Let's face it

If this shit had happened under Obama you would be yelling nigger nonstop and calling for his head on a pike. Why defend Trump"s incompetence now?

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Half the people here are bitching about Trump's response. I wish people would stop looking to the president to fix all their problems.


>I wish people would stop looking to the president to fix all their problems
Yeah people should just make and deploy their own test lists right?

Trump hasn't done anything incompetent.

>Trump hasn't done anything incompetent.

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That should be done by State and county health departments but Federal rules tied to Federal funding prohibits it.

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Only a faggot would have that saved on their computer.

>Lets face it, No matter how trump would have responded, he would recieve the same amount of criticism


He shuts the borders down a month ago and we have no coronavirus. Liberal retards like you would be saying he's a racist and saying we would have been fine with open borders.

>is just a liberal hoax folks nothing to see here
>on maybe is not a hoax but is just like the flu, I didn't know the flu killed..... thousands
>we're finally building the website were you can check in if you have insurance, if your poor though look, sorry..

I wonder what his going to say next week when the hospitals are crammed with boomers and then the week after when they start dropping like flies

>I am sorry your dad and mom are dead we did the best we could, tremendous

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There would be no travel ban under obama and we would all be truly fucked.

>Calls it Democrat hoax
>Only concerned of the Stock Market
>Eliminates WH pandemic office & pretends he didn't
>Muh Flu
>Blames the black guy for slow test kits
He makes it easy. For fuck sake the Gov't had a two months warning with China to prepare but instead squanders it worrying about Jewish stock holders.

Well OP id for sure be saying that stuff no matter what since Obama is a tranny sucking half ape nigger faggot

>we have no coronavirus

If you seriously believe the who reports on each state I got a breach to sell.
America is fudging the numbers worst than China

If this happened under Obama the media would downplay it like they did with swine flu and(!) ebola

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Trump says the democrat claim he cut CDC funding is a hoax

you sound like a fag



His ego will cost thousands of American lives.

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H1N1 infected 60 million and killed 20 000 while Bongo got a Nobel Prize for being half blackish in 2009.
deaths began to pile up in Jan 2009 and Bongo did nothing until October

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If if if if if if ...

King Nigger had his own kung-flu and nobody said shit even though 100× more were infected and died before anything was done.

I was called a racist for pointing this out at the time.

>He shuts the borders down a month ago and we have no coronavirus.
Every expert after the border shutdown said it wasn't enough and the spread was inevitable. He didn't give a shit cause it was going to scare his stock holding Jews and didn't even check to see if the few test kits were working.

Do you think the president is assembling and distributing the test kits himself? It's the unelected government drone that doesn't give a shit if you live or die.

Thats not true user


The fact that you can't imagine local and state governments doing it shows what a fucking slug you are.

This shit did happen under Obama. His administrations handling of H1N1 was waaaay worse than Trump. The media didn't say a fucking thing.

Also, quit stirring the bigot pot you filthy race shill.

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3 years down.
Almost 5 to go.
Screech and seethe libcuck.

One of those "Trump has betrayed the white race" guys? At first I thought you were a lost Redditor

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And all we hear from you faggots, all day long, even when a pandemic isn't raging, is "Orange Man Bad!"
Funny how it works that way.

You would think he would ask and order around after seeing the shit show in China and Iran. But Nah. It just the flu brah

Bro it’s been a non stop hatefest against trump here since the 2020 election started everyone on Yas Forums outside /ptg/ has pretty much abandoned him

Notice how all the states going into shutdown are run by democrats? None of that shit would have happened under obama.

MAGAhats are incapable of critical thinking and they will defend every stupid decision Trump takes because they view any attack on him as an attack on their 2016 vote

these are the same people who despise science because "it has a liberal bias"

No he didn't. He called the democrats rapid vitriol a hoax.

But what do you care. Shills gonna shill. Pic Related.

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A doctor in Seattle detected the virus in January but the shut her down because the company that is making the test kits didn't not consent for the kits to be reused.
Then she bought private tests off the market and they shut her down again per rules of the CDC, she kept testing until they fuck her over she managed to detect like 3 people of a handful sample

Cope harder MIGAtard

>Shills gonna shill

Didn’t multiple outbreaks of even greater magnitude happen under trump?

Not even Yas Forums blames him because it doesn’t really make sense to do that.

>Lol at you in rational though.

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>Calls it a Democrat Hoax


>Only concerned of the stock market
I'm pretty sure the stock market is just as important. People get laid off because of the stock drops.

>Eliminates WH pandemic office & pretends he didn't

You clearly don't have an understanding of how the executive branch works. It was over two years ago and there was no pandemic then. His admins figured he didn't need it and they were right. It just so happens now that the communist regime failed to contain it, it becomes relevant.

>Muh flu

He said it was like a flu, which it is for 80% of people

>Blames black guy for slow test kits

What do you want him to do? Declare martial law and force 3M to make masks? Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

Im agreeing with you you fucking moron

No user, he DID have a plan.

He used the time tested and true Nigger Emergency Plan.

Which is to fully ignore the problem until it starts affecting your reputation

>science has a liberal bias
says the party that claims calling it the wuhan virus/Chinese coronavirus is racist

And to add to this fact he imposed travel bans from china when the outbreak first started.

Literally had a 0.02 percent mortality rate. Only asthmatic 95 years olds died from it

Gotta admit... even as a Maga-bro.

Trump disbanding the pandemic response team is a bad look.

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>implying Yas Forums doesn't yell nigger nonstop on a regular basis regardless of who is president

>Trump hasn't done anything
There, now it's correct.
Which is precisely what makes him incompetent.

Of course Trump didn't cause the virus.
But the messaging from the White House has been a complete mess and is actually making things worse.

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MIGApedes have sunk cost fallacy. They are in too deep to criticize their cult leader.

obongo diverted funds from the cdc meant for epidemics to combat bullying, racism, suicide, gun violence, and transgender issues.
we are fortunate that he was not at the helm when this started.
remember how many people died under him during sars?
yeah... he was the worst president we've ever had.

>If this shit had happened under Obama you would be yelling nigger nonstop and calling for his head on a pike

so, like a normal day under obabo?

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I liked obama

Because he's the president and is under scrutiny? And is totally incompetent?

These faggots never remember that shit. Obummer didn’t do a fucking thing till after 1,000 Americans died he must have been sucking his wifes dick but no worries MSM said he was doing a fine job. Real people won’t forget this shit

Woman or tranny detected. Pearl clutching retard.

you’re an idiot

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