He looks like he’s literally dying of exhaustion and sounds drunk? Has been losing sleep from all the meetings or does he have the Coronavirus?

Seriously no joking are you watching this conference? He seems very uncharacteristically tired and sickly..

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He really does sound sick since yesterday lmao

He has the virus... it's obvious.. why else isn't he getting tested?

> Be potus
>Be 70+ years old
>Be woken up all hours of the night for any problem on the planet on a regular night.
>Be potus actually involved in fixing a world wide pandemic

He can't hide responsabilities and play golf/watch TV. So, he has to handle the true POTUS work-charge. Obviously : he can't.

Attached: TRUMP_SOTU.png (1600x1200, 2.01M)

He's got the virus.

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He's definitely sick, not sure if the Coronavirus, but definitely a cold or the flu

lmao, nice cope. Nancy Pelosi will be acting President next week since Trump and Pence will be qurantined

he sounds normal you dumb nigger

Daily Reminder that Ben Carson is a fucking Brain surgeon

I will pray for Donald’s recovery.

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quick randown?

Or maybe hes doing it as hes sick like a leader

F to pay respects


sounds sick i hope everytink ok

He met three people known to have been positive with the virus during the time he met them so he prob has it given how contagious the virus is.

Brazilians gave him corona

I mean he is leading us through a world crisis and I'm sure he is stressed beyond belief , exhausted and sleep deprived

How would you do better?
We are doing better than China , Italy and Iran.

Though to be fair South Korea and Hong Kong have handled this the best

He's 73 and is likely getting very little sleep.

Then why are you watching it you stupid fuck?

>He looks like he’s literally dying of exhaustion and sounds drunk?

The usual?

trump is just very based

Trump is fine. I watched the tail end of the speech. He's in good health. OP probably got sick and died from the Coronavirus between the time he made the thread and now.

Trump is based and leftists and non-Americans are gay.


I mean rundown on the contents of the press conference

Because he’s my president you stupid fuck.

>It's not my fault, it's everyone elses'

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hell be fine .

God bless Brazilians

Donny is fine. Tippy-Top condition.

I heard him say yesterday he thinks he has the flu and will be tested but all you butthurt yanks ignored it. Literally admitted himself he was sick and you retards still deny it

it's a play to get opposition to have to invest in deciding to make a strategy change around his health

>making shit up

> thinks wishfully

He has Coronavirus, obviously. Good thing hes the president and billions have been spent on keeping him alive.

Omg, you're right!

I will now vote for a man who is older than he is and suffering cognitive issues. You've convinced me.

>why else isn't he getting tested?
because nobody trusts the party selling the test or the vaccine

we're letting the ARMY handle this shit, turns out regular army vaccine schedule eliminates coronavirus

Put a video link, goofus.

strange not one person in Mexico has it, considering

>nooo you can't just criticize based god emperor, i'll post a basedjak, that'll show you! y-yeah! t-take that! i'm a b-b-based magapede!

>mr president what was your temperature?
>a touch over 101, why do you ask?
what do they expect. these niggers are just itching to be the first to post TRUMP HAS CORONAVIRUS AAAAAAAAAA

He's sick from stress because the global elites have got him by the baaaaaaalllllllls

He has Corona
Hes gonna drop March 28th

Senile old codger running country.... Why is our Prez acting all old, tired, decrepit & senile?

The fact that a frog doesn't know to spell 'responsibilities' is not surprising in the slightest.

Cool hat

Your president's wife is a grandma 30 years his senior. You don't get to criticize. Go home to grandma.

Involved... Sure...

Wow, he sounds so low energy.


My president looks like shit. Could've phoned this one in

French nigger faggot knows how to spell surrender and “French woman move bbc cum loads”

Of course Trump has the virus. How could he not? It's a highly contagious virus and he meets daily with people who meet with foreigners daily. If he wasn't infected I'd be extremely suspicious and assume it was a body double or a hologram.

I’m gonna tap that ass for maple syrup honkey

You low iq niggers just dont get, do you? Its the same with the fucking "Wheres the wall donny?" posts. Just because the man is elected president, does not mean he can just force his way through everything. The Constitution is a thing and courts are available to everyone. He cant just suspend your rights to be unprepared, however much you want him to.

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Libya... nice

Whereas Poohbear hid in a bunker for two weeks while his chinklings went around the world spreading Bat AIDS.

It's about coronavirus. LEAF. Jesus christ man

He's old and sick and probably not sleeping much with all this shit going on.

>does he have the Coronavirus
good guess

look around his ear, his is wearing tons of make up. He is palid and sick as fuck. RIP in peace.

sounded better than yesterday you shill

>what's wrong with Trump?
1. He abandoned his 2016 promises and focused on broad economic improvement and appealing to centrists instead of his voters.
2. He wouldn't shut up about the stock market for the last 3 years and taking credit for it, so he absolutely cannot pretend he doesn't own the collapse as well. The bull market officially ended on his watch.
3. Unlike the democrats who haven't officially chosen their nominee yet, Trump has already been campaigning for 2020 on "KEEP AMERICA GREAT"

If trump continues running on "KAG" he will lose because not only is he saying that he made America great again, he'd be saying that he'll deliver a similar 4 years at a time when most americans will be wanting change.

Not only is trump's #1 re-election strategy DOA, he has to actually make america great again in the next 7 months or Americans will vote for change.

Obama did
Why is Trump weaker than a nigger

I mean any new policy/action announcements.
What happens there affects the economy here too faggot.

Trump is restraining himself to strike a subdued, serious tone because the media will rip him. The guy was on his feet yesterday for an hour and a half answering questions during a news conference. How can anyone suspect he's seriously ill?

He's got FEVER

Attached: that one guy with the weird accent that never showed up again.png (920x541, 489.8K)

Just the one coof tho, and that yesterday, none today. Honestly the virus is a hoax. Pretty sure those Italians died from seasonal influenza.

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Negro Carson is going to talk.
I'm out.

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He has corona.

Bolsanaro was just diagnosed with it and he shook trumps hand a few days ago. Trump knows full well and he won’t take a test because he “isn’t worried”

Big deal
Clinton went for 17 hours of interogation and flopped like a fish
An hour is only impressive uf you are obese

>chinese leftists create yet another pandemic virus
>open borders loving leftists blame Trump for it
Such is life.

He's tired of this BS but can't say it or he'll be crucified.

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Could you imagine?
This guy has all three shifts engaged. He just never quits.
Jannies have a lot of quit in them.
“Oh, look. An easily overtook obstacle...I’m too lazy to try, maybe someone else can do it.

Good luck with your 800 rolls of toilet paper. You better stock on paper based porn ala Penthouse or Hustler. From the sounds of it, your gonna pull your dick for at least the next decade.

$100 this hat have tag MADE IN P.R.C.

.0001% of the population experiences corona virus.


The politicians and the media need to pay in blood for this grand deception they've inflicted on the people.

Pence has an 88 year old mom!

Shut up Nigger

that is about the most retarded take on politics i have had the displeasure of reading, you sir are one sad fucking idiot

Be in his shoes for one day

Corona is more dangerous because you can end up killing old people without even knowing you have it

He literally said he took the test last night in this very press conference.

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Why is she blinking so often? (the older white woman)

>another one of these threads
I’m glad you faggots put so much effort in shitting up the board; it means you’re dedicated, so when Trump wins again there’s a good chance you’ll kill yourselves

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>leftists and non-Americans
Synonymous, no need to waste space.

He just said he got tested moran.

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it was his plan anyway

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