Are they lying? Is there a firing squad behind the camera forcing them to do this?

Are they lying? Is there a firing squad behind the camera forcing them to do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Corpses don't need hospital beds.


Based Chang has done what need to done and taken appropriate measures to defeat coronachan. The video shows chinese nationals joyously acknowledging their victory and the promising future for their well-organised and forward-looking society.

Meanwhile, the average burger requires mobility scooter to move more than 150 feet and hasn't washed his hands in months. All the fiat money in the world won't save the yanks. They can no more successfully promote or impose measures on the citizenry than they can control the border. Absolute joke-tier country!

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you people are niggers chang

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Where do you live little internet faggot cock sucker?

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>Where do you live little internet faggot cock sucker?

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found the fat nonwhite nuAmerican

Well they’re Asian, so yeah they’re lying

This. Seething burgers and euroniggers absolutely can't stand the fact that asians in general handled this crisis much better than they did, even the commie Chinese who started it in the first place.

these people have no souls and I'm convinced they're just walking puppets due to not enough souls to pass around on this planet

>are the same people that are saying the virus originated in America / Japan / Italy lying about the number of new infections

gee I wonder

I love the message behind this but it’s a little messy. Can someone make a cleaner one so normies will spread it?


My god you are deluded, a shill or just a troll.

The chinks had NO handle on this. The mayor of Wuhan trried to have a public fucking party during the crisis to save his own arse as if nothing fucking happened.

The S02 levels in Wuhan are still burning bodies.

You shill are hopefully the first to die as "iots just a flu bro"

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At this rate chinks will surpassed america in terms of propaganda

It's time to thank the glorious Chinese Communist Party for their valiant efforts in containing this new pathogen. Europe should be ashamed of their reckless and hopeless response to the virus, and the US Army should be held accountable for proving they did not bring the disease to the prosperous soil of China.

You can wipe out a virus very fast with an authoritarian government that incenerates all infected and forces a country wide quarintine

i mean there not wrong look at all the panic buying thats happening.

Can anyone confirm?

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What the fuck it's over? What the fuck am I meant to do with all this toilet paper?

This. My guess is that China is no longer testing and just providing appropriate medical treatment for patients with the virus without a confirmed diagnosis.

For example:
>patient comes with pneumonia-like symptoms
>no indication of a bacterial infection, so it must be viral
>doctor assumes infection must be caused by Covid-19, but doesn't put it in the reports. Prescribes antivirals with the written diagnosis, "Viral pneumonia" or straight up "Pneumonia" rather than "Viral Pneumonia caused by Covid-19."
>Higher incidences of pneumonia, but one doesn't have to report Covid-19 which could get the doctor/the hospital in trouble with the government.
This happens in the US as well.

Mass quarantines do help and it's possible to that the virus is starting to burn out. I'm assuming that it is warmer, sunnier in areas like Wuhuan, so that would also help in killing the virus.

We also know that the virus evolves quickly and it is possible that different parts of the world, like Italy, Switzerland are a mutated form of the bug that originally hit China.

they're all celebrating and using designated drivers

Also, check the incidence of influenza cases in China. Coronavirus does mirror influenza symptoms very closely, but instead of prescribing Tamiflu, you could prescribe a different antiviral.

All you need to know is the Chinese government sent in elite teams to track down and "correct" any negative postings about Wuhan. Remember they have dystopian level 1984 internet where someone always has eyes on your posts.

When you make a negative post about any situation, regardless of if true or not, they will typically arrest you and torture you or put you in degrading conditions until you repent. Keep in mind this is their standard operating procedures OUTSIDE a pandemic like COVID-19. During a pandemic they are likely straight up disconnecting all affected areas from the internet and cell phones indefinitely while also monitoring citizens through rifle scopes and the safety off.

Like other ANONS have posted here, analysis of the pollution generated and air quality over Wuhan suggests mass incineration of human remains on a level well over a thousand times officially reported death numbers. Its quite likely a significant portion of the city has been effectively destroyed due to containment procedures as well. You can find a few videos of Chinese citizens literally screaming in agony at the top of their lungs every single second through the night in Wuhan in a futile display of defiance against government policies. The government condemned what is surely at least hundreds of thousands to forced isolation and death. No chance to visit the grocery stores to stock up. Their apartment buildings were sealed from the bottom levels and monitored by snipers and other government forces, creating a situation of lawless anarchy inside the buildings.

This is the truth of Wuhan that nobody wants you to see. Supply chains have been disrupted which is more than enough evidence that the CCP is lying out their bungholes about every single statistic involving this pandemic. Remember to never trust a communist because they are all ready to snitch on each other should someone even remotely suggest a negative thing about any situation in China.

It isn’t contained. They’ll just treat more infections, hide it, try to beat the USA to a vaccine. If they develop a vaccine that “saves the world” and downplay it from eating bats/snakes/anteaters, and give it away, they’ll get giant PR win at the expense of the USA.

or enough patients have been transferred to the crematorium in order to take the pressure off healthcare

I'm living in the United States right now, with my waifu and (us born) kids. We'll probably leave at some point, but for now it's still amusing to watch amerimutts try to behave like humans.

I don't even dislike america or its "society". I just find it all a tad ridiculous.

Chumming with human corpses... That guy might just survive the corona chan

>reported cases went from a surge in February of 15,000 in one day to only 15 this week
Really try to memory hole what happened with their numbers, aren’t they? Lying chink fucks


They are delivering meat to the people in Wuhan... in garbage trucks.

Even if the "usa" develops and produces the vaccine first, the question remains whether it was the Chinese or Indian researchers. I dont think they even let white men into the medical profession anymore in the us, do they?

The coronavirus tests don’t even work well. The governor of Ohio said their health department estimates REAL infections are 100,000 out or 11 million people. And every week the infected number doubles.

I'll agree that china handled their shit correctly and us burgers are to pussy to do something like that. But the fact that you live here, had kids and wife here, and work here, makes you a gigantic cuck.

That's not Wuhan and they are not medical workers

That's a fucking joke. In every country in the world the virus keeps popping up in every random corner after just a few weeks. In China the first cases occured in november and were swept under the rug. Until they officially responded every province in this 1.3 billion people country must have developed rampant infection levels as we have now in the US and Europe. And yet here we are. With less than 100k infections in total and the number of new cases down to 15 per week, the crisis is over in China. While western countries expect high percentages will get the virus, China had less than 0.1% of the population infected. Apple even reports to open stores again in China while closing them everywhere else.

She has perfect make-up and no imprints in the skin from wearing the mask for hours and days.


Ask yourself this, were the Chinese more prepared for this than all European countries? Look at the population density in some of those cities and think if those numbers from China make any sense when compared to Europe.

No it’s for real, I spoke to my friend in China today, things are getting better

coronachan let me lick those feet uwu

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>With less than 100k infections in total and the number of new cases down to 15 per week, the crisis is over in China.

The most likely explanation for this series of events is that the virus is extremely minor for most people, and that it achieved widespread community transmission before anyone noticed it. And that the peak has passed in China because everyone who could catch it already had.

>tfw maybe already have immunity against corona because when I was in china in nov/dec I was sick for almost 4 weeks

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Viruses mutate. How many times have you had influenza?

Nothing cucked about it. American universities still have a decent reputation in terms of assisting with obtaining a decent-paying job, and they have very low standards as long as you're paying. It can be a good idea to send part of your family to the US for uni if you can afford it or game it right. Diversify presence around the world, good earning potential, and most types of americans are ok to deal with day to day. That children get born in the country is just a product of living here, but if anything it provides additional anchors around the world when your kids go abroad and have more kids.

Are you fucking kidding me?

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I was an engineering student and graduated. The best students who broke the curve on a test written by a white American professor were all foreign. There was no way they could have prior knowledge or cheated. This happened over and over again. There were Chinese and Korean students who could read an entire CS assignment requirement and understand it and just do the work like they were playing a song on the piano.
They also would help the dumbass ones and do their homework for them. The dumber would still fuck up the randomized test.

But even the foreign dumbasses were doing better than the American dipshits. They try harder. B instead of C.

There were Americans who were genius tier also. I remember like 50% or the American white guys i started with all quit because “shit is gay my dads rich anyway” all the chinese, koreans, and indians i started with graduated at the end except for like 2 who got kicked out for blatant cheating on a test.


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this whole thing is pretty surreal.

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I'm sure I had it at least 2 times while I was there, now that I'm back here I dont have any issues.

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The pandemic in China died with the CCP crackdown of social media.

The only news coming out of China is official state news.

Pure coincidence...

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t. Seething Lao-wei

You have no idea how pleasant it is to make business with chinese when you had to deal with boomers before.
Its not their fault our societies are rotten to the core.

Holy shit, imagine being this based. See insect chink floater and not even stopping fishing.

Corpses on the street? Recent?

It turned out like I expected. They hit the testing capacity limit one day and it lasted for a few days. Then they stopped reporting new numbers and shut down any information flow coming from within the country. I have no idea how bad it is right now, but given the western numbers, you can now build an accurate model that will tell you how many cases there are at the moment.

The video surfaced about a month ago


Want know how I know your a chang?

homeless in the morning, also go back to plebbit

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chink shills out in force today. Remember boys, it's not Coronavirus anymore, it's WUHAN virus

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no they are not, it's just the western jealousy of the Chinese efficiency

if the Chinese made the greatest economic miracle of all time in just 30 years, why can't they contain a virus like this in a couple of months?

With sheets covering their face. Right. Nice VPN, bro.

I don't believe anything coming out of China. They really expect people to believe they pretty much contained COVID to Hubei and have only had sporadic cases elsewhere even though they had millions of people going in and out of Wuhan when COVID was already a serious epidemic and the epidemic is blowing up in dozens of other countries? Suuuuure.

Correct. Should be remembered as such. Take the blame. They’re going to stop counting and said they stopped it which doesn’t make sense. And when the USA numbers are bigger they’ll say it came from there.

Stupid westerners still believe in themselves and their ideology propaganda, how pathetic.

Jfc. The dudes don't even walk upstream but fish right fucking next to a human corpse like it's log or something. Unreal.

Because they can’t fool nature. There is no vaccine that works for any of these corona viruses. They mutate too much to be reliable.

The people of China will rise up. You and everyone involved with the CCP government will meet a terrible fate at the hands of those you have oppressed. They've already defeated your censorship and are still actively leaking information about the current situation to the rest of the world. Why do you think your ambassador got smoked the fuck out for a couple hours by Pence yesterday and your corrupt government had to retract the assertion that the US started this?

You and everyone like you that stood for the brutality of the CCP will meet a terrible fate. This much has been assured with how you handled this crisis that YOU created with dirty wet markets selling animals and equipment that had been used in doing research to try and prevent something like this from happening.

It's not too late. You can still defect to the side of the citizens and use your knowledge to aid them. Maybe they won't brutally torture and rape you to death. Maybe.



Or maybe, just maybe, Happeningfags were wrong. Again.

Retard, time to learn some Chinese
On Chinese Twitter those citizens are mocking on the whole western world, clown world

they have the cure
they created COVID. its a bioweapon used to attack Europe and the US

>if we pretend the exponential phase will last forever, my schizophrenic bullshit is correct

Wumao faggot. Pathetic.

Are we really? Or are you the pathetic ones, coming onto a message board to shill propaganda even when you get repeatedly blown the fuck out because you rely on logical fallacies like all propagandists.

Your head will be on a pike soon. If you're lucky. Your only attempt at saving yourself is to defect to the side of the citizens and use your knowledge to help bring down the corrupt CCP. Anything else is suicide and somewhere deep in your communism-addled mind you know this. Those who rule with fear are consumed by it themselves. It will be your inevitable downfall.

Besides, faggot, communism was created by the British to attempt to destabilize the US. Karl Marx was an inside job. You're still getting fucking cuckolded by the same empire that raped your country with opium for a century.

You think you're two steps ahead when you're really three behind. Classic dunning-krueger effect. Nothing will save you unless you fight on the side of the populace.

Coronavirus timeline:
- January 19: 100 cases
- January 24: 1,000 cases
- January 28: 5,000 cases
- February 12: 50,000 cases
- March 6: 100,000 cases
- March 14: 150,000 cases

Yes. It is a total lie. It is illogical just as you have broken it down. Unless they developed a universal vaccine for all corona viruses (R&D has been on this to no avail for decades), and deployed it to a billion and a half people, it is not being eliminated in China.

We'll see who's right in a month.