This is on the front page of the biggest most visited site for the 18-35 year old white demographic.
Its not 2015 anymore.
The left is winning the culture war.
This is on the front page of the biggest most visited site for the 18-35 year old white demographic.
Its not 2015 anymore.
The left is winning the culture war.
Other urls found in this thread:
every single system is flawed! lets make them all bigger, and force everyone to use them!
>a thread about a screenshot of a reddit thread about a screenshot of a random niggress on Twitter
The absolute state, country and continent of Pol.
Yes because reddit reflects society
The only thing corona is doing in Europe is give arguments to the far-right...
OP even says that it reflects a specific demographic you fucking mong, and a very significant demographic at that
You get banned on reddit now if you even upvote right-wing content. It's a left-wing website, so there's nothing to be surprised about.
>socialized healthcare nations suffering worse losses
What does this mean?
>Everything is wrong because the government can't stop a virus
They really are asking to much from their government.
Reddit is made up of young elite university educated cosmopolitans who will be the ones promoted into positions of power at our biggest corporations and government once boomers retire.
What they believe is massively important. They are the future white leaders, not Yas Forums. They're going to be the ones writing future Big Tech corporate policies, big corporate HR plans and immigration laws.
Breaking News Obamaleaf cointer shills another literal who Twatterthread
They are incapable of ANY of that shit.
They fail and underchieve at every position.
Their co-workers work AROUND them
Fucking reddit is not real life
Opinions and feelings do not translate to making money or good decisions
You are a fucking shill leaf that lives online and affects absolutely nothing
Leftists are useless irl
You're stacking twitter and reddit? When do all Canadians get banned?
You're only deluding yourself.
This is exactly how the left took over our culture, its why our media and education is dominated by progressivism, because of the Reddit demographic.
The future leaders of S&P 500 corporations will be educated at liberal universities, live in big blue cities and push for progressive hiring policies in the HR department. This is exactly why, because the left focuses on brainwashing people before they're adults. They get to them at that critical 16-26 year age when people first form their sense of self and politics. Today Reddit is the keystone for young university attending students who will move into positions of power. To deny this and pretend its gonna be 60 year old farmers in Iowa that will lead the future megacorps is delusional.
Not even NASA is safe.
We need full communism now! That way all of the systems can fail all of the time and not just during a pandemic which crushes the just in time supply lines!
>The left is winning the culture war
Their own bot filled echo chamber isn't a front in this war m8
>The government sucks at handling crisis so let's give them more power and force everyone to have to deal with them in a time of need
Reddit and Twitter aren’t real life. This should be clear from the way that Sanders got shellacked since South Carolina
>everything bad let's Burn it all down
Very nuanced and valuable perspective. Thank u
These "cosmos" are the least likely group to breed and political viewpoints are heritable. This is a self correcting dysgenic phenomenon.
They had to blacklist the_donald because it would make it to the front page every day.
Which is why bernie sanders will win the nomination right? Stop posting slide threads faggot
Twitter, Reddit & FB =/= real life. Most of these platforms are bot infested to show off user numbers to boomer investors. Twitter doesn't even publish monthly user stats anymore - they're that bad. Facebook is only gaining users in the 3rd world - they're losing users in the west.
That its not real socialized medicine
>implying there are any left
you already forgot what theyve done to Bernie?
this is all a giant farce to keep the goyim down
Is that the front page of the same site that told me Bernie was a lock for the Democrat nomination? Please tell me more about your namefag echo chamber with organized upvote subreddits that dictate what content is seen and then relate that to how it's actual real life.
Only on the internet. They will meet a harsh reality IRL
You’re proving his point. 1969 NASA got to the moon. 2016 NASA couldn’t even get into space.
As long as they attack the US they have my support
>It's a left-wing website
wrong, it's a Chinese website now
What will fix it? MORE SYSTEMS
They're genuinely so stupid they want to be welded into their homes and shot on sight. They're mad at Trump for not doing that.
that pic is so accurate
The reason that kind of post gets to the frontpage of reddit is because conservative posts get eiter deleted by leftist mods, or conservative subreddits get banned.
It's the same thing in the brazilian subreddit.
She's right, we gotta fix it by importing more refugees and adding more government controlled systems!
>The left is winning the culture war.
The right thinks the system isnt flawed? Ok cuckservative.
We wouldn't have any problems had the government given NEETbux to every citizen monthly for life.
She convinced me. I'm voting Bernie in 2020.
based cartel spic
nobody cares.
thats why you put it there and are desperate, now, because its not working as you believed it would.
fucking niggers.
What does big/small government mean to you cucks? The government decides everything since they are the ones printing money, our money isn't ours since we didn't make it.
They aren’t really winning, they are setting the stage for us to win.
You could not have had the 3rd Reich without the Weimar.
What comes after this is going to be unbridled glory.
Bpt is the biggest collection of retards on the internet
coronachan let me lick those feet uwu
This is just inoffensive and inarguable. Everyone agrees the system is fucked. It's just that lefties are deluded about the underlying diagnosis. This particular OP is gay and worthless.
man i still keep seeing all those ancaps. i should drink less vodka.
Two weeks ago it was racist to take measures against the virus
nigpeopletwitter isnt a default sub
you have to actually be subscribed to see it
kys leaf
>This is on the front page of the biggest most visited site for the 18-35 year old white demographic.
Otherwise known as obese retarded losers with a dead end job, retarded degree and a mounting debt.
The government doesn’t print money.
Private banks print the money in exchange for bonds.
Thus private banks rule the government.
go back to Wakanda
>implying Yas Forums doesnt hate america and all its kiked systems
Billionaires like Soros simply pay to have their warped evil world view pushed on the public using psychological warfare tactics
>progressive cosmopolitan
They misspelled jew
>Infowars is dead
>Shills were deplatformed
>Alt right is no longer fun
>Bitcoin is crashing
>Roger Stone is in jail
>Antifa was just a fad
>Russia is in recession
>Kek is NOT here
Yes, the left is winning.
I work at a large law firm in NYC. Every single one of us has a Juris Doctor, and many have masters and PhDs as well; by any metric, we are the most educated, monied, and successful demographic. And yet, I can count on one hand how many of my coworkers are lefties, and truth be told, they don’t usually last that long. Democrats, yes, but not bleeding heart libshits.
By the way, if you’re caught using reddit or any other non-work related website for that matter, there’s a good chance you’ll be let go at the end of the year when brass starts their annual departmental evaluation. No write up or verbal warning or “three strikes” bullshit. They won’t even give you the luxury to fire you on the spot, they’ll make it seem like everything is cool for months and then all of a sudden, a few days before Xmas, HSR will tell you to fuck off and never come back while the rest of the firm is partying and getting drunk and coked out after getting their holiday bonus.
>What does big/small government mean to you cucks? The government decides everything since they are the ones printing money, our money isn't ours since we didn't make it.
What does the left have to do with any of this? It's perfectly possible to say that the system is unsustainable without wanting to change the system to an equally stupid but nominally different system.
Capitalism is better than Socialism/Communism in the sense that, while both promise the same thing, Capitalism delivers it more effectively. But the big problem of both Capitalism and Socialism/Communism is that they are both based on the idea that increased consumption increases happiness and fosters a just world, and that production and consumption should therefore grow infinitely at the expense of everything else. Both Capitalism and Socialism/Communism favor limitlessness on a planet with finite resources and a finite capacity for effective transport and governance. And because both are unsustainable, both will eventually disappear should mankind and the planet survive.
The question is, though, will mankind and the planet survive the cumulative effects of pollution, climate change, resource depletion, and disease susceptibility due to rapid global movement of people and goods? If we do survive, then I think in 1000 years, no one will give a goddamn about Charlie Kirk's braindead corporate talking points or the misguided idealism of the rootless, childless urbanites who criticize him today. Left versus right is a sham battle fought on a sham premise.
They cant even get Bernie to win the primary how can they even win anything
This confirms it, BPT is full of Talcum X'es. No nigger would actually vote for Bernie.
>earn more than $90,000
Onward Workers!
>everything is melting into chaos
>kek is not here
Fucking checkem homo
> a multiracial, globalist, jewified country
> every system broken
this is what we've been saying for fucking years
> "the left"
no, people like me. i am a millennial, and in a company and i'm conservative. it's amazing what having a real job and a family does to change you towards more conservative
These niggas just use the word “system” because they think it makes them sound intelligent.
>minimize differences in outcome
Aka, the weak hate merit-based outcome. Equalization of outcome is completely unfair and against Mother Nature, universal law, God.
>Low information voters Twitter
Nobody will het this reference.
The same left that is pro-open borders and mass immigration so that virus-like these can spread faster and a culturally divided nation doesn't have a common front? Are you tarted?
Anti-globalism and nationalism are the only sides benefiting from the situation we are currently in. Communist China hasn't proven shit yet as Russians did with Chernobyl they are definitely hidden cases and deaths. It was even proven recently from the medical community that they hide shit.
Holy shit
>All this coronavirus is doing is exposing how inherently flawed every system in the US is. Every. Single. System.
All this coronavirus is doing is exposing how OVERRUN WITH LOW IQ MUDPEOPLE every system in the US is. Every. Single. System.
>every system created by the government failed
>lets vote for more government
China is not even communist, just authoritarian.
Is that why reddit needs to actively ban all right wing subs? Because they are winning?
We need to bring back kek memes for the election.
What's the name of your HR department and the title of the person who heads it? I ask because I'm betting the words inclusion or diversity appear in one or both.
Meanwhile in reality