
Propaganda thread. Post your favorite propaganda.

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Who represents the eagle?

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>Heil Dir, Germania!
>Heil Deutschland hoch in Ehren!

patriotic german song

Attached: Race War - Kingdom Of Hate (Re-Edition).jpg (1300x1287, 422.64K)

Mind if I post some of my nordic boys propaganda?

National Socialism
With the future in mind

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ded thread

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It's one of those photos where you can't argue that it's not true.

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>He thinks his country wasn't always jewed.
Let's all laugh collectively at this burger.

>US gained independence from the Jewish British Empire
Hmm. See how easy that it?

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oy vey

>Upon the capture of the colony by the English in 1664, the rights enjoyed by the Jews were not interfered with, and for twenty years they appear to have lived much as before the British occupation, though with slight increase in their numbers. Jews had previously been barred from settling in English colonies, as they had been banned from all English lands for 400 years. Oliver Cromwell (British Protector from 1649 through 1660, through his son Richard) lifted this prohibition, and founding of the first major Jewish settlement soon followed in Newport, Rhode Island.
You know, by saying the US was founded by Jews you are also saying English Common Law, which the US is founded on along with English philosophy, is Jewish along with England as a whole being nothing but a Jewish state and Jewish history and Jews founded Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, created the British Empire, etc.

No I'm not

Then what are you suggesting? If the US was founded by Jews then the English are Jews because the US was founded on English law and philosophy.

Who said the US was founded by jews?

The other bong. But you also posted a Jew that nobody in the US knows. If he was as prominent as suggested he'd be revered and have his own holiday.

Quote where he said that?

>He thinks his country wasn't always jewed.

No quote the part where he said the US was founded by jews

That statement implies it was.

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Most of your founding fathers were Masons, the ultimate good goys.

Germany probably

It's the German Imperial Eagle.

How else do you interpret that? 'Always' means at all times, beginning, middle, and end.

The real quality propaganda are the ones nobody notices as propaganda.

People keep saying this but none of the Founders did anything of note for the Jews. Can you even name any? Almost all of them were anti-war, anti-interventionism, pro-intellectualism, and anti-immigrant.

>did anything of note for the Jews.
Republicanism, human rights, non-white slavery, humanism, religious tolerance.
Just to name a few.

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Not inherently bad.
>Human rights and slavery in the same sentence
Uhh. Anyway, we founded Liberia as a place to ship free blacks. The capital is Monrovia.
A mistake that they couldn't see. People thought differently at the time and many believed it would just disappear on its own
>Religious tolerance
Again, not inherently bad. Our sense of religious tolerance goes back to our days as a colony. The colonies themselves were founded by the Puritans and Calvinists who were kicked out.

What am I looking at here?

Guard of honour

The girlfriend of the general is being escorted to her hotel

>Not inherently bad.
Yes it is. Any form of democracy is bad.
Far too easy to corrupt.
>Uhh. Anyway, we founded Liberia as a place to ship free blacks. The capital is Monrovia.
So? That's not an answer.
Human rights are a spook used to justify tyranny.
>Again, not inherently bad
Yes it is, you need your population to be at the very least religiously homogeneous if not both ethnically and religiously homogeneous.
The Untied States is a disgusting modern creation made to warp the European man into something horrendous.
It was then weaponized and turn against Europe.
Britain was bad, but at least we had Religious conformity and were in touch with our roots.
America is the Golem.

Okay but what's with the nigger soldiers?

It's France.
It's poking fun at the fact the French were (and are) becoming Africanised.
Especially with their use of Africans in the military.
Google Rhineland Bastards.

The US has been absolute majority Protestant throughout the entirety of our history.

That's part of the problem, but that aside theres about 3000 different sects of Protestantism.
The schism and counter-schism.
All of them disagree slightly over their interpretation of the Bible.
No central authority, no tradition.
Utterly awful.

France imported a shitton of niggers from it's colonied in both WWs to fight in europe or to occupy and rape the ruhr
Germans in general disliked the niggers and it sometimes tha case that they were not captured but shot on site or executed later.
The fact that the germans hated the niggers so much was a additional reason for the french to import then.
Paul Johnson - Modern Times: A history of the world from the 1920s to the year 2000

Hitler even predicted the consequences and the future for france in 1923

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I'd take it over the current Pope.

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The writing underneath the poster states:
"Christ has risen!"
Written on the shield of the soldier are the words
"God is with us!
Russia will rise!"

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I can't agree with you officially and I'll leave it at that.

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The artwork from the Imperial Navy Propaganda Division is always on point.

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Commie propaganda hits differently...

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There aren't many greek propaganda posters, but I love the message of purity and perfection they convey

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you do know independence was started by group of jews who were sick of same jews in british empire keeping the power.

It's just a flu bro