Over the years I keep seeing America and Euro Anons saying they want to move to your country due to it being "less cucked"
Are correct in this assumption, or are they being retarded and romanticizing your country?
Over the years I keep seeing America and Euro Anons saying they want to move to your country due to it being "less cucked"
Are correct in this assumption, or are they being retarded and romanticizing your country?
Stay at home. We are already full of cucks and degenerates. We don't need any more.
Euro cucks are our eternal enemies.
russia is a hellhole
but you've seen a lot of shillposts OP
Legit I've seen a lot of Russan shill posts today lol.
>or are they being retarded and romanticizing your country?
Russia is fine.
I'd say posts like yours is what makes them want to go (for better or worse)
I've seen people as early as 10 years ago say they're going to make the move; what do you think would actually happen to a westerner going there with that assumption?
Literally Russia is gone. Russian zoomers are the worst and most degenerate, cucked and weak generation and are the reason why Russia will collapse. They're ok with LGBT, SJW, trannies, race-mixing, globohomo, diversity, mass immigration, islamization, multi-culti, radical feminism and gender bullshit. If you say you are Russian nationalist your people will call you fascist, nazi, racist and report you to police. Most Russian girls are race mixers, feminism is the default position. In Russian society having gf is finding as something prestigious, which is already not normal. You can only vote for Putin in elections. Nobody even talks about migrant crimes anymore they happen so often.
Our women are sluts for every non-white man, our women hate us, we are ruled by Jews and traitors, our average wage is 300 euro, our cities are controlled by ethnic gangs, our country is the home of the biggest muslim population in Europe, our demographics are some of the worst in the world, and we will be minority in a next decade.
It can't be worse than being a Russian male in Russia. The young generation is mostly incels hated by Russian girls, having low-paying jobs with no prospects in life.
We have more muslims than Germany, the UK, France and Sweden combined and we are the ultimate cuckold: beaten by muslims, hated by our own women and still proud about muh Russia.
Damn, that sounds like America lmao
>t.selfhating churka
Russia is like America, but poor
fuck off vatnik
Honestly you people laugh at nigger hoarders, but you really don't have enough niggers yourselves. The average person uses 1 nigger per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 niggers a week. Over 100 a month. Niggers will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.
What's your take? What do you see that's different
Are you one of those guys that wanna move there? No judgements, just curious what you expect life would be like there
What's Chechnya like
They seem pretty based and non degenerate
I visited Moscow & St Pete's. Absolutely loved it. Here is what I liked the most. Their propaganda is shit tier, you can ignore it. Ours is weaponized. Other than that they are as bad, but nobody really 100% believes their propaganda, they believe ours. The other problem they have is wages. They are low. But if you have the money, Russia is the shit.
Would you ever move there?
One of the reasons I wanna move there or Chechnya is because you can own one of these bad boys without libs trying to throw you in jail (had a friend get sued heavily because he owned a bobcat)
They seem less stupid than we are
I want to move to St Pete's. I speak Russian. My wife is Russian, she doesn't like them. What Russians don't get is the foreigners are not subject to 90% of the shit that happens there that's bad. They also don't think the same bad shit happens here. But as an American in there, it's comfy as fuck. I think I will get her to move in a few years. I need to wind up the shit here, and I will move. I'm definitely retiring there.
>Russian Federation
How long has it been called this, by the way?
In America we really just learned about the Berlin wall going down. Our interest in Russia seems to stop there.
What if a black, Latin or Indian guy moved there? Would they have a hard time. Saw some Africa, Chile and Brazil anons say that they wanted to move like you
Is that a caracal? Patrician taste; id own one of those in a heart beat too
In Russia you can on anything regardless. You can negotiate with the Russians. They are much more agreement driven than people here. You can literally negotiate anything with them. I bet you you can have than in Moscow too. It will cost you, and I don't know why one would have it, but you can. You can have guns too. The problem is you can't just shoot an intruder, you have to do a warning shot, but you can get a gun there no problem.
I spent some time in Russia a few years back. It's a beautiful country and they were fantastic hosts to me. Avoid Moscow and St Petersburg if you're looking for an honest woman. Only honest women I met were out in Siberia. As for politics, most folks under 30 are pretty much Western in mindset, open to globalization and such. I hope they don't turn out like the Germans or God help us the swedes.
So nobody was openly racist to you? Would you ever actually move there
You know anything about Chechnya friendo? I figured they don't care if you're an outsider as long as you're Muslim like them and have money
>warning shot
How does that even work? Like you have to scare the intruder away? What if they keep trying to steal/attack your household undeterred
I'm white. The only thing is I used to be stopped by the police in early 2000s when I visited there because I look med. But US passport does the magic. And I mean I was stopped 3 times at night. They can tell you are not Russian.
Those people would be called names by some. I don't know, honestly. I think a bigger deal is the language. I'm fluent, but I have barely detectable accent, and they are totally cool with it.
You are a fucking shill. You are easy to spot from a mile away. Even if by some miracle chance you were born in Russia I can tell you no longer live there or haven't lived there for along time. Everything you said is absolute inane fucking drivel, the kind only a glownigger will post. Hope the 20 pence you made from this post is worth it. Your level of English gave you away. Personally I am willing to bet money you aren't Russian because even expats don't think like that.
Hope you get corona.
It's a frozen hellhole cucked with eternal chink-mongol rape. Nuke it please. But you can't because of cucked covid redneck toilet paper hoarders
Ex Russian here
Russia is as cucked as anyone else, even more perhaps.
Local population is dwindling and raplaced by uzbeks, churkas and chehens at much faster rate than in europe. Basically if few chechens move into a small city they own the place, literally no one will touch them because of fear. Add the rotting infrastructure and small slave level wages and you get a literal shithole.
I wouldn't go there, but I'm not muslim. I've never been there, and from what I understand it's like going to a ghetto in the middle of the night.
Lol, hopefully some Russia bros can clear that up
>Ex Russian here
>that flag
Would you being Jewish play a role in your views? I heard Jews weren't treated too good in places like Russia
All that he wrote about Russian society is nonsense of a schizoid. Russian youth is not very different from any Slavic eastern European country.
80% of our Muslims are Volga Muslims (secular and civilized people who do not care about Islam)
My point is that Russia is not perfect and has many problems (economy, climate, corruption etc) and anyone who decides to move here should think very well
But Russia is certainly better than any Latin American country (possibly except Chile and Uruguay)
I can continue but I'm too lazy.
Theoretically or practically?
Theoretically, you shoot in the air or the ground first and have to say do not approach.
Practically, given the situation you can shoot in the ground at some point, and come to an understanding with the cops later. They have something called trauma guns.
I can't imagine a need to shoot if you already pulled the gun out. Gopniks will retreat. You will never even come close to gopniks, though. And with the gangsters, the gun wouldn't help you anyway. Gangsters wouldn't care about you, because you are a priority for the cops. You can get swindled, but not robbed at a gun point there.
My impression was that the crime is low in the areas you will be and you are like a visiting alien. They really don't consider you part of their life. They will want to talk to you. Just out of curiosity.
ITT: spooks
Kinda meaningless anyway. Shoot once and miss, shoot again immediately after and hit. You should be able to make a case that he didn't respect your pronouncement.
Most of russian upper echalon is basically 90% kikes. their government is more jewish than ours, let that sink in.
u fags can only fight when u have the numbers
>better than any latin nation
Lmao, of fucking course
Yo tell me about Chechnya
If I was a Muslim, had money would it be a good place to settle in? Just a place with guns and the ability to own exotic pets and not be surrounded by based boys
So you ended moving to Israel because you felt unsafe there, is that what you're saying
What are the best places for an expat?
>expat to Russia
Hope you stashed your retirement savings in crypto or something else uncle sam can't get at.
So I've seen Latin anons on this thread talk about Russia in a good way; and I've seen Indian and African anons in the past talk about moving there; would they be subject to racism or nah? Not like I give a shit, but I'm pretty curious why they'd want to move there since the media talks about how "racist" your country is 24/7
If you're not a Jew than get the fuck out of Israel you fucking antisemite.
I like St Petersburg. Moscow is too hectic. But Moscow has a huge expat community. St Pete's is smaller. It depends if you speak the language. I like both, but like St Pete's more. I have more friends in Moscow.
Depends on what kind of living conditions you need and how much overhead you have.
Why would US give a shit if I expat? They take ATM and credit cards from US banks.
Travel there for a week and find out. I hope Chechens show you their rich culture of openness and hospitality.
If you're still making an income off of your investments in the United States, they're going to want taxes. Those taxes can go up or down on a whim, thanks to the stupidity that often results from democracy.
I'm a business owner and am learning Russian; was ether going to expand my business there or just move there to raise a family since this country is getting way to fucking pozzed; I'm a muzzie and have trained MMA here for 10 years; so I was looking into Chechnya too since the Akhmat gym seems like a great place to put in work
To other Muslim? Yeah probably
In Chechnya, only Kadyrov and his clan clan have a good life (yes, Chechens are still divided into clans) The rest of the Chechens who are not connected (and they are 90%) with the Kadyrov clan suck dicks on a common basis. Therefore, if you are not a Chechen and do not have friends among the ruling clan in Chechnya, then they will not welcome you there
1st world, relative safety and being able to own guns
What suggestion then?
I know that. But it's only federal. I am not entirely trusting Russian banks, because they have ridiculous rates on deposits. You have access to money in the US from there. I even take my vonage phone there with me. They have really good telecommunications. Much better than here and much cheaper. You are also forgetting an exit tax of 40%.
>To other Muslim? Yeah probably
So do it. What's the worst that could happen?
What if I had money, a good stream of stable USD?
Nothing, what's your point? You're sounding like a passive aggressive bitch Lmao
Look into Kazan. They are muzzies.
Will do
>Nothing, what's your point?
My point is I think it's a great idea and you should go asap.
Yeah, and you should grow balls to make a clear point asap too lol
Is that the roughest part of Russia, or does Siberia take that cake
>just curious what you expect life would be like there
Suffering of kinds Westeners can't even fathom. It's not even physical.
>make a clear point
Stop talking and do it. Take a vacation there asap before international flights get suspended.
Explain. Are you describing depression?
It's a function of money. Money buys a lot more in Russia than here. Foreigners are also not a subject to a lot of shit you have to deal with or think you have to deal with.
Very true.
I make $60000 a year after taxes in an area where rent for a single family apartment is $45000 a year. I have to live here because this is where jobs are. I rent a small room in an apartment. Women ignore me, my elected officials visit the homes of rich businessmen who have pizza ovens, and I work as hard as I can to just barely stay in the same place economically.
>it being "less cucked"
obviously, in some things its less cucked, to a certain degree
we don't have trans children or gay parades, but thats about it, the rest is the same. Ethnic replacement is ongoing, women are toxic entitled whores and feminists and the law is all about catering to them, its also a police state where the government does whatever it wants. In 2011-2012, during the protests, Pootin jailed practically an entire generation or Russian nationalists and created laws about "extremism" (same as "hate speech") that prohibit any sort of right wing rhetorics. 2018 was probably the year of highest birthrates in the country, as Natashas were riding exotic brazillian/mexican/nigger cock during the footbal championship.
Quality of life is also low, as wages are low, government steals all money and taxes the shit out of you, but you already know that.
>or are they being retarded and romanticizing your country?
pic is Jia Lissa, a Russian porn actress that won porn oscar for doing mostly blacked porn.
shits fucked user.
Oh ok, I thought you were being facetious; nah I have to consolidate more assets and learn the language (I own an MMA gym) probably won't be for a while
> an entire generation or Russian nationalists