Black Pigeon Speaks is a tradcuck

Why does both the left and the right hate MGTOW so much? Can't they accept that some men don't want to end up slaves to women for the rest of their life?

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I've embraced the Incel moniker, it's much edgier, and gets retard past arguing about ability to get laid and straight to WQ.

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Hottest take: radical lesbians are literally WGTOW

Because MGTOWs are like vegans. They can't go without mentioning how terrible women are. Yeah, we know that. Don't remind us every 5 minutes.

ok incel

MGTOW is genetic suicide and if you're too weak to control a woman you probably should kys anyways

women are evil

>too weak to control a woman
Women have the system and government on their side

MGTOW leaves the unitiated exposed to their own fears, it is something that requires critical houghts and rationalitions, where you then apply such amplitudes to baser less profound behaviors. Basically anything with this pattern evokes rage, insecurity, and mockery by the vast majority of the population.

tl;dr brainlets rule the world

Because most people can't comprehend anyone who's whole life doesn't revolve around muh dick and muh pussy.

Yes, but that's not an excuse for your weakness and unwillingness to control your woman

ill say this mgtow is a way to get your head straight if its all pussy whipped.

This post is Dunning-Kruger personified.

mgtow is capitulation and an avoidance of the problem rather than an actual solution

Imagine putting a ring on a modern woman.
They already have enough of those in their faces.

The place where I work is mostly female staff. A MGTOW dude applied a few months ago and put MGTOW on his resume. Why the fuck did he want to work at a place that is nearly all vaginae and his supervisor would have been female?

These guys are lying fools. He applied for a woman's job, too. If they wanted to go their own way they would work man jobs in obviously mostly male workplaces.

We're still pretending MGTOW is a real thing?

Can't we just go back to calling them losers?

People don't like MGTOW because it's inherently selfish. If you're white, you won't create more white people. Simple as. You can decide to not care about demographics, that's your choice. Just don't be upset when people shit on you for that choice.

As you lose your house and all your possessions.

Why would anyone need a women if there is surrogacy? It boggles my mind. Yes surrogacy is costly but if you are poor you should not reproduce in a first place.

>women and society are fine, goy
>shit on fellow men for refusing to take a bad dead, goy
I'm sure it will work this time

To what?

MGTOW is just a massive cope. If there was a woman in your life who found your terrible personality somehow endearing, you would be with her in a heartbeat. But that'll never happen, because the people who latch onto MGTOW culture are men with a massive victim complex and no redeemable qualities.

this pretty much. Satan knows.

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Woman detected.

he is just a moron, MGTOW is the ultimate red pill

MGTOW are incels that have yet to reach the acceptance phase.

a woman firmly under your thumb is loyal to none but you. they seek safety and easy living. If you're not giving it, the system and government will.

I don't care anymore, I think I'm abandoning society.

I'm relatively happy all things consider. I got laid with a ex-stripper/pornstar and that was cool, but not as cool as some stuff I've done in my life. I feel like I can comfortable retire now at the ripe old age of 31 and become a hikikomori. I don't have any thoughts on MGTOW or whatever constitutes as "Normal". I have ascended beyond the mortal realm and now know true power, self reliance, wealth and prosperity.

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They LOVE WGTOW though.

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He's a CIA COINTEL channel.

The whole

>"My account is shadowbanned"

is the broken window theory in play. It plants the seed of doubt in listeners to demoralize possible dissenters in to AT LEAST going to BitChute to keep them away from the mainstream.

MGTOW: It's Never Been Better

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I don't care what choice you pick, fucko. Just quit bitching when people shit on you for it.

There is a reason men used to have to pay to have someone to take their daughters off their hands.

do you notice how do you kinda imply how a man MUST HAVE A WOMAN in their life in order to prove their worth? Maybe some men are dissapointed at the new change of tides in society and the way women have been empowered in the most horrible way possible? This said, self-declared MGTOWS are salty losers.

Have sex

>MGTOW: women control men in relationships due to evolution of feminism, culture shift, and the policies that favor towards them
> I agree
>Also MGTOW: we should just use women as sex tools
This is where I have a problem with. A child needs both a mother and father, and if you do choose to abandon the kid, then that's going to affect the kid and let the mom have total possession of it. That kid will grow up to be a shill or an NPC and that's what becomes a major problem in our country. It's happening right now unfortunately.

>just accept hate, goy
You're the one bitching. Be grateful, cuck, more roasties for you.

Goddamn how can we win if you don't procreate? We are in a fucking race war!!!

They are simps. Meek simps.

And we are as well. Unless white men start standing up for themselves simpery will be rampant.

Talk is cheap, that is why he has a youtube channel.

Pray that someday you have the strenght to act, instead of just yappin' like a little bitch.

The lion sleeps for now.

MGTOWs are criminal lolbertards that want to fuck sex dolls because they can't accept their masculinity. But they're smart enough to not mutilate their bodies to become trannies.

MGTOW don't care about your race war.

i like mgtows. decent guys, really don't care about anything else than improving themselves

>A MGTOW dude applied a few months ago and put MGTOW on his resume
What kind of fucking autist puts his own spergy personal beliefs on his resume?

Hwat if i dont need one ? I am tired of their bullshit.

You don't win by being a simp and simply breeding and birthing more weak simps. You win by standing up for yourself. It is up to us to act, it is cowardly to leave it up to our even further outnumbered children.

MGTOW is associated with incels and losers. It's also by its nature against the betterment of society by further driving that wedge between the genders.

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this dude, same thing as muh traditional racemixing Asian waifu niggers. They're all obsessed with white women to the point every action they take is about "showing those roasties". It's fucking pathetic

>they seek safety and easy living
bull fucking shit
they want exitement and thrill above all else, thats why they go for chads
cause chads take them on a emotional rollercoaster

>Implying this whole thread isn't MGTOW tears
I get it. You can't take people criticizing you over your life choices. Mom won't stop asking for grand kids, I get it. If you truly want to be a "man going his own way" you need to learn that skill, instead of crying in an insulated MGTOW community.

Nobody cares. They don't even hate you, they just think you're wastelands who can't function in society. Which is true.

>avoidance of the problem
Why I should solve women problems ?

>the right's version of vegans
Gee I wonder.

What have you done to stand up for yourself, user?

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Faggot simps want to bring the genders together. The absurd implication that people are equal is hilarious.

Internet racists, who are all for objective discrimination, are still simps who want female equality.

The absolute state of men.

>spend your whole life learning to control men with sex
i can see why mgtow pisses off women

>Why does both the left and the right hate MGTOW so much?
the right hates it because its "stay single and die childless, allow women to do whatever they want, and let your nation die with it"
the left doesnt give much crap about mgtow shit, because it doesnt threaten them in the slightest, and thus they dont cover it in the media that much. If it represented any danger, they would've labaled it as extremist and deplatformed it from the media, like they deplatformed all "mysoginist" agendas that suggest abolishing womans suffrage.

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Because only white people are MGTOW and you're all race traitors.

Mgtow is like homeless people boycotting Ferrari... you Gus are beta males who can't find a good woman . You already know that you will end up with a stupid useless bitch , because you attract what you are ... my wife is awesome , she's on board with my politics , she knows her role and her place ... you guys are just fags playing video games , watching anime and got a bad physic . Enjoy being a cuck , while I raise my 3 sons .

no they go for chads because chads are generally fit and give the impression of safety.
The women seeking out chads legitimately think they'll build a long lasting relationship. When that fails near every time they become desperate and start seeking dick as a coping mechanism for rejection.

Whores on the internet with daddy issues are not a reflection of the population as a whole.

I am riding bicycle I don't need Ferrari . I am fine.

it's not a woman problem, it's a societal problem

MGTOW is to men as feminism is to women.

migtow is the best answer. man empowered? no more dead weight. white Men are God's. it time to leave the animals behind.

Only Jews want a divide between the genders in order to keep host countries' populations down

Rule number one of acting: don't speak about it. And if you need to, don't do it irresponsibly like it would be if we spoke about it here.

Otherwise you end up like that /k/ dude who got swatted and killed at 4:30 am in a no knock raid, because he was constantly memeing against government authorities and exposing some of their work methods publicly.

You are probably raising a MGTOW's child.

No divide is possible. Men are stewards of women, women are stewards of children, children are stewards of their younger siblings. No divide, only hierarchy.

>chads give the impression of safety
im more and more inclined to think youre a woman cause no man will ever connect safety and chads

>Just hold frame bro
>Just be more alpha bro
It's like a broken record, it's rote at this point. You can't do this, you can't get her under your thumb if she has the power to take your shit and sic the government on a whim.

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>You can't take people criticizing you over your life choices
Why would I take it? I'm not an abject cuckold like you. Taking it is a mark of sodomites and simps, and it's quite telling you view it as a virtue.

>Mom won't stop asking for grand kids
That's her problem. I've seen enough how she treats my father to not want to be in this situation unless I have full legal power to put woman in her place.

>you need to learn that skill
What skill? Wft you on about retard?

>crying in an insulated MGTOW community
You're the one crying like a bitch. If you lived by what you preach, you'd be grateful to MGTOW. Pretty sure Yas Forums is the opposite of insulated, at least when it comes to WQ.

Misery loves company. If you're a married cuck, you bet you're gonna want to promote that to let others experience the same shit you've subjected yourself to. Same goes for incels, only they don't pretend like it's a good thing. Biologically, the two categories are one step apart, from hopeless to last ditch.

A society that does not allow room for outsiders to exist outside the rules of its game, so long as they are not causing notable harm, is primed for tyranny.

But they just can't stop thinking about them.

You misread the leaf. He meant they have that impression, but that it is an incorrect one, which is true. They see their genetic quality as something that will bring them life safety, the same way a man feels more life security when a hot woman is in love with him, you feel your offspring and future has a special brightness to it.

Ahahah ...go coom for the 3rd time today ... I have fire wood to make . Don't forget to waste 3 hours on video games today , fags nigger lovers

I'm not talking about hierarchy, I'm talking about Jews introducing things like feminism and MGTOW to keep men and women from forming families and reproducing meaningfully.