Post your raider outfits

Post your raider outfits.

Attached: raid.jpg (561x480, 100.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Post your raider defense posts

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The immune system has to deal with it, no face masks.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96.65K)

>contaminating everything

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 124.8K)

wool all the way

Attached: m113.jpg (394x501, 87.33K)

Attached: tenor[1].gif (498x209, 1.92M)

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>Bottled Oxygen
Why tho?

Attached: 0fb1373a3742c881f866bdafa2f5e255.jpg (450x300, 27.17K)

Your lung function will take a dive and the higher concentration of 02 will help. Look for oxygen concentrators. That and a proper stack.

what's up with the baking soda?

w-what's the baking soda for...?

Attached: 1538798573341.jpg (1000x749, 135.1K)

I really want to tell you, user. But I feel like that secret is best shared word-of-mouth.

Hint: it's to be combined with something else in my pic.

Attached: 1579918757340.jpg (450x572, 60.08K)

Reported to fbi

theres turpentine alright

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faction: raider
class: tank

Attached: 1580037049678.jpg (600x800, 59.61K)

dps setup

Attached: 1578300323105.jpg (580x762, 142.88K)

ANOTHER GRIDS thread for pussies who have never even had a single fight

IDK either but i think its for using the turpentine to make a parasite killing disgusting brew

I used to be that big
Feels fuckin bad man


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Is this your outfit you wear when performing at the children's reading group?

Attached: Caesars+legion+at+the+top+_6dd0e20ed0639aa9c91349af5756192f.jpg (950x665, 218.99K)

Attached: MartyRantzen.png (575x400, 316.46K)

they will never know im a raider

Attached: greyman retard.jpg (1024x576, 113.37K)

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Attached: Corky.jpg (474x321, 20.26K)

alternative dps outfit

Attached: 1578644629015.jpg (1066x1280, 194.53K)

Oh, look, an MK Ultra victim.

Some of you guys are alright...

Attached: Breivik88.jpg (620x388, 39.35K)

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dont mind the seal

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What is the raider codeword so we know not to attack each other?

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Nigger or kike both work

Attached: 1519927990527.png (720x715, 502.11K)

Are you physically apt, brother?

only virgin preppers and elite would greyman cause they got something to hide
is the pool open or closed, and ask why

Last of the BOHICAns reporting in

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Nice look, Wapti.

Praise kek

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why is camden t-powerbutton-wn backwards? high concentration of dyslexics in that area? or for people who love their rearview mirrors?

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Nice clownson outfit

lol i like that one

Fucking beautiful.

Attached: 1578019170822.jpg (767x520, 47.93K)

Tunnel Snakes rule!

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classic approach, throwback, a man of taste

Attached: Welcome to the Rice Fields.webm (426x426, 481.84K)

I think I'm in love.

its the superglue innit

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use it for brushing your teeth. more efficient size/weight than toothpaste.

Attached: ardesier-invernesshire-uk-9th-aug-2014-plague-doctor-with-mask-at-E6037K.jpg (1300x956, 109.45K)

gaze upon me and tremble

Attached: 1524438303754.jpg (1400x1000, 362.1K)

This squad will sure hoard a lot of toilet paper.

Attached: what.jpg (636x812, 117.85K)

Attached: 3c40cceb.jpg (1600x1000, 214.7K)

Is it too late to buy ass chaps?

just cut up some jeans.


>1 pathetic bag of rice
you could learn something from old asian ladies who stock up their entire attic
>all that bottled water
will spoil
>toilet paper
literally a meme

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and you have just made a bro if they call back in kind. or possibly a mortal enemy if you start out with the WAAAAGH!

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That's us

white boys masqueraiding as poos to throw off the scent.

Techno-barbarians, where you at?

Attached: 5C7C5CE4-D58B-4B70-B347-A734424D9242.jpg (396x750, 91.79K)

wtf, the gimp was never that big, they changed the timelines again.

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>will spoil
yeah man he's only got like a year to drink it...

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coomer level >9000

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ready to raid

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"Pool's close nigger" should cover it.

>games-workshop shopping bag in the back
Varg plays 40k confirmed, what army do you think he runs?
Probably fucking Space Wolves

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is it possible to achieve this natty if so how?

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What’s RO doing there

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i don't know shit about warhammer.
i'm just a varg fanboy.

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