The French Minister warned over Twitter to use Paracetamol because Ibuprofen Could make it worse. Im Germany they call it "fake News" but 3days ago i went to the pharmacy for Ibu but he talked me out of it and i should buy Paracetamol instand. Is this true? For a fact with the dengue Virus taking Ibuprofen Could kill you but paracetamol helps
Does Ibuprofen make the Virus worse?
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Iburpofen is an NSAID and blunts the inflammatory response, potentially making one more infectious.
Im no medic, but if i understand correctly Ibuprofen reduces inflamation, which is part of why the pneumonia kills you, so it should help. I dunno why people would say it could kill you
smoke weed i guess
yes don't take it
My liver is barely hanging on as it is, I'm not taking Paracetamol.
ibuprophen is shown to increase expression of ace2 receptors, which is how coronvirus gains access to the cell
It is because ibuprofen and similar have a side effect that damage your gastric wall and debilitate the protection against HCL therefore provoking ulcers or even worse a perforation, that's why it's highly not recommended for old people to take ibuprofen every day. Paracetamol does not have this side effect so its safer
Don't take fever reducers for this. You will increase the likelihood of the infection getting worse. Its not fake news. DO NOT TAKE FEVER REDUCERS. Your media is trying to kill you
It tricks your body into lowering your internal temperature, which is better for the virus.
I think maybe in the first week it's better to have a strong immune system. If things go downhill and you get bad pneumonia, the immune response will go into overdrive so then you need to weaken the immune system.
They are talking about that the NSR makes your likeyhood of bleeding higher und Ibuprofen acts as blood thiner so you Could bleed to death. What is NRS?
fucks with the liver
ncov also fucks with the liver
Yes, because is not Sanofi that is making it
Kidney donor here.
Three things they tell you: drink a lot of water, any combat sports you may have done are now gone, don't take Ibuprofen, it can out of nowhere damage kidneys.
One Corona Chan final kill: your lungs are fucked sepsis grows - kidney failure.
tl,dr why the fuck would you take this retarded shit anyway when other things help
>Hypertension is also treated with ACE inhibitors and ARBs, which results in an upregulation of ACE2.5 ACE2 can also be increased by thiazolidinediones and ibuprofen. These data suggest that ACE2 expression is increased in diabetes and treatment with ACE inhibitors and ARBs increases ACE2 expression. Consequently, the increased expression of ACE2 would facilitate infection with COVID-19. We therefore hypothesise that diabetes and hypertension treatment with ACE2-stimulating drugs increases the risk of developing severe and fatal COVID-19.
I got coronachan.
I took ibuprofen for 3 days and my condition got worse. I stopped today when the ministry of Health told us to not take it. I'm waiting to see if it will improve in the coming days
Weed is the only cure
Can I recover at home or ma I doomed for having taken ibuprofen :-( ? Why wasn't this information public ? I don't understand
Have you actually tested positive? Because you’re the first one on Yas Forums I’ve seen even claim they have it.
mfw my opiod painkillers for severe chronic pain are mixed with ibuprofen instead of tylenol. Weed it is then.
Yeah, that's weird. I haven't heard from anyone, on the internet or the news, who says they had it.
They do not test anymore in France. I have all the main symptomes.
Why is it weird ? Many people are infected in Europe, most of them asymptotic (children for exemple).
>Notably, the most frequent comorbidities reported in these three studies of patients with COVID-19 are often treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors;
Great, I take Moduretic, I'm fucked
eat papayas or take papaya extract pills, a natural anti inflammatory that won't kill you.
Yeah you shouldn’t. I had really bad period pain and I still refused to take it at the fear of having latent corona that night pop up soon
I would think an interview highlighting a first hand account of someone who had corona and recovered would be an interesting and relevant story, given the state of panic on the subject.
Maybe in a couple of week if I am still alive (I am asthmatic and worried)
This is truth. Fever reduces the protein binding that viruses use to attack cells. Widespread use of aspirin led to massive numbers of deaths during the Spanish Flu pandemic because of this.
Also, I had lyme disease. When people are doomsdaying about lyme, I tell them I had it when I was younger and it went away with a month of antibiotics. Where are the people on here saying 'dude, it's really not that bad, quit buying all the toilet paper' and grow a pair.
any medicine fucks with the liver, brainlet
not that it does any significant damage, most damage comes from alcohol, if you drink any.
Do you have a confirmed case of covid19?
Based, you should make a thread of it.
Here its a little bit hidden and beside the french gov, it seems other state didnt push the info
You cannot get confirmed anymore in France, they do not test you if you are not dying. But I have all the symptomes and many people around me too. There is no doubt.
Yes I do not understand why, this is very strange. Didn't the chinese know it ?
J'ai pris de l'Advil et de la cortisone ces derniers jours et mon état a empiré je suis énervé.
Unless there is another condition, one has to drink a lot of alcohol to fuck up the liver. Decades of being shitfaced every night.
this is what I have heard... its a choice .. you may feel less miserable from the body aches but you will be sick longer.
it fucks with your liver big time you stupid cock eyed... yea I knew about most medicine etc... gfy you fetal alcohol abortion tundra liberator crap
start megadosing on Vitamin C ..liposomal if you can get it.. I mean just take tons of it... thank me later ... when you recover.
It can kill you that's not an option user
Which is bullshit. I can go to the drugstore and buy a test which will instantly let me know if I smoked weed 2 weeks ago. Why aren't the tests being given out?
Yes I read it today, I should try. Can eating fruits help too?
Alright, you know the drill.
You're my cure
...Show tits
common misconception. Even weekly dose fucks up your liver quite seriously.
show romanian flag, gypsy
If some random user on Yas Forums know that it fuck with your immunity, i dont know why they didnt make it public before alot of people take such shit.
Anyway be carefull if you are weak, if it get worse just call the 15 and overplay it to be hospitalised.
The italian actor sister died extremely fast due to her other issues.
I had asthma when is was younger, but its luckily gone now.
I'm praying for you user
Look at those digits. SHOW TITS.
Tests are expensive to manufacture, but above all quite useless at this stage of the epidemy. You just have to stay home and recover, or if you are dying call for the hospital.
Good luck trying to find any vitamin C on the empty store shelves.
So how long are we supposed to let our bodies cook?
Thx user good luck too
Because there is not enough of them, Trump said the same thing during his conference, only serious cases tested.
You mean tylenol
>body raises temperature to fight off infection
>take pill that lowers temperature
What do you think? Never take a pill for a fever due to an infection unless it starts reaching dangerous levels.
Because Yas Forums is prepping master race
no too much sugar.. you need drug like levels of ascorbic acid... go to a nutriion health food store and get whatever ascorbic acid you can unless you have been ordered not to go out due to your diagnosis then have it delivered if possible... no food quantities will come anywhere close to the level you want ..
All these NSAIDs are for regular diseases that are not deadly where you might want to lower the temp.
Fact is, elevated temps are what kills the virus, you want it. Just not too high so it fries your brain.
Do not take NSAIDs as soon as you get a fever, that's the wrong move.
also beware for your liver... they say no more than 2,000mg in 24 hours and of course not all at once either...
It's the inflammation that kills you, you nigger.
Isn't the limit at 3g/24h ?
Fever is helpful for your immune system as long as it's not dangerously high. Drugs like inosine pranobex may also be helpful against the virus via their immunostimulatory effects
Aspirin is superior to panadol and ibuprofen. For some reason it has fallen out of favor.
I'll try to get it, thanks
NBC says the approximate cost of a commercial test is $199.00
this is a two tier problem... the inflammation is the result of the immune response... the NSAID inhibits the immune response so while it also does reduce inflammation that is a secondary effect to the primary inhibition of the immune response .
you may feel better with lower inflammation but you are prolonging the infection
No shit nigger, but I was talking about infectiousness.
my mate has got it. they wont test him, just told him to isolate
>start megadosing on Vitamin C
Have fun getting kidney stones
by oral route of power soemthing like that.. you can take 3g every four hours or so to be certain of maximized levels you can take much more Liposomal becasue the lipid carries the C into the cell through membrane rather than by metabolic pathway . I do recommend buffering the powder if you take it with a bicarbonate to reduce the acid.. just add a bicarbonate like baking soda to a mix till it stops reacting.. I also use Potassium Bicarbonate to balance Sodium
The medics here are saying you can take paracetamol in the standard doses. Yes it reduces fever, but there are benefits in that you are less stressed so the immune trade off is ok.
As long as your fever is below 105, you shouldn't interfere at all. If you reach 105 (or even 104), you should probably go to the hospital.
absurd fallacious myth here are three pounds worth of ascorbic acid I personally consumed within a few moths... I have no kidney stones or any other issues and will be 57 this Summer.
Kidney Stones > Drowning to death as you lay in bed
I'll take the stones.
>Iburpofen is an NSAID
So is Paracetamol/Acetaminophen (Tylenol brand for example)
They are both NSAID
And I have no idea why eurocucks call it Paracetamol instead of Acetaminophen
Right there with you. Lisinopril here. Now I have a choice of whether I'd rather take my chances with the virus or with high blood pressure.
read it...
Looks like if you gots the hypertension or the diabetes you are worse off with the covids.
>don't take pill to lower temperature
>temperature kills you
what can we do then?
What sould I eat as a coronaguy ?
>I would think an interview highlighting a first hand account of someone who had corona and recovered would be an interesting and relevant story
Fruits tons, they say fasting boost immunitarian defence too, but im not sure of it.
Apparently Vitamin D helps too
But yeah no shit high sugar in your diet is terrible for you, that's why diabetics and people with hypertension are so fucked
>Paracetamol does not have this side effect so its safer
liver cells BTFO
I have barely no appetite since I have symptoms :/
Fasting is good for the body in general, having to digest food 24/7 is stressful when you're trying to stay alive.
But they're also claiming that it may help. Not sure what to believe with all the contradictory information at this point.
So is it a nothing burger or a something burger?
search doesnt bring anything else with "ibuprofen ace2 receptors"
everythingburger :-(
ibuprophen is shown to increase the lysine expression of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory receptors, which is how Sars-CoV-2 gains access to the cell by producing high blood levels of potassium you stupid niggers
yes it make anything worst
people think when you get a fever you should take a pill to lower it
fever is you bodys defense against bacteria an viruses