He Has It

It's so obvious, he looks so sickly here... Jesus fucking Christ our godking is going to be taken from us.

I'm scared, lads. I'm very scared...

Attached: coronaed.png (600x591, 562.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He's an old, sleep deprived man.

He’s also old as fuck.

Do you have grandparents or are you underaged b8 and your grandparents are still 65

It's all over folks.
I would say this time he deserved it
Problem is, the democrats and leftists don't deserve this gift. They'll wreck everything
Time to fully embrace the blackpill I guess

Start by not insulting the Christ and come back after, degenerate.

All of them look like they've been awake for days

>Corona virus protruding, very disrespectful!

roll for pres. mike pence!!!

That's the way he always looks.

Attached: ERveBpmWkAUkPKM.jpg (2048x1536, 932.55K)

he is too high energy to ever get sick

I'm starting to think something is coming... and this virus is a smokescreen. Celebs and big names all getting it and withdrawing from society? I bet the deaths will start en masse soon, but they won't really be dying they're going to the bunkers and the yachts. I think that huge asteroid is going to hit Earth. I think they know it's going to hit Earth. I think this viral panic is just to buy them time to get the fuck out of dodge and keep everyone occupied and news sites dominated by virus news.

Either that or aliens, no idea which. But this is not good, at all. Alarm bells should be ringing, folks.

Something huge is coming... I can fucking feel it.

that just makes it more believable. Older people are at a much higher risk of getting the virus + the symptoms are much worse.

Shills on overtime

Why is he always wearing those retarded hats indoors?

Pic related from Q tards

Attached: AD7E3627-A613-4BAE-B0A5-498DA14E582F.jpg (413x1024, 69.27K)

Has he ever talked with a hat on? Seems like code to cover his 'great mane'

>pandemic death
it runs in the family

Attached: 1583819257682.png (492x225, 40.55K)

Video highly related

what the fuck is this gibberish?

you know what? if he has it hes taking it pretty good and can use it in november

he's trying to slide the thread into oblivion. don't respond to the horseshit

Natural selection, cuck. Survival of the fittest, and your kind ain't fit.


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I am not.

For any faggot that thinks (((they))) are gonna tell you anyTHING but (((HE's)) negative your fucking ill just the same.

Should of went to god church user ...

Attached: Drumpf.png (683x384, 276.76K)

Attached: Drumpf1.png (683x384, 216.96K)

ok shill whatever you say

Share blue tag team

moronic old cunt with swiss cheese brain is dying and that will save some.

Attached: ES5zU36XQAE6cCc.jpg (672x389, 33.86K)

Arranging some BBC for Melania...


>Arranging some BBC for Melania...

The Art of the Deal

wtf why is your post after mine if my post number is ahead of yours

meds not being taken in memeflag house today, I see


hes fucking fine, you dipshit shill. he always sounds like this when hes being serious

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Stop sucking Drumpfs cock and get a life, moron

Attached: 1488.png (860x840, 262.22K)

>Pence becomes the president

Attached: 1485238121473.jpg (379x379, 18.79K)

Hmm yes this thought was given to me as well. Dravidian nordics yes? Well were saying about the asteroids and that i knew so they could tell me. I always knew it i told them and it was true by that fact. End of days lining up 5th of april and the gematria makes sense.

Eat a dick , don't you have some more refugee feet to lick? Start acting like a Christian who deserves respect instead of a limp dicked faggot with a different uniform.

Now we know why he put Pence in charge of the Covid19 task force. He's getting America prepared for a Pence presidency.

He looked scared shitless at the start. Then he got into the flow as he was making his speech. But for the first few minutes you could see his thoughts spinning around

>maybe I wont be here a month from now
>what does choking on puss feel like?
>will Melania be by my bedside or with her lover?

>Should of went to god church
Learn English, Paco. Also, you have to go back.

why was he wearing that cap?

wtf is this weird quasi-sepia shit? Was this picture taken in 1910?


I hope he dies an agonizing and brutal death. I hope Barron witnesses his cunt dad's suffering and is traumatized by it.

>putting a delusional christ cuck in charge
>one that believes a magic man is hiding in the sky and hearing his prayers

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because he has given up on MAGA

Pence is literally the worst possible president for White Nationalists. He's a return to the type of neoliberal, cuckservative, zioChristian nutbag that allowed the left to win for 60 years.

Quit being a whiny bitch, they have him pumped full of DRACO.
He is just tired from all the covert ops he has been overseeing.
The purge has begun.

Attached: ThereIsAGod.jpg (1005x711, 93.35K)

Faggot OP can’t even shitpost properly. How new are you? You’re supposed to put “IT’S OVER” in at least one field before posting that Trump is over, for real this time, srsly, totally not joking guys, not playing this time.

Exactly why the deep state started the virus. Can't just straight up shoot a president these days, so they have to make it look more random. Get some infected people around the POTUS and mission accomplished. At the very least they destroy the economy and his momentum. "They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you" -Schumer

fuck you, LAD

Not if he has unlimited authorative power thanks to the laws that Bush passed.
The kikes stand no chance.

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lol the Dow would rise if Trump tests positive

Q-Tarded larping

That huge thing your feeling is my dick in your ass faggot

>meets several people who has corona
>i dont need to be tested i dont have corona
>alright i got tested but i dont think i have corona --- you are here
>alright the tests showed i have corona but i dont even feel sick
>alright i feel sick but i dont think i will die

Sorry but drumpf is finished, ho wont survive this one!

Pick one faggot

this, america needs socialism and the markets will got up

This was a hold over from the Obama administration. That the VP gets put in charge of outbreaks.

Trump=God Emperor
Christians including Pence will be slain by God Emperor in the coming Storm. When Q says to Pray, he refers to the God Emperor. The Nation is ours, and as a Kingdom it must be purged of Christians and other non-believers. Believe in the God Emperor.

ID: Cucks Mobbed

Mobbed by Cucks

Worship the God Emperor or Perish

Ehm, it's actually gonna be President Pelosi sweety.

I don’t know if I’m just misremembering it but wasn’t there a prophesy post once of someone saying that trump died of an illness before the next election?

Or perhaps a time travel “larp” post.

Do it Corona-chan

He's going to die screaming and gasping for air