White males are hoarding half of the usa's weapons


>Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears

>Since the 2008 election of President Obama, the number of firearms manufactured in the U.S. has tripled, while imports have doubled. This doesn’t mean more households have guns than ever before—that percentage has stayed fairly steady for decades. Rather, more guns are being stockpiled by a small number of individuals. Three percent of the population now owns half of the country’s firearms, says a recent, definitive study from the Injury Control Research Center at Harvard University.

>“We found that white men who have experienced economic setbacks or worry about their economic futures are the group of owners most attached to their guns,” says Froese. “Those with high attachment felt that having a gun made them a better and more respected member of their communities.”

>That wasn’t true for women and non-whites. In other words, they may have suffered setbacks—but women and people of color weren’t turning to guns to make themselves feel better. “This suggests that these owners have other sources of meaning and coping when facing hard times,”

Why is that?

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I'm pretty sure black men just have illegal firearms.
Women rely on men and society for protection.
Men understand they must defend themselves and their family if all else fails.

Honestly you people laugh at gun hoarders, but you really dont have enough guns yourselves. The average person uses 1 gun per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 guns a week. Over 100 a month. Guns will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone uses them.

A lot of gun owners are historians.
Who else would buy 100+ year old guns that may not even be safe to fire anymore even IF the ammo for them weren't out of production itself?
When's the last time you saw some .44RF at Walmart?

Because I can. Sorry your God-given rights aren’t protected.

Wal-Mart doesn't even carry .223/556 anymore.

But they still carry .30-06, lol.
Anti-gunners are braindead.

you can't fight barehanded?

100yo guns work perfectly fine. And a lot of calibers are old as fuck. 9mm, .38 special, 50 cal, 30-06, 8mm Mauser, 7.62×54 etc are all over 100 years old.

He's clearly specifically referring to 100 year old guns that aren't reliably safe to fire, not all 100 year old guns. Shit, I'd be more confident firing my dad's Sharps rifle than half the discount ARs people are making these days.

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>That wasn’t true for women and non-whites. In other words, they may have suffered setbacks—but women and people of color weren’t turning to guns to make themselves feel better. “This suggests that these owners have other sources of meaning and coping when facing hard times,”
other sources of meaning and coping when facing hard times
i.e. Depending on white men with guns

now this is a good copypasta

Don't worry Soros, they'll share the ammo with you.

the niggers guns arent registered go figure

Take your meds.

only white guys notify Big Brother that they're armed. blacks and latinos aren't so dumb to tell the Man about their gats

Take them away. Once they unarmed we whoop they ass. It's a known fact that white men always lose street fights to blacks.


>white people are half the population
>surprised half the weapons are in white people's hands

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You stupid leaf

we're talking about 3% of the population who are white males (not all the white male population)

Scientific American is a fake journal pushing fake science. If it were a real journal it would publish studies explaining why 5% of America's population commits 75% of America's gun crimes.

Dude in OP pic
C'mon, man, save some pussy for the rest of us!

The real question ought to be why everyone else isnt. You can never have access to too much destructive capability, because people behave exactly as badly as they think wont get them BTFO. Humans are tool using primates and every bit as savage, nothing will change that, attempts to do so just empower one group of monkey to easily brutalize everyone else for their own primitive motivations.

Boomers think buying guns and ammo and randomly shooting the air while yelling "freedomz" is gonna cure them of the disease.

>we can fight back, we have muh guns!!
>throws government issues bio weapon in your face
>drops a bomb on your house
It ain't 1776 anymore. You can't defeat the government with a couple rifles. Are you a kid or what?

See: There are a lot of examples around that aren't 90+%, you know, and I'm not talking about gunbroker "90%".

Attached: Sir John A Macdonald on gun control.png (506x720, 314.7K)

>blames White men for everything
>demonize White men in the media
>open threats against Whites for being White
It is truly a mystery

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Ask the Taliban as they kick yet another Empire out of Afghanistan.

>le 54%
White males and their families are half of the mutt kingdom. If anything they should have a bit more than 54%.

You would bring a first to a nigger gun fight

You could write the exact same article with the title "Why don't blacks care about protecting their families?"

So, only 6'+ males in their prime years with combat training and no health problems/injuries have a right to security of the person?
How very humane of you.

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I have more guns and ammo then all of my white friends. Median income in my area is 170K.

Well, females aren’t known for being hunters/gun buffs.. so factoring this, the 1/2 number sounds low if anything. Nothing to see here folks.

real men fight barehanded

Czekt based 88

I wouldn't call the Russian garbage rod a weapon. If anything, it's only a good club.

Rookie numbers, we should have at least 90% of them to stay safe

Women are actually the fastest growing demographic of gun owners in the US.

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because niggers panicking=death so I am not taking my chances. I have a lot of ammo and guns ready to use

Good, they should defend themselves instead of bitching about the rape that isn't happening.

Rifle, club, spear, oar, fire iron... It is a multitool.

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I’m pretty sure almost half the population if the United States owns a firearm.

>statistics are hard
and among non-white males gun ownership is totally even among them. This is a cherry picked stat designed to alarm people.

With access to awesome weaponry, why would anyone choose to use bare hands?

op, you sound like a fag, boy.

So, you going to pry Colion Noir's sizeable collection from him?

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>3% of the American population owns firearms
Is this what communist education produces?

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>That 5'11" guy that trys to join your militia

>breaking: people who buy a lot of things, continue to buy a lot of things, next, why water keeps being wet and air is it really breathable, our investigators answer these and many more pressing questions

>When you need to drop the front and rear seats for your EDC to fit in the car

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Excellent news, white men will be most prepared for civil war.

see your old threads didn't work out. Sucks bud looks like you lose.

not only that, we have 40-80 lbs of belly fat to keep us comfy for the famine!

Or rich government officials.

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>tfw this absolute unit is coming for your Corona stash and there's nothing you can do about it

That's why I need a gun. This town ain't big enough for the both of us.

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Niggers are pack animals. A pack of dirty hyenas can take down even a lion.


lel based

[X] based
[X] red-pilled

Beatrix! I really have missed you. Is it still snowy there? Are you planting a garden soon?
Did you meet your shill response quota? I hope you made good money on /vsg/.

you sister is fine.
she's watering the carrots as we speak.

reminder that these youngsters in Baltimore have already killed more people in Baltimore than Corona has killed in the entire nation

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pea bore shooters deserve to not have ammo.

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I'm building a raised bed for garden this year. Did she let her hair grow long this winter? When this convid 19 bs blows over, she should come visit.

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right. we need to know where you live. she forgot your address.

Based Confederate

Most states in the US do not require registration bongtard.

>Research suggests it's largely because they're anxious about their ability to protect their families, insecure about their place in the job market and beset by racial fears
Shouldn't most gun owners be white given demographics? What kind of "researchers" can't even do basic math?