Hundreds of African-Americans are moving to Ghana.
“Go back to Africa”
Let's hope they make ghana better.
>they should renounce their US citizenship too!
it's no good if they can come back!
but trump said blacks built america
y would they just leave?
I mean, technically? African-Americans are smarter than Africans from Africa.
Every African-African I’ve ever met has been chill, works hard, and thinks African Americans are amoral dipshits.
why Ghana though, why not Liberia?
The black people with resources to plan and leave, those without resources stay.
All in all, America is sending the wrong demographic.
None of them really are. They’re well-off dipshits patronizing the Africans, who they view as children.
I support this.
coronachan let me lick those feet uwu
No. They're LARPers. Ghanaians better watch out the newcomers don't mess them up.
Same. Africans fucking hate US nigs with a passion. Most racist dude I've ever met irl was a dude from Burkina Fasso. He told me he chose the university I was at for study abroad because there weren't any niggers in the area. Like he researched this back home in Africa, so he could go to uni in the whitest part of the US...because that's how much he wanted to get away from other black people. I made me really feel for the guy. Intelligent blacks have it rough.
Fuck no
Ghanaians are smarter and BY FAR less violent than AAs
They sold them for a reason
Are there universities in Montana?
Is it time for Liberia 2 comically tragic boogaloo?
Liberia fell apart when non-Americo Liberians took over.
To be fair, they should stop coming to us, and Africa should adopt capitalism and freedom and thrive.
We should return to morality, limited government and stop leeching off them.
nigs be nigs
Its fair to say the two didn't get along.
That place seriously is both the most comedic and horrifyingly tragic country on earth.
Africans are incredibly hardworking people. They will not take kindly to lazy welfare queen Afro-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans.
Hello? Based department?
Poor africans
This is actually based, imagine having an entire continent for yourself to fight, live and breed for
The most naturally prosperous in resources in the planet
based as fuck if only all niggers would go back on their own. Also nice flag have not seen one in a while.
Why ghana andn ot liberia?
How can we help? The white race stands ready to help you repatriate and improve africa.
Ghana had an open immigration policy for descendants of the slaves. Not sure if it still exists.
Good for them. Let's see how long they last.
Good, unironically Africa for Africans Europe for Europeans, America for Germanics/British Isles blood, Asia nuked
Seriously I would donate shekels to those niggers to get more of their niggers to move back. We should help support that organization they made.
I knew this black chick in my nice suburban HS who apparently after HS decided to go to Africa to like discover her african heritage or something. she ended up getting knocked up by some nog who obviously had no intention on supporting her or her kids(she had twins) so she moved back to the states to have her parents help with the kids. Black americans fantasizing about africa is hilarious. when reality slaps them in the in the face, they'll fuck off right out of there.
Moving as an individual won't help them. Moving as full communities would be extremely effective. I bet American blacks will BTFO native Ghanians.
more probably enter America from Ghana in a single afternoon than return annually.
100% support.
So long and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
My black history teacher gated Africans because they acted so uppity. These people hate each other.
There was a brief movement back around 2016 called #WeWantToGoHome, but it never really picked up traction because not even they really want to go to Africa.
Should be millions
More stable?
Imagine a country full of the worst ghetto trash possible from a whole bunch of countries. That's America.
Black Americans already fucked that place over
Then why do we bomb you sandniggers whenever we want and you can't do shit about it?
We support this and should encourage it.
Make Africans Kangs again!
The great hypocrisy of all the professional victims has been how they'd refuse to live anywhere else. If America is so terrible then why not move? I almost respect these people who are actually taking the plunge. They are at least consistent.
Americans kill more Americans than any other group. The UK is also part of the sandnigger beating squad so that's nothing to be particular proud of. Imagine putting 'professional rat beater' on your CV.
I once saw an African hating an Americoon and told him, "If we wanted to be your neighbors, we wouldn't have sold your ancestors to the boatmen."
How do we make it Millions.
I actually like the back to Africa movement.
what if ghanese dont want basketball americans
Wish them the best, sincerely. I hope they make Ghana and niggers great again. Or great for the first time, whatever. Good luck, based blaxit niggers. Signed without any animosity, a virulent racist.
Yeah I see US niggers talking about going back there. Let them I say. But be prepared for them to run back the moment they realize that they gotta cut it on their own there with no white mule carrying their weight. As far as Africa is concerned, Ghana is not so bad, but it might as well be hell for US niggers.
>Jewish cuckposter
Haha when it's kind of a LARP but actually not really.
fucking kek. Most US nigs think slaves are lassoed out of trees by white dudes in stockings and powdered wigs.
>Americans kill more Americans than any other group
Of course. Who else is going to kill us? (You)? And I wasn't talking about the UK dumbass, but inbred paki subhumans such as yourself.
to add, those answering just "niggers" are not wrong. But to add a little explanation, they are members of EFF, faaaar left african party. they are basically protesting "white" colonialism by littering because trash cans are a sign of white oppression or some shit.
whoops, my bad, that was meant for "Context?" bro
Call me when it’s hundreds of thousands, OP.
Make Ghana great again!
I'm English. America is full of chavs and celts who are our version of ghetto trash. It's like you gathered the whole world's trashy subhumans and founded a country with them.
Wut? So you consider roving gangs of Liberians led by American blacks with their severance package, that left America for there, a stable situation?
Thats not far left, thats idpol liberal garbage.
>be African American
>have pale skin from generations of European admixture
>move to Africa
>locals notice your pale skin
>Call you "whiteboy" tell you to stop taking their jobs and land
>racially discriminated against by other blacks
>it's all so tiresome
OK "Englishman". Weird how were such niggers yet have double your per capita GDP and dominate tech while you fags milk the city of London like a tax haven same as a dozen others.
Remove Watermelon
I saw something like this in the internet between Angolans and Brazilian blacks. Our nigs are already intoxicated by leftist SJW crap which Africans detest intensely.
Let me know when the rate exceeds births+immigrants from Africa to the US
>black queens befouling their environment to own the whites
fuckoff we're full, american blacks are vile and criminal. keep them.
Idol is further left than tankyism if you actually bother to pick up a book. Relating a dead stalin believe it or not dowsnt do much damage to the bourgeois. What does? Upending their institutions for the sake of traditionally working class peoples
Not even remotely true. Ghanans might be the literal best black people can aspire to be. They work hard, they're pleasant, they have morality and they can sometimes even be creative.
Liberia hates Black Americans after what has happened between them over the past centuries.
So which major company billionaire shareholder are you? You're like Ireland and only rich because globalised companies sit on your relatively low tax and ease of business. If Sanders got in you could be quite certain that your GDP/capita would drop below 40k the next day as companies flee abroad.
This is absolutely wonderful. We need to make this a trend. In fact, we need to get government sponsorship for this program.
You should start a mem that Ghana is offering black people $10000 to blacks who want to move to Africa
>Arrive in Africa
>Get your stuff stolen