Can someone remind me why she isn’t the president?

She just BTFO Drumpf

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3 years down, almost 5 more to go of your seething.
>orange man bad

Simple minds are easily impressed.

FFEQCG. What does she mean by this?

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Top 25 most evil people working against America

>She just BTFO Drumpf
By demanding exactly what he'd proposed the day before? No.
Call your Congressman and demand they don't put extra junk for their pet projects in emergency legislation.

Imagine living your entire life revolving around thinking about Donald Trump

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False Flag ? ? ? ?

People despise her.

They still post this.

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Trump announced all those things the night before she tweeted that list.

Some of my family members are teachers. All the schools are shut down for a minimum of 2 months here. Now they’re all out of jobs, but the bills don’t just magically stop showing up at their homes.
What are people supposed to do? How many of these workers live paycheck to paycheck? People are going to go crazy. This is going to cost the US TRILLIONS of dollars.

....which is like 80% of this board

Chinese ambassadors shouldnt be allowed to be POTUS.

Guys something might be happening soon.

Easy to talk, hard to implement.

She's just like you and me.

cause she lost.

Rent free. Forever.
The snobby, Eurocentric Left has hated GEOTUS since the '80s.

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Teachers make salaries so they’re still getting paid. Nice try, shill.

see typical gaslighting

Yet you spam the board non stop with this kind of rhetoric.

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Why wouldn't Hillary simply draw up an executive order to ban the virus from America? That's a really inefficient checklist she wrote.

Give Hillary a break. She is dying of Ebola given to her by Bill when he mistook a monkey for his girlfriend in a Miami Hotel near the Zoo.

Flip flop demonrats, flip floooop and try to take the credit when things get fixed by someone else.
Problem is the people in Demonrat areas see nothing getting fixed.

Spelling things out is apparently not one of her strong suits.

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When will her supply of baby blood run out?

The weak-willed, submissive, codependent feminist who didn't file for divorce after Bill got a blowjob, because she wouldn't have a future in politics. A Faustian bargain at it's finest, followed by the inevitable karmic result of selling your alleged principles for money and power.

kike trump tries to downplay the coronavirus and tells everyone it is just the flu and its nothing to worry about so his kike stock market keeps going up

>Be President hillary
>See pandemic virus
>Ok IT team, time to bring out the BleachBit to disinfect people

Country that doesn't exist weighing in.

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>free testing
Shits free for anyone who can’t afford it, and if you have insurance it doesn’t fucking matter.
>fee waivers
Fees for what? Testing? Did grandma just repeat herself? Not enough adrenochrome from her morning fetus-smoothie?
>emergency sick leave
Did she forget about FMLA? Inb4 ‘unpaid’, it’s not my fault you don’t carry short-term disability.
Unless they’re criminal illegal aliens, then that’s a human rights violation
Of fucking what? Just randomly yell “shut it down”?
>giving a damn
Best on the list. The irony of her pretending to have people-feelings is 10/10 humor.

>still mad 3.5 years later
>"lol y u cant stop mention hilary?"

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also double digit

The democrats tried to slide in nasty shit in the bill. just so when the republicans denied it they can say WE TRIED GUYS.

oh ! let me help you with that.

I still haven’t figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? Was it Wikileaks? Was it Podesta? Was it her sexual predator husband? Was it her staff’s husband’s immoral pictures? Was it her subpoena violation? Was it the corrupt foundation? Was it the congressional lies? Was it the Benghazi scandal? Was it the pay for play? Was it the Travel Gate scandal? Was it the Haiti scandal? Was it the Whitewater scandal? Was it the Cattle Gate scandal? Was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money? Was it Comey’s investigation? Was it her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation? Was it stealing debate questions? Was it forensically deleting 33,000 emails? Was it the secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder? Was it calling half of the USA population deplorable? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders? Was it the Vince Foster murder? Was it the Jennifer Flowers assault? Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement? Was it the lie about taking on sniper fire in Bosnia? Was it her husband’s impeachment for lying under oath? Was it the 6 billion $ she “lost” when in charge of the state department? Was it the 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich? Or was it because she was the worst presidential candidate our country has ever had to choose from?

Gee, I just can’t quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.

When do they find new material? I feel like im stuck in a fucking loop on here.

>Can someone remind me why she isn’t the president?
because she lost the election, dumb fuck

>still not in prison

trump really is a useless cuck

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Day trade on margin

we despise her. More people voted for her than trump. Dont underestimate the witch

He is doing all of that. Where has she been?

trump is a faggot for not declaring martial law if he expected anything less. he should send congress home with the help of some armed soldiers and tell them to shut their fucking mouths. he should force all channels to air gorilla programming until the crisis is averted. i have no sympathy.

I’m calling bullshit on your “story”. How about you say where “here” is? Because school districts are bending over backwards to pay teachers during closures, and I’d be interested to know where this isn’t the case.
Unless by “teacher” you mean “assistant” or “substitute”.

what a brave call out from madame clinton when nobody else is saying to do these things from the comfort of the sidelines she still swinging

her leadership is like a bumpersticker
it's a bunch of good-sounding plattitudes
that if you examine closely
you get killed.

Where are her fucking emails? Fuck that cunt in the mouth!

Get over it.

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But he has been doing this?

Because she lost the election. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.

>Can someone remind me why she isn’t the president?
repressed your memory of 2016?

isn't he doing all this?

Well done user, nice didgeridoos as well

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I hate Hillary with a passion, but she's right in this instance. A great leader places his people above all else.

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Lmao fuck teachers

And Trump did all that. Is she that senile?

should be in jail
also who will pay for all of that?

>Of fucking what? Just randomly yell “shut it down”?
The goy know

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she stole the primary, cheated in the general, and still lost. the only reason she did as well as she did is because of very low IQ voters like yourself cannot seem to see she is literally satan. you cannot name a female in history with more grift, more cheating, more lies, more murder, more criminal acts than hillary. her soul is as ugly as her dopey daughter chelsea hubbel.

>giving a damn



And you people say left doesn't have energy?

teachers will still get paid.

>Can someone remind me why she isn’t the president?
Because she is a pussy, she won by 3 million votes and let a bully take her seat. Weak. SAD.

>still not madame president

Don’t worry OP, you can still go to hell But you have to die first.
Then your president hilldawg will shit firelogs down your throat for eternity while eating Bill’s ass as he sucks eggstein’s malformed rancid cock

of course it is
why wouldnt a politics board discuss the president?

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>Haha you should just die if you're one of the 80 percent of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck

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Your family member have equal role in spreading of degeneracy in the west by corrupting young mind with progressive virus fuck you and fuck your nigger orgy cock sucking family.

>Can someone remind me why she isn’t the president?
Imagine the smell of her rotting vagina, the infestation of fungus. Now, imagine that cancerous vagina sticking out the fine soft furnishings inside the White House. And this is why she will never, and can never, be President.

>I hate Hillary with a passion
I have to call bullshit on this.

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