1945 - 1965 ; Boomers are born

1972 ; Nixon ends the Bretton Woods agreement and currency is disconnected from value allowing it to be printed to infinity debasing it on the way. Boomers are the first generation to get this freely printed debt currency (see The Cantillon Effect) .Boomers are 7 - 27 years old.

70s - 80s ; Boomers go to college/university and get grants to go, ie. they get PAID to go. Or they enter full time employment with a school diploma and a firm handshake where they are guaranteed work for life, health insurance, company car etc. etc. with training and support. Get 10-15% on their current accounts just for keeping currency at the bank. Merger laws were relaxed which ended free and fair capitalism.
Divorce epidemic ends nuclear families.

1972 - 2001 ; Boomers ride the biggest most consistent rise in debt that has ever happened ever watching the national debt clock rise and knowing full well you cant just print money. Boomers were between 27 at the youngest and 56 years at the oldest.

2001 ; economy shits the bed and has never really recovered. Corporate bailouts become a thing. Boomers bail out their own corporations. Boomers are now 36 - 56 years old. Established. Home owners. Children. Families.

2008 - The debt binge has banks bankrupt and need constant bailouts to stay afloat starting with $700Bn. Boomers bailout their current accounts and pensions. Boomers are 43 - 63 years old.

2019 - Boomers have orchestrated this regime of constant bailouts to keep their pensions funded. Boomers retire en masse. Constant bailouts are needed to keep the economy afloat. Boomers are 54 - 74 years old

nobody talks about how this is socialism and altruistic politics manifesting itself

everybody wants more socialism to fix this

fucking let everybody die of kung flu

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Other urls found in this thread:

Her tongue is shit stained

'Licking a Homo's butt plug must be a great adventure', said Peter Pan

i-is, is that poopoo on the buttplug?

holy gfuck i'm gonna cooooooooooooooomm!!


fuck jannies

not reading the wall of text
post source

>fucking let everybody die of kung flu

Source will cost you 100 dollars. Cost me a lot more.

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>disconnected from value

wrong, the value is in the spook faith of the economy and nation

Damnnn she'll put anything in her mouth!! ... ...

Anyone got her number?

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no, price is what you pay value is what you get


This girl posts on FetLife. She regularly eats piss and shit. She posted a picture of her asshole being stuffed with ramen, then shitting it out and eating it.

Ok wiseguy, kek, this guy


>Nixon ends the Bretton Woods agreement and currency is disconnected from value allowing it to be printed to infinity

the global economy was already disconnected from the gold standard well before Bretton Woods, all the agreement did was make the USD a far more liquid international asset. That liquidity is what fueled the post WW2 boom. And we’d been using monetary policy to drive the economy before the war even happened

>evidence that socialism works
>but it's bad because my anime image board says so

is that SHIT?

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it's poo, not sauce

Have no clue. It shouldn't be hard to find her on there she has a shit load of followers/friends. I'm trying to look for her now

>"le boomers"
so are you an American using a vpn? Do Euros actually think in such generational adversary terms like what is pushed on the American pop culture public?

Does any culture/society survive when it abandons its awareness to racial and genetic realities?
Has any European culture not eventually suffered significantly when it allowed Jews to become members of the ruling class?

Your time line for America (and not Europe) correlates to when the United States had admitted many Jews from WWII (the very ones that the Nazis were supposedly so evil for for trying to get them out of their country) and Jews increasing membership to America's ruling class. Why do you think America is facing several of the same problems that pre-Nazi Germany faced? Why do you place blame at the feet of boomers?

There are many examples of White boomers resisting Jewish led actions against Whites in America, yet you choose to be mad at boomers b/c they lost those battles instead of Jews behaving like a crime syndicate after they rose to power in Government, Banking and Media.

Why is that?

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to add, Nixon didn’t “end” Bretton Woods, he suspended it because by the 70s we weren’t even adhering to it anymore, it had served its purpose (establishing the USD as the de facto global currency) and become redundant. The real switch was into the petrodollar, which further cemented the USD’s global use via OPEC

Boomers were born 1964 and back

Gods work user

I think its sluttylittlelex

Godspeed ill reopen my fetlife to see that

>Nixon did it
Imagine being so retarded that you dont even see the henry kissenger jew setting Nixon up at every opportunity

When it comes to immigration, everyone becomes an expert in economics

Big yawn, get out you silly respectable conservative

sluttylittlelex on fetlife


This girl is pretty big on fetlife lolol. She literally eats food thats been shoved up her asshole.

fuck them both anyways.

its sluttylittlelex on fetlife

they were riding on the wave of the ww2 plunder of germany
it was bound to end


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Kinda looks like Olivia Munn

you boomerhating faggots are absolutely pathetic
keep blaming your shortcomings on them



When COVID-19 kills the majority of boomers, including your parents/grandparents, you guys are going to donate all the ill-gotten wealth they're willing to you, to notable charities benefiting minorities and lesser advantaged people; right?

I sure hope you'd be doing this instead of selfishly keeping said ill-gotten wealth, lest you be hypocrites.

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So how did boomers afford houses and families and shit?
Because they had PURCHASING POWER

boomers act like they created all the things that actually gen x created

>1 year off
Is it really worth posting?

Immigration is a factor, but (((CENTRAL BANKING))) is directly responsible for the money supply

and when they're dead because of CoronaChan, and you have this wealth (which had grown considerably since the 1980s when they started paying into 401ks and such), you're going to liquidate the assets and donate the lot to migrant charities, right?

Mr. Generous!!! What a lad.

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Economics is maths, not opinion

1940s. Niggers are moved into northern cities to take menial jobs from Boomers.
The children of displaced Whites do drugs and become whores of the bluechecks instead of forming families of their own. All male children learn that the only way to get a family is to try to be a bluecheck.

>be a jew
>fuck up the world for personal gain
>trick retards into thinking it was the boomers
>trick them into hating their parents and grandparents while i continue to profit off of them

Gen X got capital from boomers and greatest generation to build the internet era boom of the mid 1990s.

lmoa so subhuman

>nobody talks about how this is socialism and altruistic politics manifesting itself
>everybody wants more socialism to fix this

>fucking let everybody die of kung flu


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Whats going on here?

No one in this thread is printing money. No one here is the Fed or the Bank Of England or any central bank. No one here has access to this "unlimited money system".
Someone else over in the Fed and the BofE is printing the money making it less valuable.

Money is fake and the money system is fucked, but that does not mean that anyone should open their wallet and fling all their money around to prove it because THEY arent the ones printing the money

Apparently those noodles have been in her ass

>nobody talks about how this is socialism
because it isnt. boomers have wiped socialism off the face of the earth

I agree that Jews are the problem. I don't want boomers to die soon, if boomers die soon we will be left with whites whose minds are very polluted by jewish culture.

Boomers remember a time when everyone was watching john wayne movies and so some of them are less likely to say weird jew toilet humor stuff.

I think we need more time to work on helping whites become white again, so that when boomers do die, that we will still have a solid foundation from which to work.

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Boomers act like they invented anything and everything that the Silent Gen and Greatest Gen did.

Funnest of facts- woodstock musicians were mostly born in the 1930s, woodstock is what boomers call theirs but it was actually Silent gen young adults rocking out with boomer teenagers tagging along.

Boomers never invented anything.

Salty seething boomer. You've already donated enough of my country to mexicans, old fuck.


Anglo countries have boomers, continental Europe has the "68 generation" aka boomers. Kys boomer nigger.

Suck my dick you fucking faggot. I'll burn ever last dollar I have before giving a single cent to niggers and faggots like you.

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that has less to do with monetary policy and more to do with asymmetric market saturation and the devaluation of labor... many forms of labor are worthless nowadays and are effectively subsidized, because technology has made labor vastly more efficient. The fundamentals of the labor market have not been adjusted in tune with inflationary policy

>Bank bailouts
>Corporate subsidies
>Social housing
>Stock buybacks
>Fiat currency
>Quantitative Easing
>Central banking
>Too big to fail
>World Bank
>International Monetary Fund

arent "capitalism". If capital can be created at will its not capital. All those things listed affect the purchasing power of ALL the currency in circulation - it affects the collective.

this is communism - global communism.

okay shlomo

Boomers invented Punk Rock (being a human dustbin) and Glam Metal (being a proto-tranny)

i can continue eating while looking at that pic

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