Post pictures that make bigots seethe
Post pictures that make bigots seethe
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Does this pic actually make people mad??
I don't give a fuck. Kys faggot.
This doesn't make anyone "seethe". Its just gross is all. Also >memeflag
I am the most antisemetic person you have ever met and I have 0 issue with this.
I just with it could be possible in Africa and didn't require the infrastructure to only be possible in a white run nation.
A noble tree was killed for this shit, you bet I'm seething
This kills the bigots.
Its more of a sad pic, because being black, she will enver do or create anything of value, she is being told a lie.
Literally no one cares, she still is and forever be a negress and nothing could change that
What exactly is the issue here?
It's kind of unsanitary to bring your pet monkey into a store, no? Maybe it's one of those emotional support animals.
I'm a bigot but this picture does not make me seethe.
It's just a nigger with a popular hair style holding a book with a picture of a nigger with a popular hair style and a cape.
Have an actual picture that makes bigots seethe.
no she's cute
Absolutely repulsive
What's that? A nigger acting like a nigger inside a book?
Why would that affect Yas Forums in anyway? If you actually want to trigger Yas Forumsacks, you do it by posting lies or strawmen. Or you post interracial porn, but that might get you banned.
Even better. Post something similar, anywhere, and the absolute hatred and vitriol it elicits is astounding. Like, the most vile and evil shit you can fathom will be said in response.
I accept the challenge OP.
now spam this on social media to show how NOT bigoted you are! also for dat salt mine
Dont worry user!!!
The israelis who own patreon kicked off all the anime people so Disney can teach your kids to be fags and trannies.
It makes me happy that that exists, but god damn do I wish I also had a beautiful white wife and 13 angelic children.
Kind of weird how that one kid has brown hair. Wonder what the milk man looked like.
Imagine the smell
I don't get it. Is it funny cause lil nigs all look the same, even fictional ones?
A child displaying her selection to her mother, moments before stealing the children's book
1944, colorized.
>Literally young niggers with +50 years old women
Ok Dyrone, meanwhile
holy fucking shit no wonder some of you fags shoot shit up why do you have this on your computer
How about we remind the world that a "bigot" is actually someone intolerant of different opinions?
Why do faggots like to change the definition of words?
Dear god what the hell is wrong with redditors? Why does a large white family trigger them so much? I'm willing to bet most of those commenters are white themselves, or jewish.
I'm very bigot why would this bother me?
ah, yes, feeding your kids illusions of grandeur instead of teaching them humility
Kek this is great
>Post pictures that make bigots seethe
bigots hate the white man's game
cancelled March Madness
Do that's who's buying all the TP
Great, now I have to coom
>inb4 niggers
I want to know what happened to them
Just because she's a nigger doesn't mean child abuse is okay
son's face looks just like dad. Hair probably gets darker as he gets older. Notice he's the oldest boy all the other blonde kids are girls or young boy.
They’ve already been successful by changing the de facto definition of many words. “Pseudoscience”, “bigot”, “debunked”, “privilege”, ect. They all signal moral superiority now in how they are used currently. “Psuedoscience” = any evidence that could jeopardize my precious nu religion of social justice. The people propagating it know exactly what they are doing too. You’ve already seen it here on this very board when a chapofag comes here off of reddit to “own the nazis” and the two opposing parties can’t even communicate because they don’t speak the same language. That’s the goal in the end, use language to control thought. The mind of the indoctrinated might just see the word “pseudoscience” and subconsciously believe that not only is this evidence or hypothesis so below his moral superiority that he shouldn’t even bother looking it up but that he is a better person for not doing so.
The point is black men beat their wives and kids you stupid mutt. Americans are so fucking stupid.
Her hair makes her look like two testicles and a short fat cock
Because there is absolutely nothing wrong with black people.
It's looks of hair gel, trust me I have blond hair and my mom use to do my hair like that as a kid
fucking hell man
They also invent words like "racism" and "antisemitism", both words made up by kike Marxists to control thought.
Jews, Chinese and Papeete own all the hair products and stores for blacks and brown women. Stopping the madness of hair products fucks them over big time. Pol supports freedom from the hairjew/chink/pajeet
Nahhh he should have murdered her, why he didn't go full nigger on her, now there's chances they will have a mutt kid.
>Post pictures that make bigots seethe
another virtue signalling nigger! i bet you're white and don't have a black person within 10 miles of where you live....KYS!
Racism can be a real thing but the retconned definition is nowhere close to the original. It used to just mean instead of treating people like an individual, you just always treat somebody of a certain race like shit. Now it’s just when white people do anything that somehow ends up making a brown person feel bad.
Bigots like you see this beautiful expression of African culture and call it "cruel" and "fucked up" I say we should embrace and learn to accept all of their wonderful differences! This is the only way to truly end racism.
>your style
literally looks like some chink cartoon
Dont worry user!!!
The israelis who own patreon kicked off all the anime people so Disney can teach your kids to be fags and trannies.
That's too many replicas of one person lmao
Remember chaps: a man's suffering is paramount to the amount of daughters he has
Those mustve been some blunt machetes, they werent making any progress on that bitches head. Thats one thing i can appreciate about Muslims, they keep their headchopping swords sharp.
Thanks Trump
OP wishes it does at least, he’s gay like that
good posts. overpopulation is only a thing when the people are white. otherwise diversity and high population are important if that line means mass nonwhite immigration.
Fuck off
I see two monkeys.
That’s a cute picture.
Why would that make me seethe?
It doesn’t, and aI really dislike niggers to the point where I’d kick them all out.
Wow immediately thinks about cuckolding shit.
Off yourself.
I had dirty blonde hair as a kid.
show your leaf
You think it's gross too turkroach.
kys newfag
I had blonde hair as a toddler that turned dirty blonde when I was in my youth. I can understand how mutts wouldn't know this happens.
While I do hate niggers and race mixing I can't imagine any remotely sane black man would ever even try to live with a black woman. Fucking hell there is absolutely nothing feminine about them.
She cute
Do you mean "proportional"? Stupid kike.
Imagine being such a degenerate that you criticize the Thot Patrol. There's a reason that these bastards will defend child molesting crossdresers before they will defend the police. The blacks and hispanics are the only civilized people left, the rest of you are just rotting cancerous corpses waiting to be eaten alive by your own moral anarchy. Until you patrol your thots, until you remind people that a capacity to inflict physical harm is the sole metric of truth and legitimacy, you will forever be cry-bullied into getting the AIDS that is Western culture.
>TFW every "White Nationalist Resistance Member" does nothing more than try to cry-bully with their victim status of "genocided race". Like a black hole of irony, enhanced by the denseness of the people who can't realize that they're no different than the people they antagonize.
The West just needs to give ownership of all money, people, power, and legal authority to the Cartels and the Islamists, because until you're willing to enforce your laws and patrol your thots, then you're just going to be the same dickless pathics getting raped to death by your own lack of balls. It's fucking awful living in the West. It's insufferable because the amount of empty threats makes a person want to die, rather than listen to these stupid insufferable people talk shit. Threats in real life are about as valid as threats made over xbox live by 12 year old kids. The fact that the "revolutionaries" have never, and will never, utilize means beyond xbox live shit talk as a means to their desired ends means that said ends will never be attained.
You're sitting here talking shit like that one bastard who gets shot in the WEBM, the one often seen in borderlands style. All you fuckers do is become irate and talk shit endlessly, saying "I am dangerous", and the bugchasing liberals just sit there saying "I doubt it". Thankfully the libs kill you with the slow death of sociocultural AIDS, rather than showing you mercy.
Why am I seething about some little nigger girl? Did they cast her to be the next Thor or something?
What's wrong with his mouth?
shaking my head :(
I loved fighting this boss.
Remember niggers are cowards
You're literally a mutt compared to us leaf. I had the same thing anyway. I went from blonde to dark brown.