Which IQ are you, Yas Forums?

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>It's the end of the world for you, but not for me.


80 iq

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end of the current iteration of the logos

>Sub 100
>Just follows traditions and memes

>130 Plus
>Create traditions and memes

>In between
>Not smart enough for meaningful creation, not dumb enough for merely following the script

Stop it, Bill.

Never took one. No need. I'm literally the smartest person in the world. Bow to me.

Gotta steal some shieeeet



I'm the president of the unites states

50iq and going stronk

Truly the shittiest of baits

In reality, 120
With respect to the categories you set forth, about 127, although I don't deign to tell people how to behave or think.


Online tests don't count and anyone who has taken the time out of their day to get their IQ officially tested is a faggot.


i'm not even gonna wear a mask cuz of millipore sizes, and if i contract it sooner, i'll one-up these survivalist fags.

Sub 80 master race
The corona virus is nothing too serious but the government will use it as an excuse for something.

I was tested by UC Davis when I lived in a mental hospital. I was somewhere between 140-145.
I was diagnosed with “social anxiety disorder” and I was also legally labeled as a “danger to others”
They let me go. Also I’m pretty sure I’m on an FBI watchlist.

reminds me of bugchasers wishing for the "gift"

Based nigger


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Like 110 according to that

105-110 if I'm being honest


150 tested.

Not saying I’m 130+ but I hope this is the end. Really fucking enjoying this.




I've always tested between 130 and 135 in official tests.

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What are your thoughts like throughout the day? Do you think about World domination?

144. Not prepping, if I get it I plan on travelling and meeting with lots of people.

Halved by memeflag


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it's nothing serious

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t. shill gates

hi base apartment?

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around 200 +/- 10

lol is that the lionheart helm?

I'll be fine.

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Actual 130+. Don't know what the OP image says, didn't open it.

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I'm a midwit with low agreeableness.

It's painful listening to your average 90 IQ brainwashed american talking about this

>tfw 126

>it's a bioweapon intentionally spread to crash markets
Either i'm 70- or 130+

untested and uncontested

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They made me do an IQ test as part of my IEP in school.

t. 145

Nigger if you only knew.

>masks aren't effective
>healthcare workers NEED them
It really jogs the nog.

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Everything is boring to me, I dropped out of high school. I make a couple dollars above minimum wage, the only educational subject that interests me is history.
I don’t have a desire to buy anything. Materialism is also boring
Once (if) the stock market settles down, I’m going to throw all my money at it.
I also have a neurological disorder that is potentially caused by a neurological disease where your immune system sees your nervous system as a threat, and tries to destroy it. If you were to tell me it’s a biological weapon used by the US government to slowly kill someone & render them useless, I wouldn’t be surprised

Third week of strict quarantine for me, lads. I basically locked the door while there were ten cases in the country.

Everyone here was like "dude, you're overreacting, it's just the flu" while I stocked for months of non-perishable food, hygiene products and a water reserve. Now they are panicking, but the shelves are empty. I'll just sit this one out, I think.

Our government has no capacity to do shit about it, and people will die like flies. I'm looking forward to getting a nice house for cheap when this is over.

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Masks aren't effective for stopping corona, but they are effective at stopping other diseases which healthcare workers are more likely to encounter or spread when dealing with sick or at-risk people

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Is it autoimmune encephalitis? My sister-in-law has that. Devastating disease

>I also have a neurological disorder that is potentially caused by a neurological disease where your immune system sees your nervous system as a threat, and tries to destroy it. If you were to tell me it’s a biological weapon used by the US government to slowly kill someone & render them useless, I wouldn’t be surprised
LMao YoU aRe JuSt A ScHiZo

Masks and respirators aren't the same thing, midwit.

spread it

I started coughing Thursday. Friday it got worse. Last night I had chills, like feeling real cold, and didn't sleep well because of achiness.

It's a productive cough. It's raw and painful now. I'm a little dizzy.

WTF should I do.

>WTF should I do.
Visit a mosque.



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Never had an IQ test so I don't know.
I've got nothing to fear from the virus. It's only dangerous for the old and sickly, as well as degenerates with HIV.
The whole thing seems like a godsend to be honest. Just like the black plague - it may kill a lot of people but the future generations will be stronger as a result.

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Nothing will hapen. Until the end of the month it'll be contained in most countries.

140, considering just ending it all

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There’s a few potential things it can be. The disorder I have causes my muscles in my face to pinch a nerve, which results in uncontrollable facial spasms. There are 2 main potential causes for this. One is damage from blunt force, which I’ve never had in that area of my body. The other is the neurological disease I spoke of that’s slowly destroying my nervous system.
I lean towards the second cause due to having random loss of vision in one eye that is on the same side of the face with my muscle spasms. The two issues are definitely connected.
However having this disorder makes it difficult to speak to people in person. You could imagine how embarrassing it is to start having muscle spasms on one side of your face the moment you start to use those muscles when you speak. Even smiling too much will cause the nerve to be pinched.

>it should be the end of the world, but it wont

It's just a flu bro.

>Not understanding the difference between an N95 and a surgical mask.

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>high-school dropout
>the only educational subject that interests me is history
why am i not surprised.

based redpilled kekt, rekt and checked

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check too

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>being this retarded
The rest of humanity thanks you for not voting and not reproducing.

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What is "base apartment" you fucking newfag

Well I wasn’t entirely accurate, some recreational classes such as welding, art & mechanics are fun too. But there’s nothing more boring than having to sit through a Common Core class of geometry (the last math course I took)

When I was six, after five days of psychological evaluation they told my parents I was "too intelligent for this world" and I should only play with dolls, cars and read comics instead of books and Lego, to delay my development. My parents did the opposite.

After the army tested my IQ, I was called into the Major's office. He tried to persuade me to enroll in Officer's training. I went through the entire IQ testbook's questions in half the allotted time and found the questions ridiculously easy.

Much later I paid for an IQ test with a Psychologist. I scored 138 but he said that if I hadn't had burst into laughing at some of the idiotic questions, I'd have scored close to 150.

Again much later. I developed highly complex software that I sold. MS Redmond was my first customer and published a paper on how they replicated my algorithms, which took them three years with three Ph.D's. Google then asked whether I was interested in working for them.

I spent my entire life doing nothing else but learning at the highest speed possible, soaking up knowledge about things I deem important. I do not believe in "IQ" or IQ tests. I think that talent, grit, creativity, curiosity, knowledge are more important that the ability for rote learning or rotating a cube in your head.