If everyone is dying of coronavirus why the Hell are the stores still so crowded? When are the bodies gonna start hitting the floor already?
If everyone is dying of coronavirus why the Hell are the stores still so crowded...
it's a psyop.
People waited until payday to prep. My Wal-Mart had a line at 6am.
coronavirus is fake, its just a ploy to sell more toilet paper
Its 5D chess to sell bidets.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Fuck off TP shill.
No one in the universe, except for the biggest most disgusting amerifats, use one roll a day.
Go let a chink spit in your mouth then
You think it's not REAL because it's a psyop?
Same things you should be doing to tackle coronavirus are the same things you should already have been doing to organize your community for ANY crisis or under ANY administration.
Meme postin up in this bitch
>1 roll a day
maybe for an average american lard ass
2 WEEKS, then the symptoms show up
pandemics take time, asshole
Never, because it's a psyop and everybody fell for it.
It's a highly transmissible disease than can be lethal, but it's not nearly lethal enough to warrant all the panic.
>1 roll per day
Only Boomer and asian bodies are going to hit the floor, the former is almost unnoticeable because of their already present health issues.
This is pure Burgerpunk
1 roll per day in america? sounds about right.
Fuck off TP jew. Only chronic masturbatory that use huge wads of TP to COOM into use that much.
T. Used to be a massive coomer
nothingburger being propped up in an attempt to hurt Trump
I cannot wait for Boomer die-off. Can it please happen already?
>hitting the floor
Patience, Zoomer - you'll smell rotting corpses soon.
Yesterday at Walmart at 7 AM I decided I have enough. I no longer feel that the benefit of gathering more supplies (especially considering how much stuff is disappearing from the shelves) outweighs the risk of being in a crowded place. People who keep shopping will eventually be getting themselves infected
>not using dirty socks like a civilized person
When the real toilet paper shortage comes no one will see it coming.
I use 2 roll per session
You are like little babby
So they downplayed H1N1?
uh, excuse me, don't you know what EXPONENTIAL means? That covid death toll will be around 66 billion before the month is over according to my calculations. lrn2math loser.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Them's some rookie numbers soon, I eat nuthin but McDonawlds, Wendy's, and Barbeque Brisket, wash it all down muh gullet with God's own coke. I ain't ever even heard of fiber, ain't even able to remember If I ever took a solid shit. I'll burn through 3 rolls a day easy, just like God intended in the country of freedom.
more like a ply
only if she's hot
Not really, they just didn't spark mass hysteria because it wasn't convenient at the time. The media could turn daily fatalities from traffic accidents into a crisis if they chose to.
>dirty socks
Sounds like a way to give your cock athlete's foot or some shit. Clean, washed and dried socks that are worn out and need replaced anyway however...
We're adding another week to the three week incubation period. Then another two week on top of that. After that add another three weeks incubation period. Sometime this summer incubation will be revised to 180 days.
So maybe sometime next year people will start dropping dead.
how did they fail to achieve this effect with the Climate Rebellion movement?
>The media could turn daily fatalities from traffic accidents into a crisis if they chose to.
Around 40000 die of the flu each season in the USA. Probably at least a million world-wide, but let's low-ball and say 720k.
That's 60k each month.
Therefore, for coronavirus to be on par with even the flu, we need to see 2000 die each day.
Not to say it won't reach that eventually, but right now we have less than 500.
If and when it gets up to 2000, then we're on par with the flu, for raw numbers.
A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. The virus is also a fresh "threat" and has a much more immediate presence. Global heating is pretty fucking nebulous, even to the people that fear it.
>He doesn't stop by the BK and get some Surge to wash down the tendies (was discontinued for 7 yrs, AKA the 7 yrs of darkness)
>Claims to be pious
The absolute state of Danebros.He probably cooks Æbleskiver in the cake pan instead of a muffin pan for a proper serving size.
It's comforting to know that so many people are stupid retards. That increases my survival chances dramatically.
>average person uses 1 roll per day
Stop trying to turn this into pasta loser
Climate Rebellion didn't achieve 5% of coronavirus though, it's not like it peaked but dropped off
I'm forced to assume they were downplaying the good rebellion in favor of waiting on the broken rebellion
People would laugh at me when I told them I stopped using toilet paper about 15 years ago.
I literally jump in the shower and wash my ass after every this.
Who's laughing now shit-tards!!!!
well, they are full of shit.
W O K E ! ! !
You idiots go to Super-markets to buy your toilet paper.
I go to Super-markets to take my shits!!!
Sye ope ? What is a cyee upp ?
Never heard of those. Must a muffin borger
About 2 weeks™ after these tards stood packed in line like my DEENZ to buy their allowed 1 pack of tp they'll start flooding the hospitals.
They knew their neighbors and they knew who connected them to the politics of the larger country.
We lost a lot of that.
based and shitpilled.
>well, they are full of shit.
true that
Leaf is salty he's getting results.
We are living in the beginning of a projected 7 month long pandemic, shops running empty and people fighting over toilet paper is just normal at this phase. In 2 months or so we'll have seen enough bodies to last us a lifetime so just sit tight.
Ironically crowded supermarkets will hasten the spreading since you don't even have to show symptoms to infect someone and it's enough if you just breathe the same air. Even most masks don't work unless they were created to specifically combat both in and out flow through a strong filter like a special gas mask. A surgical or dust mask is just placebo, the air gets in and out from the sides just fine and that's enough.
Why is everyone freaking out? It will die down in 2 - 3 weeks. It's already slowing down
Shitty post ngl
Because most people are still middle ages level retarded when it comes to disease transmission. They still refuse to accept that this is an airborne pathogen, and that not everyone who has it looks deathly ill.
>obama didnt cause panic, trump does
Global conflagration has been cried about for decades now. A few activists are irrelevant. They only work if the media machine can use them to leverage interest from the general population. That interest has severely waned. A virus, however, represents an immediate threat to everyone and people haven't become fatigued by the over reaction yet.
Is HIV really considered a plague?
Lol so much this. That's one green leaf, green for jealous !
You figured it out user, this a psyop created by the international toilet paper cabal because their sales were too low.
>If everyone is dying of coronavirus why the Hell are the stores still so crowded?
Murica is at the infection stage. Death comes later.
I've been saying this since day 1. It's all a ploy by Big Toilet Paper.
Most of these newer ones had to be actively stopped with severe procedures, they didn't "die down", they were killed. We have no known way to kill the corona virus' spreading other than possibly indefinite quarantines. Corona virus won't go away, that's the problem.
Survival should be paramount. If we kill off the population in the womb by destroying the clump of cells will humans exist in 120 years? Corona has nothing on the serial killer which is abortionist. If a clump of cells is irrelevant that is and is of course nothing then it wouldn’t matter if we kill all clumps of cells in the womb because magic would take care of life itself. Pic related due to the nature of beast
I'll never get tired of seeing this.
>tfw they put corona in the TP
Big companies and the media are cashing in on this so they'll do anything to keep the hoax alive.
Ironically crowded stores will cause much more harm by creating more vectors for infection. It'd be much better to tighten your belt and just eat whatever you have than to go into such a place. If there is a significant death rate, it will be as a result of hospitals being overburdened by high rates of infection and triage going into effect, not necessarily the virus itself which seems to be uncontrollably fatal in only a very small fraction of cases. Nearly everyone can survive if there's enough ventilators. If there aren't, triage.
>barely use any toilet paper
>niggers are buying hundreds of rolls
Do none of you retards have a shitting routine?
>take shit at 6am
>wipe once or twice
>go about day
Everybody wants a happening the establishment wants it to blame the rising populist movements, the populists want it to destroy the politically correct establishment. The npc "fish", the "glue" in the middle here are the dont-need-no-stinkin-culture libertardians, and they've been successfully targetted by operatives on both sides, hence the crashing markets.
It's all for the best user, trust the plan. Oh wait you're a black haired brown skinned turk. Guess your hopes of living off the lifeblood of my people have been put at risk. I am utterly apologetic.
Reminder that political correctness is a religion which is why the establishment needs to be attacked and bullied instead of treated nicely by its opponents.
This makes me wish I had my living will all set up. I would rather die than be put on a ventilator. If I get sick I'm going nowhere near a hospital.
T-t-two weeks. Just wait. It’s totally going to happen. For real this time.
The filter masks like n100 work fine
90% of these retards are hoping to resell later and make money. It's basically the ghetto way of shorting markets.
Up to 2 weeks to show sympoms, if at all
The crashed markets have already made it a happening, though. So sad for you; thanks for playing.