and thats when the aliens arrive to eat them

That means buckshot to the face

Pretty safe in my area. Every fucker is very much richer than I am.

To do what? Offer him a fucking cup of tea?

your fuckup for not realizing this would happen weeks ago and buying reasonable amounts then.

It's like being in traffic and saying you wish all these assholes weren't driving. Say it all you want, but you're out shopping now when the stores have nothing, 3 weeks after I bought what I needed, and a week after the panic buying started.

They and the people on TV or social media they listen to are causing mass hysteria. I love preppers but hate panic fags

Well someone did get mugged for loo roll in london today

Lol you've gained the cannibal perk lol

user, you need to keep buying more. If you are not, you are digging into your stash, your stash is for when there is nothing left, not before.

otherwise you just went grocery shopping early and are no different than an npc about to panic at empty stores.

That's just a normal day in Brazil.

In Italy?

I'm not a panic fag though. I'll go to work monday like every other day. If shit does really hit the fan I'll fucking have fish frys on the lake.

I'm calling 24th-25th in the NY-Phila-NJ area.That's about a week's worth of food + 3 days of hunger.

Why even make a post like this on this board you knobhead. You know you'll just get rekt.

I live in Portland, so I just need to find the closest house with a black lives matter sign on the lawn.

top kek

mob... or as i call it, shootgun fodder.

.... you okay user? a bit edgy ey?

>3 months later
>dies raiding
>still didn't touch stash
then wtf is the stash for? You think I have a week of food don't you?

LOL. Based. Bongfags on suicide watch.

Remember when bongs had guns?
I do.

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>break into home get infected
Nice idea my guy.

Based and homeless pilled

just came back from the store
full shelves and almost no people, I bought some spaghetti and crisps
the downside is that the stores with sports goods were closed and I needed to buy myself a jump rope to keep fit during the corona
hopefully they'll be open on monday

Once you have stores closed, food shortages, and not enough police and national guard to maintain order. Think Katrina.

Three missed meals.

3 past fiddy

After law enforcement fails which will be a very long time. None preppers will be starving and emicated husks by then.

Fuck you boot licker

Maybe in greece. In america it will just be a culling of idiots.

Theyll steal toilet paper

I pay my taxes to keep niggers in check. When you become a parent and a home owner maybe you'll understand.

dude Greek people are stupid af. A week ago they were all saying lets go to war and retake constantinople and now everyone is shitting themselves and buying shiton of crap.

They're gonna stock up again from Monday but i really hope there is a limit to purchases and people just like Italy.

fuckin boomers