Why are americans like this

why are americans like this

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this country is full of trash people that no one wants to pay for

>peak r*ddit
Don’t forget, faggot; you’re here forever

id suffer just to make niggers suffer more

The mental gymnastics you amerimutts have to do so you can still suck Jew dick. Pathetic.

And you know why OP

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honestly our general population doesn't deserve shit
hell, most of them need to be actively genocide


Yeah, they're called niggers and jews

> 1.5T one time for global emergency scenario
> 30T (or more) every year from now until perpetuity

Totally the same thing guys! Come on, buy into my communism!

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>protection from eviction
You have that. Pay your fucking rent.
>paid sick leave
I have that. Why don't you just get a real job?
I have that. Why don't you just get a real job? What makes you think you are entitled to the labour of medical professional? Is it those laws that force hospitals to treat you? Yes, we have those. What makes you think it should be "free"?

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>protection from eviction

You can have healthcare if you buy it or through your employer, sick leave is negotiated with your employer. Protection from eviction already exists, it's next to impossible to evict someone provided they know the law scumbags frequently destroy rental properties so most small time landlords have exited the industry leaving it to large property management groups and slumlords who will evict you by beating you with bats or they don't care and rent to every section 8 nigger that exists. This is a country full of goyim nigger cattle that deserves it.

Muy country was number 1 in health care with Japan in the previous world (2008). Everything was ok and perfect, civilized people going to the hospital. But now you realice that its impossible to maintenance with millons of blacks and arabs, they literally occupy ALL hospitals, ALL médica, ALL aids....

Lefties don’t understand finance. The $1.5 trillion dollar repo is a ONE DAY loan. They have to pay it back to the Fed in full plus interest the very next day.

It's 30T over 10 years but Ok

>I need the government to give me negotiates items I my employment contract that all decent paying jobs include as is

Try not being a pleb

The 1.5 trill is in loans, the Fed is getting the money back. Anything spent on healthcare or sick leave just disappears, and only lasts a certain amount of time (whichever price tag you use it's going to be estimated for over 1 year or 5 years or 10 years, etc). It's not really comparable.

Protection from eviction is really easy and has nothing to do with money, you just tell cops to stop enforcing evictions for the time being. What are the landlords going to do, try to drag them out on their own and be guilty of assault?

>eviction protection
>being this much of a faggot

I am in month three of trying to evict the drug dealers and prostitutes that have set up shop. Only 1 week left to go.

>30T (or more) every year from now until perpetuity
You pay double that for shitty private health insurance that doesn't even cover everything...

>3 trillion a year x forever
>1.5 trillion once every 10-11 years to prevent mass panic and the folding of companies/destruction of retirement accounts

That’s the same bro, look at the math, just like how Bernie fan still win! Match me

What pisses me off is that the magapedes are actually defending fed repo injections.

because we live in capitalism

So? That’s private dollars.

Are you going to tell me that the trillions and trillions Americans spend on food should instead be concentrated into the feds control because it’s be cheaper ??

Fuck off

>only banks get the money and they keep it

That money didn't come from the government tho

Why are you conflating heathCARE with money? If you want your retarded bastardization of the word healthcare so badly, round up 1000 of your friends and set up your own damn non-profit insurance.

>protection from eviction
I fucking hate deadbeats

>You pay double that for shitty private health insurance
Would be cheaper with less government interference
> that doesn't even cover everything...
> Yess believe the lies goyim private insurance doesn't even do anything! Believe the hyperbolic bullshit! Give the government total control over your life

>can’t build a wall for $38 billion USD

Whilst since Sept 2019 $2.5 trillion USD has been provided to US banks so they can cover their bad loans to hedge funds etc

His point is perfectly valid. There’s no social cohesion in America, it’s ac country comprised of people from all around the world, would you want to pay for some random idiot who moved to your country for gibs 3 years ago, would he be your “countrymen”?

>I have that. Why don't you just get a real job?
How much do you get?

No they’re not. The US Fed is simply a back stop, imagine if you knew every bet you ever made would be back stopped by a third party, what incentive would you have to follow responsible lending practices??

He's right though. You have no fucking idea lmao.

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>because it’s be cheaper ??
Never understood this argument. Are people genuinely naive enough to think the US gov is capable enough to flex their monopsony powers in a single payer system? If such a system were to be implemented all of the health industry and insurance lobbyists will be the ones to draw up the bill. The government does not give one iota of a fuck about pumping tax payer dollars into these companies that would be hooked up to endless cash.

That money isn't coming from the government retard

>I need the state to take care of me

What do you idiots not understand

America is NOT an ethnic state

Our government is not Germans asking policy to help Germans in Germany

Our nation is a muttland meaning it’s a bunch of identity groups vying for resources through the state

Ergo the best option for a non-parasite is to limit the state and what it can do

who gets gibs, still does. its the actual working class who is fucked. and why the fuck does this cunt print money to bail out the fortunes of top kikes? theres no excuse. muh 4d chess.

Bankers pay the 1.5 trillion back

it's also a supposed to be a "loan"

Because why would you spend money on goyim when you can spend it on Gods chosen people for heaven points.

no they wont.

The feds are very forgiving lenders do their cronies, gm took 8 years to “pay back” the feds

Actually they just keep revolving the debt until the Fed finally admits QE will be officially restarted.

>jew #1 gifts $1.5T goyim bucks to jew #2

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>There’s no social cohesion in America
there is to some extent in the south, but yea, you're right.

>why are Americans like this?
>meme flag
every fucking time
To answer your question though, it's to give a big FUCK YOU to worthless gimmedat shitbags like you, Mr. Not an American

First post sad but true post

I saw this meme on plebbit 5 mins ago. The comments were a bunch of baizuos whining about how they need government money to continue their lives on binging the office, consuming weed, and donating to Bernie

The FED is a private business, the USA Corp is a different entity and America long gone.

When will the sheep understand that almost all the Central banks in the world are not and have not (for a very very long time) been owned by their Governments, why do you think leaders have to go here and there to get money during a crisis.

>Hey let's treat immigrants like shit as we treated blacks like shit for the last centuries, it's not like they are gonna act like savages and start doing all the crimes
My country is full of blacks, chinks, mutts, indios and we still unite under a banner instead of acting like women who can't stand each other. You fags are insufferable.

You faggots would willingly pay the Rabi's next yacht before helping a human that by social standard he's as fucked as you are if the system collpases. Serve yourself, it's your country.

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I’m not “willing” to pay for fucking shit that as well as plenty of social programs for nigs and spics gets through our government all the time

I’d much prefer it to be zero

>I don’t want nigger healthcare

That doesn’t reman I approve of isreal I foreign aid

The FED isn't printing out money, they just added imaginary money into the stock market to stabilize the markets. You don't know anything about how currency works so quit pretending like you do

man's tryina run a business

Now post the bernie, obama, and clinton ones.

Jakes on you OP I work for the banks. Gonna stay comfy working from home while half of the country is unemployed

>short term bonds paid back in 30 days as a means of injecting liquidity is giving 1.5 trillion to bankers
Why are europoors like this

This is the dumbest shit ever

Literally anyone who goes to Jerusalem can go to the wall, you have to put on a head covering and they pray because it’s a good photo op for any religious group
In the west besides Muslims

It’s not like you sign yourself over to the jew Kabal by going to the wailing wall it is not proof of any alliegence

>Jakes on your

Heh... gayyyyy

>Hello, I bring you here this.
Ok... what's it.
>It's called Coronavirus, It's a new type of virus.
Where did you find it?
>Well, it came from Wuhan from misterious sources, someone said it came from bat soup.
Bat Soup?
>Yeah, Bat Soup.
So you eat one of those and get an strike out right away
Frozen image text: "(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the virus strain severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)."
Ok tell me more about it
>It has an infecting ratio really big and can hide on you 2 weeks until it ruins your lungs and kills you. It's gonna be the end of mankind.
Ok. You wanna pawn it or sell it?
>I'm gonna sell it.
Ok, how much?
>It's gonna be an Apocalypse and Human extintion
Insert: During decades I have been expecting for a Happening: WW III, nukes, apocalypses... And I'm not lose the opportunity to get this.
I give you a flu.
>I can't accept that.
It's not worth more than that, best I can do it's a flu.
>Insert: "I come here with a really unique thing, I wanted a high price for it but I'll accept Zombie Apocalypse at least"
>Give me at least some kind of Apocalypse or something.
Hmm... I've got a friend who's an expert in Viruses, I'm gonna make some calls
>Insert: I think the expert gonna agree with me that this is more than just a flu.
Hi Tedros welcome
>Hi Rick
>Insert: My name is Tedros Adhanom, General Director of WHO.
What do you think?
>It's really a virus, I don't have doubt of that
So it's not a fake?
>It's not a fake Rick, this is a real virus, but it's from Wuhan where the Goverment of China has took control over it.
>But it already crashed several countries and the world capitalist market
>Not more than a pandemic, Rick.
Thanks for coming Tedros. I always trust my experts so I'll give you a epidemic.
>But he said a pandemic
He said no more than a pandemic, like an epidemic at least, It's the best I can do.
>Give me at least a controled pandemic.
Ok I can live with that.

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because they realise that government is not a god that they can plead and pray to for handouts.