How do you solve the American gun issue without banning firearms?

How do you solve the American gun issue without banning firearms?

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Ban murder.

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banning niggers from owning guns
then banning niggers

Israel is solving it by releasing the corona virus which is why Lieber an Israeli was arrested for releasing it.

This way martial law can be used to take all your guns so Israel can enstate their final solution.

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you don't because it does not need to be solved.

kill all niggers

Just ban dying to guns in general. Problem solved

release a deadly virus

kill all the mutts

I would support a government spending program to buy every citizen without a criminal record a handgun. You know, like a voucher program.

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Put into law that all bullets must be made from dog shit

Shit, I guess suicidal people will need to hang themselves instead.

As meme tasting as your image is, the vast majority of people who rob are not willing to kill for it

Have mandatory background checks and citizenship requirements. Also, actual penalties for selling guns to people that fail those.

There is no issue

>The gun they give you

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The one thing about Bernie bros losing so bad is the lame ass threads we have to put up with now.

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Dope the water, so gun owners only draw their firearms when they absolutely have to, instead of at the drop of a hat.

Tired meme. KYS.

Deport niggers.

Make bullets expensive as hell.

Get rid of niggers, muslims and spicks.

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Underrated and obligatory "America doeant have a gun problem it has a black problem.jpg"

Are you actively trying to miss the point?

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its the niggers that need to banned

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What gun problem? If anything its a lack of guns problem.

What is the American gun issue? Do Americans have a higher murder rate?

Exactly. Or buy a funnel and put in an exhaust pipe while the car is running, either or really

And mandate that all knives be made of silly putty to solve the UK's knife problem

remove negros and negro-likes
bring back the loony bin

extremely thorough background checks. like you must own property, have completed a degree program, have an acceptable job, not live with parents, etc. and show a reasonable need to have a gun.

If you remove the Jews suddenly the staged shootings stop.

Issue everybody firearms
Criminals are usually cowards and if they know everybody is carrying they will think twice

If you just banned people with IQs lower than 95, then most of your gun problems would go away. If the military has an IQ criteria, so should owning guns.

Remove Niggers and Jews
Declare Martial Law and hang every single Republican and Democrat for treason.

Honestly you people laugh at gun hoarders, but you really dont have enough guns yourselves. The average person uses 1 gun per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 guns a week. Over 100 a month. Guns will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone uses them.

>How do you solve the American gun issue without banning firearms?
you mean the niggers with guns causeing all the problems issue dont you op?

Keep guns away from niggers.

Well, it turns out everyone in the country has a reasonable need, then.
Ball's in your court, bud.

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Start building ovens.

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boot out the shitskins

Ban niggers.

Just ban Democrats from owning guns

Everyone wins

By banning the people responsible for 90% of the gun crime...blacks and Mexicans. We don't have a gun problem.

by implementing a better education and healthcare-for-all system.

as well as mental health access.

There is no gun issue. Most gun deaths are suicides, and virtually all of the rest are gang homicides. If gangs want to solve disputes by shooting at each other, that is a problem for them, and the communities that enable them, to solve.

being a woman is a reasonable need.

you can thank the republican justices for that scumbag decision about cops not having a duty to protect.

guns are overwhelming used to commit crime/suicide than they are in self-defense, and you better make sure you have yours drawn before the perp sneaking up you gets to you.

From a practical perspective, giving police that kind of legal responsibility would mean a ridiculously high failure rate.
Using the existence of police to somehow justify disarmament of good people is far worse, in my eyes.

ban blacks and Mexicans from owing them.

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they already have a ridiculously high failure rate. what the fuck else is their responsibility? lol

Iq tests are a problem in a post facts world

Collect money through giving people tickets for increasingly farcical statutory laws.
Documenting things for insurance purposes.
Giving stupid people jobs.

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>background checks
>citizenship requirements
We already have those faggot
>muh gun show loophole
I'm sure all the criminals selling guns to illegals will just line up to run a NICS check because you wrote a law stupid faggot

Don't allow niggers to have guns.

ban school

only white people can have guns
then the gun crime rate will be on par with most of europe

put up "No gun zone" signs because they work 100% of the time. Nothing gun related has ever happened in a gun free zone. Mostly because its illegal to have one there

Simple. Make concealed carry mandatory.
Next question?

This is more accurate

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Public Armory and Range controlled by local governments

I know this is bait, but real answers

1. Require gun safety in elementary school. Guns aren't going anywhere and sticking your head in the sand about them does more harm than good.

2. Teach first aid and conflict resolution in schools at an early age.

3. Give teachers and administrators information on dealing with bullying and methods to deal with it.

4. Access to affordable mental health that doesn't punish you for seeking it out.

5. Change the political climate so that it's not about punishing or "getting back" at the other side, but about finding solutions to common problems so that murder/suicide is a less tempting option than it apparently is today.

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checked and kek'd

Better yet, we WEAR some sort of "gun violence free person" symbol. Maybe a wristband.

>Preventable gun violence merch.
This is fucking genius.

Kill All White Males!

They found a way around it. You shoot the guns from OUTSIDE the building!

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Ban niggers

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Okay, now thats thinking outside the box. We need a NO BULLET ZONE one now

Replacing Americans with Hindus

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The unhappy truth is that there really isn't even an issue ... with guns. People who fetishize guns pretend there is one, but there isn't.
And the more people voluntarily focus on guns and guns alone the more they miss the actual roots of the issues they try to lay at the feet of the gun.

$1000 a month UBI