It Begins! Man kills brother over toilet paper

ST. LOUIS -- A man has confessed to killing his younger brother, telling police he became enraged at his sibling roommate for using six rolls of toilet paper during the weekend, authorities said.

The victim, Herbert Hicks, 33, was shot once in the chest with a .22-caliber rifle Monday at the apartment he shared with his brother, Nathan, and died at Regional Medical Center about three hours later, police said.


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Other urls found in this thread: sweden&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=

I knew it! First homicide over a bog-roll. Yikes!

wtf he do with six rolls of toilet paper

All this stuff soon be mine.

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>using six rolls of toilet paper during the weekend
being this fat

>DEC. 10, 1986

land of the free

Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
Toilet paper is literally fucking useless outside of a handful of specific uses that could be accomplished by literally any other piece of paper.

Six rolls?

What’d he do? Eat them?

here's your (You)

> .../1986/12/10/...

Attached: Sam Hyde laughing 17:2:2019.jpg (996x710, 75.41K)

Back in the 1986....

Why are Boomers willing to kill and die for TP?

his brother was probably a cunt and that's what made him snap. using 3 rolls per day is far from normal.


chin has some of the brightest & some of the most ignorant knuckle draggers on the planet.
any article with the numbers 33, 1947 & now 400 & derivations of are a fkg HOAX.
upi, ap, reuters give the talking points to the rest of the yellow journalists.
wake the fk up.

the coronary virus has developed time travel

take your meds

STL bro here what up

Is murdering family members over who gets to use the shitter the reason St Louis has the highest homicide rate in America?

don't you have some tranny to bow down to? sweden&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=

Dec 10th, 1986.

>and you thought that one guy was just trolling with his "one roll of TP per person per day" copy pasta lolololol

honestly, kinda based and deserved. imagine wasting 6 rolls like that, fucking retard.

They only give you one roll in prison, the filthiest place on Earth, what was he thinking?


why are you intentionally lying. what are you a democrat? a commie?

a discord user?

he's mostly right though. I dunno about the 1947 or 400, but near every coronavirus article mentions 33 at some point during.

this story is 12,148 days old

How the fuck do you get through a roll of toilet paper a day?

Jeez people will go ape shit when they start starving

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

i swear to christ /nupol/ IQ is in double digits

gotta kill and die for something, man
and for boomers, it certainly isn't their own country

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3 rolls per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 84 rolls a week. Over 336 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>It Begins!
Man kills brother over toilet paper
why dont you kys

Wft who uses a roll per day
I rarely use I usually shit at night and wash it after


Who the fuck goes through an entire roll of TP a day?
Even in a family of 6 we NEVER go through more than 2 or 3 rolls a week.

that's because you don't have the luxury of having first world pipes that can actually handle toilet paper. Meanwhile in America we actually do use a roll per day.

You don’t wipe at all if it’s right before a shower? You need Jesus, man.

The toilet paper wars have begun! Big bidet is responsible for wuhan. We're playing right into their hands

>Even in a family of 6 we NEVER go through more than 2 or 3 rolls a week
imagine the smell of these fat festering slobs

By having to take a messy shit 10x a day.

you have xbox huge rolls that are equivalent of like 4 european rolls

>Not buying AT LEAST 2 ply whenever you buy TP

Most Americans have shitty diets filled with garbage our bodies can process so like 3 times a day all our obese sentient shitwalkers drop their pants and splatter dump like 2-3 pounds of steamy toxic waste all over the insides of our toilets creating swirling miasmas of absolute chaos.

Besides, a roll a day keeps the mudbutt away

>article is from 1986

I hope you get friendzoned forever


i use 3 ply but it's the number of sheets as well

Imagine using toilet paper instead of hands and then washing your hands with handwasher. Zero common sense.


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Fucking animals chimping out has given m more respect for preppers.
Ignoring all their rambling they're atleast smart and friendly enough to slowly stock up instead of hoarding everythin at once.

For the people that think TP is going to run out.

We have mountains of the stuf. And i we have it your country most likely has warehouses full as well.

Have fun with your 8 jumbo family packages of tp.

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faggot posts an 80s story

ok shitnails

>not cutting nails weekly.
Are you woman or something?

i use them for scratching


What's the deal with 400?

people are idiots, freaking out as soon as the store is sold out for a few days and berating people for buying toilet paper as if there is any reason why a first world person should just suddenly drop their habit of using toilet paper
>what are you going to do, eat the toilet paper?
retard cope for not having the foresight to buy toilet paper, it's a good idea to buy it in bulk in general regardless of the virus outbreak

This story is from the late 80's and involves a couple of niggers. Yas Forums was great pre-2016. Now it's nuReddit.

unless it's b/c too many folks caught onto the other 2 winks, idk.
just noticed it in many more disinfo publications.

Maybe he's just Donald Trump

I’ve seen a lot of fake shit on this site but an article archived from 1986 definitely takes the cake. That’s like posting a newspaper from 1939 and saying Germany is invading Poland to stop the coronavirus.

You dont need to buy 20 packages of tp.
It will not run out. Its rude af to be honest.

coronachan let me lick those feet uwu

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That's just seppos being seppos

If someone shoots me with a .22, and I find out about it, I'm gonna be so mad.

Bidet master race.

>six rolls
>??that's not how we roll bro