So why do white nationalists consider blondes/blue eyes first class citizens while all other whites to be second class...

So why do white nationalists consider blondes/blue eyes first class citizens while all other whites to be second class citizens?

Why should I as a brown haired hazeled eye man support white nationalism when majority of white nationalists act like nordicist faggots?

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We dont.

Just go by George Lincoln Rockwell's rules for whiteness. That being that anyone of almost entirely European decent is white. So that could mean Slavs and even some Turks can be considered white. Always remember, the differences between whites and fellow whites are few in comparison to the differences between whites and niggers. We are all of us brothers and dont forget it.

>why should i support white nationalism when i'm not white
you shouldn't

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I posted my 23andme and everyone here was calling me a subhuman mongrel because I had 5% Jew

Except the only ones going "Rape." are usually you guys.
Look at any thread in which you talk about women.

You shouldn’t you fucking mutt.
You should support your own mongrel nation instead.

Cuz you’re a kike and making up shit stories

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She needs more Jew nose.

What’s that Yas Forums whores Instagram now again?

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>someone said rape online
>Rape irl is equivalent to this

>All mutts discuss what white means

That's a slander invented by jews that Hitler believed white people with brown eyes to be lesser. But you're probably a jew anyway.

Youre not welcome, nigger
Fuck off

>Rape isn't a race issue, IT'S A TOXIC MASCULINITY ISSUE.

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you aren't white if you don't have blue eyes. end of story nigger

FUCK, MY DICK! are any of her friends wanting to move to USA?????

Im agree with you 100%
Since when i got deeper in to nationalism
I discover that the so call "movement" was basicly nordic supremacism.
All this fake "movement" is all about worship blonde/blue eyes people.
Is nothing pro white or pro european about this.
I believe that the only solution is to create some parallel real movement who oppose to nordicism and put meds first and only.
I mean if anglos/slavs or etc of dark hair and eyes want to suck the blondes balls is their problem, but we ( people of mediterraneam heritage ) need to create our own movements and exclude people of non southern european blood ( and why not even exclude meds of blonde hair and blue eyes )
Usually light hair/eyed meds tend to be very hostile against average meds, soo create a ALL dark haired/eyed Pro-Med international movement is the best and maybe the ONLY One.
We can not expect others to do our own work.
Nords/jews/groids and else are NOT our friend.

Anyway barcelona guy.. congrats for wake up.
One of my bigges redpills was the nordic/supremacist "nordicist" question.

I was shocked when i discover all the anti-mediterranean hate in the so call aryan "nordic/supremacist" movement.

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Because you dishonor the gods

t. Brunette Elf

Because we will accept you as a 2nd class, but the other side will never accept you , because you are white ... pick a side , 2nd ? Or last ?!

I don't consider non blue-eyed non-bonde haired people to be second class citizens. Goebbels had light brown eyes. Millions of German soldiers, NSDAP members and Reich citizens were not blonde haired and blue eyed, but they were still ethnic Germans. You are all LARPers

KYS shlomo

Whoa. I had a redditfag flatm8 who was basically this to a T. Sean, if you're out there, I was the one who told Natalie you're a creeper and I got a handy from her.

I don't, I find Mediterranean women attractive.

Fuck i writen from my cell phone and make a mistake.

create a ALL dark haired/eyed Pro-Med international movement is the best and maybe the ONLY "solution to the nordicist question"

Internet word rape is worse than real life rape.

Goebbels was a subhuman though.

If only you'd look at reality instead of a screen.

What you want is basically what Mussollini wanted, and he allied himself with Hitler.

Both nordics and meds go hand in hand, shit sometimes you can't tell the difference between a minority of meds and nords.

South America as a whole should get rid of indios and blacks, and prioritize us castizos. While also letting whites (specifically the smart ones) help push us forward technologically and scientifically.

That's funny because I don't think I've seen a single white rape gang as of recently. It's always 3rd world immigrants who are causing trouble like that. Especially in Britain, it's a fucking shitshow.

He was one of the best NSDAP politicians. You are a subhuman.

South America as a whole should get rid of indios and blacks, and prioritize us castizos.

Well brother i as a whole agree with you.
Im criollo and i think that whites ( of southern european heritage "meds" ) and criollos and castizos are ONE people.

But,.... even if we can find the way to get rid of blacks and indians then the nordicist gonna backstabb us like they always do.
And the movement is basicly based in nordisism ( nordic/supremacy )
And no matter what we do, we always gonna be sometype of second class citizens...

Soo i agree with you with try to save the meds from south america and create some "safe space" a new nation in this continent but we cant never including nords and non meds in general.

They are already wewuzing "claiming our ancient civilizations and ancestors" and that is only the begining.

Complete separation of the subraces is the only way,... and we need to made that even if include violence.
I hope that the freedom of association ( balcanization ) can be made in peace but i not have any issue in make my hand dirty if i can get rid of the germanic elements living in argentina, brazil or etc.

>everyone ITT is larping


Hitler had brown hair and blue eyes
The blue eyes blonde hair only meme is made by Jews

with brown shitskin eyes you are a fucking nigger sorry to say

You are quite the faggot

Europeans are diverse
There are Europeans with
Etc Hair
And with
black eyes

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Also phenotypes and the skull are important

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You're a nigger

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Im a fag because im not a cuck who is in to worship blue eyed blondes?

Your people nords/anglos/germanics/slavs and etc just have a bigger ingroup preference than guys of med heritage as me.
So that higher ingroup preference in nords is very dangerous for us meds.

We tend to cuck and you guys tend to larp ing, attacking, backstabing and wewuzing.
Soo is a all bad news for us.

Being a racional and woke guy who defend the interest of my own genetic group not make me a fag.

>mutt posting JPG as rebuttal. It is true though. I'm not going to be joining a movement which revolves around worshipping blonde hair / blue eyes / nordic features and says I am white but not the highest quality of white.

Might as well call them phenotypist because they only thing one particular genetic group of pale skinned people are "huwhite". I'm in that group myself, Nordic as fuck, but it would honestly be boring if there weren't some eye or hair variations among whites.

No. I'm calling you a kike because the only people who bring up this non-issue are divide and conquer kikes such as yourself.

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I mean it would make sense to value scarcity
If all people had the genetic makeup to have blonde/red haired and blue/green eyed children it would probably be considered preferable

Soo i have dark brown eyes and jet (black) hair,.. so i not even can move back to my ancestral land in southern europe acording to your pic.
And most italians, spaniards and etc are not european eighter.

Black hair or very dark brown hair with darker or lighter but still brown eyes are the average look in southern europe.

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Yet a large portion of "white nationalists" play the game of divide and conquer just what I said what this thread is about. Where northern euros think they are more "white" and meds are basically white but just second class citizens at best.

This is why I can't take white nationalism seriously. Also considering it is a mutt ideology in America basically anyways .

Phenotype and skin color is important too

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Well,... the nordicists not give a living fuck about phenotypes, DNA, culture or else.
Is all about muh blue eyes and blonde hair.

If the meds around the world got replaced by sub saharian africans or australian aboriginals nordicists still not care. ( or maybe they even enjoy that )

>majority of white nationalists act like nordicist faggots

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You shouldnt, you should accept your place within the hierarchy and stfu. I have shit stains in my toilet the same color as your eyes

Take off your memeflag.


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you shouldn't, nobody should
ayyrian supremacists can suck niggers' dicks, fuck them and their gay fantasies about all blonde/blue eyed ayyrian societies
ayyrian supremacists will never acknowledge meds and other non-blue eyed/blond europeans as equals, fuck it, not even as people

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Not black eyes, maybe brown. Black eyes is a indication of nigger and chink/gook/Indian descent.

Post racial rape stats, inbred.

>checks roots
Neither are white.

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My skin color is utterly pale as a fucking ghost.
And my phenotype ( face shape ) is like a roman-greek statue.
But i bet that some random guy from denmark, lativia, letonia or whatever gonna think that is people have sometype of moral or even genetic superiority above my one.

Denied nordicism "nordic supremacism" and anti-mediterranean actitudes in the whole "movement" is like denied that water is wet.

Phenotype will always matter more than color of hair/eyes imo

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