Suspect A pulls a gun thinking someone cut him off to refuel. Later Supect B says he wanted to stock up on gasoline for the pandemic.
Fight in Gas Station over fears of Coronavirus
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so this is how muttmerica looks like
Jesus save us, FAT PEOPLE! So many Fat People.
Not a single white person.
Stop making shit up this is from weeks ago
a couple of fat mutts dressed like 10 year old boys fighting while talking like negros? America in 2020
>only 2 or 3 people aren't seriously overweight
What a retard, he’s going to jail for along time.
Nothing about Wuflu though
They're all spics. Makes sense.
Cool video sir it was very good
they were fighting over TP.
Fat Mexicans indeed
>every car is a 600 hp muscle car
>every girl has big tits
>every guy is morbidly obese
pretty based huh?
man america is truely a shithole, look at all these fat people.
those are fake tits, user...
You can blame corn subsidies for that.
Do americans really do this?
So, Jews?
this is from texas2k you faggots
This is the true price of freedom
Do you know if Beatrix is ok, Romania user?
is this an actual decent e85 reference?
Maybe one of them was carrying the Iranian strain of corona..that would fix that situation quick enough.
try like 1500hp and up to not get dumped on there
God, I'm loving this quarantine, gonna get to watch the world chimp out and laugh my ass off doing it. Todays already been a damn good day and its not even noon
this would be hilarious if it wasn't an exact distillation of 'american' 'men'
with so many brown people, i could have thought it was your country!!
except there is a gas station, and some decent cars
white trash like this must be eradicated along the niggers
The salty Romania who Shilled the fuck out of the /vsg/ threads...
I hope this event redpills a lot of whites on how minorities act. I always knew that in a serious crisis things like racial Harmony and gay rights go out the window
also, texas is a disgusting shithole
why are you southern people so fat and disgusting? everyone from the south is so fucking fat
The American virus is bringing out the worst in people...
Now the world sees your true colors.
Is this really how obese people from flyovers are? fucking pathetic lmao so these are the people with the dixie memeflags
>pull into my gated neighborhood with security guards at the front gate
>drive near my house and my Tesla automatically opens my garage door to my 12-car garage
>silently pull in and have my butler plug in my Tesla to charge to its 400-mile capacity.
Now you understand why they need mountains of toilet paper.
people come from all over the country and other countries for this meet.
so much coping
are you talking about the virginia thing with the guns?
release the la creatula.
you don't understand how much slower your tesla is than any of the cars that run at this meet lol...
they had multiple 200mph+ GT-R 1/2 mile traps this year. what does a tesla do in a 1/2? oh like 70mph slower than that. cool electric car, bro
I mean, it’s on video for everyone to see
Jews aren’t the farmers in the US lol, that would be WASP
America sucks. It was a nice place, but now it needs to die. Thank you coronachan.
>everything about that pic
Please visit our thread and spit into everyone's mouths, we need herd immunity asap. THANK YOU
big cars
big tits
big guys
big meals
big dogs
big panic
big government
big guns
big church
big movies
big pharma
big hospital bills
big porno
>people come from all over the country and other countries for this meet.
to a fucking gas station?? kek. doesnt change the fact that the south is fat and disgusting
you are a literal 3rd world country and the only thing youre known for is having gypsies
i think he is referring to e85 fuel that everyone car that isn't slow runs as it is cheap race fuel. it is made from corn. i payed $1.67 a gallon when i filled up last night. 100 octane would be over $10 a gallon.
This is from a car meet almost 3 months ago in Houston. You’re fucking retarded and should kill yourself and your family.
this country is fucking disgusting
bunch of fat, low IQ mongrels
what could it mean?
to texas. for texas2k. my group had canadians, mexicans, and a couple from panema ship their cars for this year.
there are "big money" street races outside of the sanctioned runway 1/2 runs. that is what this is. the guy probably has a gun because he will be doing 20k+ cash races.
>you are a literal 3rd world country
you don't even know what third world means, you inbred homo.
third world encompasses the countries who were not aligned with the west or the ussr (the two worlds).
today, technically, Romania is first world.
>are you talking about the virginia thing with the guns?
Yes user, sorry don't see a lot of Romania flags, just assumed you were in the circle. How goes it there?
All that fat rolling around.
why is everyone so fat
this is america
>fat retard brandishes gun
Everybody stays to watch.
It's like watching potatoes wrestle. How sad
I made those threads.
literally every single person in that video is morbidly obese
Because we have spics and niggers
That country is gonna be an absolute shitshow when everything goes south. They are 50% spic and nigger and everyone in the country has guns. Lmao.
the sad thing is the realization the people like this can easily waste more on cars than most here make in a year and here you guys are unable to move out of the basement. if those retards can make it, what does that say about the pay for my loan niggers? honestly.
Very based
A single CHAD ANGLO could massacre a European village
My country is infested with low IQ violent diversity.
Q predicted this
Maybe they are fueling up to make a run for the border. Don't stop them. Call ICE and have them check the oil.
Yeah almost like a fucked up cartoon
>240p vid
>vertical vid
pure POWER
Based, and law abiding pilled.
i believe this is called COPE
>nogs vs spics
move along, problems resolving themselves!
America is so fucked.
At first I didnt understna dwhy the chinese would release a bioweapon on it's own people but now it makes sense.
They knew burgers are way to stupid to make it through an apocalypse
>Do americans really do this?
no one in that vid is American, they're spics and niggers!
in 4 weeks, all amerihams will be dead. bless you, coronachan.
a lot of your countryman are there. at that event. but they wouldn't behave like that. least the ones i know.
But they have a huge debt, these kind of people I'm sure of it. USA has a lot of problems with the cumsoom shit and it's not even funny, everybody is a money hungry fatso that chews more than they can pay. Same shit is happening over here, they have the latest surveillance cellphone, the latest car and the latest shoes, and when they show you their house it's a little cockroach matchbox with pillows as beds on the floor.
Beatrix, you are sneaky as ever.….
>why is everyone so fat?
HFCS, Monsanto GMO chimera corn, FDA, farmers.
>be me
>8.7 months into the carina virus outbreak
>The world's toilet paper has all but dried up.
>All save for my last roll. It is in pristine condition. Unused.
>I keep it locked in my safe next to my toilet
>I consider rationing a square for my butthole, it's been three days since my last wipe.
>No, I must try to last a little longer.
>That's when I heard a knock at the door.
>I draw my brs-99 and make ready for combat.
>I check the security monitors, it's Stacey from down the street. She is unarmed and crying on my porch. Flies are buzzing around her waist
>Stacey rejected me years ago when I asked her to the prom
>I hit the intercom button "What do you want roastie?"
>"Please user!" She cried "I heard a rumour that you have some TP! Please just give me half a square! I haven't wiped in 6 weeks! I'll do anything!"
>"Be gone thot!" I smile smugly as she runs off crying
>4 days later, I'm beginning to break. I want to wipe. I NEED to wipe.
>it's been long enough, I decide to ration the first square of the final roll.
>I begin to input the combination to the safe
> Just then there is a loud bang at the door
>several armed men are breaking in. Bullets start flying.
>they are here for my toilet paper
>I maintain cover behind the safe. I quickly finished the combination and slip the poo paper roll on my erect cock for safe keeping.
>I trip the detonator switch next to the toilet
>the entry team goes up in a mess of flame, steel and red mist, but there's more firing on me from the street.
>I make my escape out the back with my brs-99, my stag 10 and all my boog kit. I make for the hills.
>it's two weeks later
>all manner of minorities are coming the hills looking for me, I have managed to evade them through sheer cunning.
>I have managed to stall usage of the TP roll by wiping as best I can with the flora and fauna, however last night while taking a stealth shit, I vigorously (and mistakenly) wiped my butt with poison ivy.
>My butthole has swollen shut.
it's getting a bit kooky out there.