Ask a progressive serbian liberal anything

Pro EU
Pro west
Nationalism is for sheep

I am from Belgrade and a student studying philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty

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Why are you Jewish?

You’ll never be a real woman.

What are your views on mass immigration?

I am not jewish

I am pro immigration

Would you accept more nigger immigrants in your country? Is a nation even a thing if it lacks borders language and culture?

You need a Pinochet.

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>studying philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty
yep, everything checks out. Who are you gonna vote for next month?

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Didn't NATO flatten Serbia for protecting its borders? Fucking kike lmao.

That's a meaningless statement. I'm pro immgration as well, but I support very restrictive immigration policy. Should I interpret your response as being in favor of open borders?

Why do you love the feeling of circumcised cock in your intestinal exit?

> Pro West
> Pro immigration

> Pro EU
With all the money we give you for doing nothing I bet

Yes I would accept more n word immigrants
I do not believe in nationalism. I think we should abolish borders. Culture and identity dont need borders

I need them I wouldn't want my country to get daily granade bombing like sweden has

>der serbian
>he starts wars
>he fucks shit up

Na kojim si ti drogama?

I have yet to see what politician is the closest to my views. I think Serbian Progressive party is too right wing. Also I do not believe in the "Kosovo is serbia" bullshit
NATO bombed serbia because of Milosevic. People dont get the terrors Milosevic did to non serbs in Kosovo. Thank god we got rid of him

>Culture and identity dont need border

What about laws and social programs?

Why are you a homosexual?

Drag queen story hours yes or no?

Nice bait faggot

Philosophy wankers really are the worst

gusch tschusch

What is it about Serbs that they can’t get along with anyone and actively choose to destroy Europe.. for millennia.
Inb4 Russia. Serbs cocksleve to their big daddy Jewish oligarchy masters. You’re literally niggers to real Russians.

As I said I do not believe in borders


Why dont you house some refugees then at you expanse?

well i don't either, and they don't exist. But that won't stop people from marching, protecting their boarders in their head.
Luckly crimminals don't care, they move in an out, showing the marchers how little control they have

What about them?

Almost all civilized countries have similar laws. I think we can all agree murder is illegal in all countries in the world. Why do you need a border for that?

Borders are an outdated concept, just like border walls and nationalism

I have a girlfriend

Why not? I dont see a problem

>I have a girlfriend
Than what are you doing here


Fuck off normie

>Nationalism is for sheep
>I am pro immigration
Idi u tri lepe pičke materine, Zapadnjački Špijunu.
On je od onih "otuđenih ljudi" u Kapitalističkom društvu, najgora moguća stoka koju možeš naći.
>NATO bombed serbia because of Milosevic. People dont get the terrors Milosevic did to non serbs in Kosovo. Thank god we got rid of him
In what stupidities you believe in, holly shit... SLOBO WAS INNOCENT YOU FILTHY LIBERAL.

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I would but they dont want to stay here

>actively chose to destroy Europe
As far as I know Krauts started the war that killed millions of Europeans.
>big daddy jewish oligarchy masters
Yeah Tsar Nicholas was definitely a Jew. What the fuck do you expect Putin to do?
To kill all the Jews and bring back suck le based nazi cock?
He has to secure his position by dealing with these fuckers.

What do you mean what am I doing here?

>Borders are an outdated concept, just like border walls and nationalism
Filth like you have destroyed East Germany, USSR and all other free countries and brought upon the tyranny of permanent wage slavery.

how do you resist the urge to kill yourself/ suck cock

All that shit makes you a nazi according to your fellow countrymen tho

sereš kvake

Ma on sere još nešto gore, kvake su za početnike.

Only a brainless nationalist would say that Slobodan Milosevic, a war criminal was innocent

Because who else liked international sanctions and hyperinflation?

you may be studying philosophy, but you are an idiot.

So? I housed Kosovars, Kraišnjike, Bosance itd and they all stayed temp, then they moved on. Why donćt you do same?

Sloba was working for the Americans and Brits and first, he was supposed to push Yugoslavia into NATO, but that didn’t happen because he chose to keep the commie system more or less the same.
Imo I don’t know what’s worse of those two.

I should as soon as I move out from my parents

Me and my bae will find a nice home soon enough

People, especially students studying social "sciences" i.e non stem are always retarded leftists, you are not progressive.

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You couldn’t study something dumber in Serbia than philosophy, that univeristy is filled with globohomo cocksuckers and is basically a meeting point for these disgusting degenerates all across the country.

>Almost all civilized countries have similar laws
No they don't. Every country has up to hundreds of thousands of pages of codified laws and they're often very different and legal systems themselves often differ starkly. Borders allow you to criticize Islam without being charged with blasphemy for example. How would your borderless world deal with that?

Also you've dodged the issue of welfare state. I'd assume that as some kind of a lefty you support things like socialized healthcare and handouts and you can't really ran an effective welfare system in an open borders world.

Why are you gay?

>Only a brainless nationalist would say that Slobodan Milosevic, a war criminal was innocent
Really? What kind of war crimes did he ever commit? Srebrenica? Never happened, literally set up by EU, NATO and all other filthy imperialists.
>Because who else liked international sanctions and hyperinflation?
Except during Slobo, Yugoslavia was still running smoothly. People still lived much better under Slobo than under capitalism and bourgeoisie democracy. I would honetly ask you to stop with this bullshit, please, Slobo literally sacrificed for all of us, and you are rejecting him. Here take a look at this video and see for yourself:

Bait you fucking faggots

Who knows... maybe he is one of them.

how many cocks have you stuffed in you ?


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>srebrnica denier
Why am I not surprised

Next thing you are gonna tell me all those massacred albanians in Kosovo by the Serbian Police is all fake news.

Holocaust/Srebrnica deniers are equally stupid as flat earth and anti vaxx society


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the time for arguments has passed

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"Nationalism is for sheep"

"Selling your own people out to the current global empire that has a track record of completely fucking over their servant nations and then building them back up again with exorbitant loans isnt slavery! Its liberation! Yea fuck you authoritarians, I suck on the toes of mega corporations and banks, not the leader of my own country!"

Your also supporting the losing side btw. The west is unraveling as we speak. Globohomo isnt coming to save you faggot.

>Why am I not surprised
Because killing some random civilians does not equal to genocide. Please, talk to Dodik about this issue, and you will see how much people pay for that """"genocide""" event.
>Next thing you are gonna tell me all those massacred albanians in Kosovo by the Serbian Police is all fake news.
After they did to Serbian children, what kind of action should have we taken? To greet them and then have a coffee? Nah, those Jihadists deserved to die.

seek help user

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Are you my brother in ideology?

When are you going back to whatever diaspora hellhole that spawned you?

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What do you mean? I lived in Belgrade all my life

waiting for your reply

Based Anarcho-Nationalism.

>I lived in Belgrade all my life
Oh okej, shvatam. Ti si na moj listi ljudi za odstrel onda, zajedno sa Karleušom, Vučićem i ostalim gadovima.

That's why we should have unrestricted gun ownership.
So when a criminal, or say the average filthy Tromsø/Bergen cuntmerican redditor, steps over the border we can protect our beatiful nature from mutts and their criminal ways.

Why are you like that?

He'll probably join them.