Give me one reason why I shouldnt smack my 5 year old when hes being a little shit.
Smacking children
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There isn't a reason.
"Peaceful parenting" is a meme that can get your kids killed if they're not docile little beta shits that just so happen to obey their parents all the time.
because your let you daughter act like a total whore with out any punishment at all
Kids remember shit better if you hit them
Only cowards smack their children. You need to hit them with your fists.
Because he might be into it and you could be fueling his fetish.
It would make Jesus sad
That's why you have to beat vanity out of them young before they start to abuse their sexuality.
That only happens to Mexicans.
Because it leaves you no way to escalate, other than killing them. Better to keep the threat of violence just a threat so there is always the fear of escalation of punishment in them.
you dont need to beat kids, just make them think it will happen.
90% of the time those smacks are missed opportunities to punish him in a way that actually teaches him something. It's understandable if you can't figure out other ways, not everyone is above 90 IQ.
the violent style of parenting is mostly for subhumans. Nigger-tier people.
Upper class and elite don't partake in this.
Every society has this vast horde of untermenschen, it's a problem all over the world.
Your country is full of MtF trannies becuse their mothers let them play with their clothes when they were young. It happens everywhere.
Bingo. Works like a charm with my kids. They never let me get to 3 when im counting 1 2 3 before they get a whoopin'
imagine thinking this is perfecty healthy for a child and not traumatizing at all.
thank you for teaching me this
That's it, but you can't project that type of fear without occasionally administering the punishment.
They should be broken of being "little shits" before they reach five.
You must be like the parents that give their kids snacks and toys in church and then whip them at home for being bad kids.
Maybe if you were smacked more early on, you'd be a better parent.
Because he's gonna grow up to fetishize spanking, that's why not!
It's the mother's job to handle physical discipline of the children.
It's your kid, it's your genes if he becomes a faggot or a drug junkie. What do I care? No body's got any right to get in your business on how you raise your kid.
eat shit you dutch cuck. This is why your son will wear a skirt and suck Achmed's cock.
>imagine thinking this is perfecty healthy for a child and not traumatizing at all.
u white men are fucking weak
You should.
The world went to shit when kids stopped being spanked.
Discipline that little fuck.
He's going to abandon you when you get older.
Hit them hard and a lot if its a very bad thing. Hit them once if its something that is not beneficial to them, but only because they are kids.
Now as an adult I understand
Totally agree. Hitting a kid should be a super rare occurrence. The opposite approach of beating them for every behavioral infraction is nigger-tied, hence the meme of niggers beatin’ dey chirren in da Walmart.
Why should the punishment for acting up in a grocery store be the same for throwing bricks onto cars from an overpass? There’s also the fact that frequent hitting just teaches kids that violence is the solution to all of their problems.
I have a 6 yearold, just had his birthday so was 5. When he miss behaves we sit him down and explain why what he did was wrong and have him repeat to us why it was wrong.
Outside of not picking up his toys he's never made the same mistake twice. Making him understand why there's an issue with his behavior and why he should want to make you and your wife/partner happy by behaving is better than beating any day.
Don't hit your kids it will just fuck them up and make them hate you, one day they will want to murder you in your sleep and some actually have done it.
Kids are not property they are people, just like I'm anti-abortion I'm anti-child-abuse
You should.
Because its proven to be life altering ,and he will hit his kids too. Use positive and negative reinforcement ,like rewarding good behavior and removing liberty's for bad behavior is much more effective.
Imagine being a shitshin cuck and having to show your 1 year old you will beat him if he doesn't finish his peas
It will make you feel like shit. It will terrorize your boy. It will not teach him anything but to fear you. You have to outthink him. You are smarter than a 5 year old, right?
If they can crawl they can brawl
Imagine thinking those babyboomers who joined in the 68's cultural revolution weren't spanked.
Just kys instead your a shit person.
Spanking kids only gives them weird fetishes when they become adults. I'm proof.
Trannies are a product of children being exposed to an overly sexualized environment during their developmental years.
>there is a strong link between sexual abuse at a young age and deviant sexual proclivities later in life
>the average age at which boys first seek out porn is 11 years old
>showing porn to an 11 year old is literally sexual abuse
>free high speed internet porn has only been around for about 15 years
>most zoomers don’t identify as “cis gendered heterosexual” because their parents have been allowing them to be abused since they were children
It gets weirder
>early puberty is when we developed ideas about what sex is
>kids growing with the internet learn this from or are influenced by porn
>porn focuses almost exclusively on women
>men’s faces are cropped out, and they’re usually silent.
>the pleasure showcased in porn is that of the woman, even scenes of oral sex
>subconsciously, children developed the idea that sexual pleasure is derived from the passive/receptive/female role
>there’s been an explosion in the number of trannies
>the majority of fags will take on the receptive role during sex
Beat the fuck out of it user. You have my permission. Then go beat the one next door. Kick any you see in Wally World too.
My mother beat me up and sucked my cock from when I was 5 and my father died to when I was 12. Broke my ribs a few times and must have given me genital herpes as a child.
Smacking children is never moral. Unless you suck em off.
niggers smack their kids all the time, then they grow up disfunctional and become criminals
Bunch of childless sadists in here. If your child is five-years-old and still acting like a little shit, most likely you’ve already fucked up leading up to it. Evil little outliers obviously occur.
Time outs are a meme
You should, kids now "grow up" into "adulthood" still beings kids because there is no real discipline.
Shit punishments like taking your sons xbox away just makes him rebel and become a tranny. Stopping your daughter going out at 9pm makes her rebel and get knocked up by a nigger.
Because mommy never hit me and now I'm a good boy that eats tendies and shitposts here all day.
You would start a terrible cycle and introduce more dysfunctional people into society. You may as well just kill him instead.
OP here, dont mind me, im just baiting for 300 replies
>ohhh nnooo i'm traumatized
What the fuck is this image
Explaining is better than senseless beating.
it's not traumatizing at that age but has a good chance to impose anxious personality structures
for proper traumatization the brain needs to be past a certain developmental threshold and there is an age range about 2.5 years where (rather old) children are extremely susceptible to all kind of trauma but statistically most important loss of either or both parents/trust anchors.
It usually ends by the age of 12-13 and can set on quite a few years earlier, tho mostly when children start to lose magical thinking and thought process.
They're susceptible to trauma before that, but a lot less than this extreme statistical hump of 9 to 11 year old's with a certain biography.
It's hard to overcome a small child's ability to cope with the environment, it'll just be molded into it if exposed long enough, not saying that adaption is good or anything, but it's not trauma.
This is why you are an irrelevant, nobody country.
Probably doesn’t help much, but I’m thinking it’s not so much the nurture side that produces the long-term criminality you see from them universally.
In order this to work, the baby needs to understand the concept of getting beaten and that it is not a desirable thing to happen. This video is worrisome...
spanking not smacking is ok dont hit them in the face op and be consistent with punishment like you cant randomly smack for something u didnt before or vice versa then ur just a dickhead with anger issues
Good post. Should be capped for future redpills.
Its nigger behavior.
If he’s being a little shit, its because he inherited your shit genes.
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Proverbs 22:15 KJV
And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
Hebrews 12:5-7 KJV
My 4 month old already knows a nice firm NO! because we very rarely use it or that tone of voice.
Kids will constantly test your boundaries at all ages. Even you, a grown man, are testing my fucking patience. Smacking them will wear out pretty fucking quick next thing you know youll be taking off your belt just to get them to eat some vegetables. Give yourself an uppercut
yeah well, how many people do you suppose give enough of a shit to communicate with a child on a level it can grasp and make it reciprocate and retrospectively analyze it?
also that only works barely on problem children , so it's clear that you created an environment and a relationship to the child that allows for this to work well while not weighing it down with impossible expectations and short fused emotional abuse
lots of parents fail, treat their children well, treat them like shit, treat them better because of regret, treat them worse because of regret, very widespread issue among children having children (children not age dependent but how most people fail at leaving their youth behind and accept responsibilities of their new situation)
so many children are being fucked mentally by their parent's smartphone addiction
Have fun dying alone, nigger.
Hey, it's your kid, I say beat the living shit out of them for fun
You ever notice that kids raised by reddit types are universally fuckups?
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Imagine being a sociopath that thinks this is okay
Because at that point if you tell him to stop and he doesn't listen you should be smacked instead
In all seriousness this though, have to treat your children like adults and talk to them. Explain why they were wrong, teach them cause and effect and how it affects them. If you're not a brainlet and your kids aren't either, then they will understand the logic and even make them smarter by learning syllogisms earlier. You only hit a dog because it can't understand you, so why should you hit your child if it can reason. Only because you yourself are a sub 90 iq being who can't into logic.
Beating children is nigger level chimping.
Apes pretending to do it for the child, you retards just want someone weaker to shit on.
Go ahead, spread your untermensch genes, im sure your children wont abbandon you, develop CPTSD and love you unconditonally.
Actual babyragers should be prohibited from having children. Beta cuckery didnt happen because of nonviolent parenting it happened because of single motherhood.
Go ahead chimp, beat a fucking child.
Do it
hitting children is making them dumb.
it kills their grey matter.
i guess your parent went pretty hard on you didnt they big boy?
Very plausible, perhaps this.
Because one way or another he knows you only hit him because of an abuse of power and never hit other people who you feel ill-treated by (like a postman being too late or the neighbor telling you to fuck off), thus he will resent you and one way or another do even more shit, generating an exnorable vicious cycle of abuse between you and your child, ultimately ending in you having a bad relationship, him getting bullied since he will be an easy target, you having a bad conscience for your life and him eventually turning into a degenerate shitposting on Yas Forums all day.
Tl;dr: Look at you and your parents.
If done correctly, the threat of violence should be enough to dissuade the child.
>explaining logically to kid
>expecting them to listen
It's so easy to spot the ones who have zero experience dealing with kids.
And then when they're stronger, they can hit you if you annoy them.
Because it's for animals op, you're not an animal. Or are you?
Yes, we should take note of black parenting..
This. You don't beat a grown ass man every time he causes you a slight grievance because he can fight back. Also nig/spic logic
>kid falls off seat and hits his head
>Shitskin parent beats him for playing around after already being injured
No real lesson learnes, just cruelty for sake of cruelty.
Why don't you pick on someone your own size, huh? Feel like a big man slapping around a 5 year old? Try that on me see what happens.
parental rights are KING
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it, and vote
Bride price now
“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”
I agree a lot of bad parents, I think the reason I give my son so much time emotionally is because I was beaten by my mother my entire childhood and now I don't even talk to her, I haven't since I moved out at 17 and paid for my own school, got a good job, and because self dependent (Out of necessity)
I still envy those friends of mine who have parents who helped them through college, bought them cars, etc.
My Mom still make 300k+ a year so she's rich and could have done a lot, I passed up ivy league schools because I couldn't afford them on my own, and went to Uni instead.
Anyways I'm trying to learn from my parents mistakes
Don't beat your children
My mom never even needed to slap us.
She just needed to lift her hand in a "I'm going to slap you" motion and we got the fucking message.
Same thing with my dad and snapping his belt.
>when hes being a little shit.
depends on what you mean by this, hurting someone else then sure. If theyre destroying your things, destroy their things. but if hes just pestering/annoying you then you just need to throw him outside. SO often do i see parents arguing verbally with their kids, which if youre right and know youre right you should say/do whats right and ignore them. By responding to their bullshit with anger your teaching them how to piss you off, how to get under your skin and it will only get worse the more you react.
Speak for yourself chink. This worked for me, though I might have a slight 'tism, it's been working for the next generation in my family. But have fun beating them, go ahead your frustration and inadequacies out.
Smacking is a last resort to something they do can end up killing them. A smack hurts but it hurts a lot less than losing your hand or being a cripple.
Anything else warrants punishment.
If you don't discipline your kids they will be animals.
Greeks beat their kids you dumb fuck.
>spanking your kids is the same as beating them
Absolutely pathetic.